A Growing Concern

ConanatMeetingFor the past four years now I have challenged the local school district here in Keene to reign in their out-of-control spending with no real success. Mind you, this is a huge, $65 million dollar a year welfare machine that many of the residents of Keene have grown completely dependent upon; sadly, a conundrum shared widely throughout the country.

This year I’ve introduced three petitioned warrant articles, or ballot initiatives, that would reduce school spending and one article that would direct the district to opt out of Common Core. In previous years my warrants have always been amended completely ineffective at the first Deliberative session made up primarily of teachers and school admins who oppose any types of cuts. I expect no difference this time around. Convincing people to come out early on a Saturday morning to sit through a long drawn out meeting is much more difficult than collecting their signatures. However, judging by the turnout of disgruntled residents at the first informational meeting this past Tuesday and the fact that The Keene Sentinel chose to include the story on the front page the next day, leads me to believe that more apathetic voters are beginning to wake up. Here is the full Sentinel article:


Christopher David’s Felony “Wiretapping” Charge Dropped to Misdemeanor

Chris_David_MugshotIn late 2015, Free Keene blogger Christopher David was arrested and charged with felony “wiretapping” for recording his interaction with a bar bouncer and Portsmouth cop on the streets. Now, Portsmouth police have dropped the charge down to a misdemeanor, which means Chris now only faces a year in jail instead of several years in prison.

Chris told the Portsmouth Herald, “it’s still ludicrous that recording a conversation on a public sidewalk could land me in jail at all… Under that same logic, thousands if not millions of videos on YouTube represent potential misdemeanors. Why single me out? I think we all know why.”

The reason why is that Chris leads Free UBER, a group of drivers committing ongoing civil disobedience and advocating for transportation freedom.

The wiretapping statutes in New Hampshire are one of the worst parts of the state. NH is one of only a few states where all parties must consent to the recording, which prevents people from being held accountable for their actions. In many other states, people with undercover cameras can record their conversations in businesses or with government. Here, doing that will get you a possible jail sentence.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest and for more Christopher David, check out his speech this week to the Portsmouth City council, announcing the forthcoming ride-sharing app, Arcade City:

Full Hearing on NH’s “UBER” Legislation: Lying Cabbie + UBER Drivers Testify

Christopher David of Free UBER

Christopher David of Free UBER, Courtesy Coin Telegraph

Monday’s Concord state house committee hearings included a late-afternoon hearing for the “UBER” bill, HB1697-FN and I was there to speak and record the hearing. The bill proposes state regulations for “Transporation Network Companies”, which is legal-speak for companies like UBER, that provide connections between people who want to share rides.

While the ideal “level playing field” is to have zero regulations for transportation across all of NH, we can’t expect these politicians to do that at this point. So, having one set of regulations for the entire state would be better than a patchwork of them across the different towns and cities, which would make compliance for companies like UBER very difficult. If that ends up happening, UBER may just decide jumping through various hoops for each town isn’t worth it, and pull out of NH entirely.

Whether UBER pulls out or not, the bill proposes a fee of $5,000 for any TNC be paid to the “Department of Safety”. This fee will definitely be a barrier to entry for new companies who want to compete with UBER. Not only that, but technology quickly outpaces government, as UBER has show, and Arcade City is going to continue to prove. As I point out in my testimony, the newly announced Arcade City is not going to be a corporate entity, so how is government going to get their precious fee from a computer program?

Of particular note in the video is the apparently dishonest testimony from David Weeks, the owner of Concord’s D&B Taxi. Weeks claims he took multiple experimental UBER rides in Manchester – one allegedly didn’t show up, the next driver couldn’t speak English, and the third driver had a bottle of beer between his legs.

David Weeks

David Weeks, Owner of D&B Taxis, Lies to Committee About UBER

On his fourth and final alleged UBER ride, he claims the driver, when asked, quoted a fare of $27 and asked for a tip or told him to get out! Even if Weeks were telling the truth about his first few rides, his fourth story drips of dishonesty. Now, I’m a newer UBER driver, but as far as I know, the driver isn’t presented with the amount the ride is worth in advance. We only decide to accept the ride based on their pickup location.

Second, though this alleged UBER driver in question could have been breaking the rules, the UBER training video makes it CLEAR that UBER does not require tipping. Yes, drivers can accept tips, but UBER riders are well-aware that tips are not required with UBER, so it would be stupid for an UBER driver to demand one.

Amusingly, in the beginning of his testimony, Weeks claims he doesn’t have an axe to grind! Anyone paying attention knows at the very least, that’s not the truth.

After Weeks’ testimony, Free UBER‘s Dennis Acton calls Weeks’ claims, “preposterous” and proceeds to discuss the barrier to entry that is the $5,000 fee. He also says the bill contains too much regulation and that riders should decide, not government.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on Free UBER and Arcade City.

Free State Project Reaches 19,000 People: 95% of Goal

According to the https://freestateproject.org/blogs/95-less-1000-signers-go, the Free State Project now has 19,000 signers, and needs only 1,000 to complete it’s task, for a completion rate of 95%. The last 5% has been accrued over the course of only about 15 days, indicating that we may reach our goal before our next Liberty Forum in February of this year.

Thanks to all those who are making it happen!

Liberty Church Burns in Grafton; Pastor Dies Inside

Peaceful Assembly Church Burning

Photo Courtesy Peter Bosse

The founder of the Peaceful Assembly Church, Pastor John Connell was one of the earliest movers to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project. He was well known and loved among the liberty community and was truly a man who walked the walk when it came to advocating and embodying peace. He truly was an inspiration.

It’s confirmed by his daughter that John died today in a fire that burned up his church in Grafton, which had been in the middle of a court case seeking tax exemption. One body, yet to be officially identified, was found. It’s unlikely to be anyone but John, who lived on the property, and has not been heard from since. He will be missed, and fondly remembered.

John Connell

Pastor John Connell

John was known for his peaceful demeanor, infectiously jovial personality, regular attendance at activist events including jury nullification outreach, excellent guitar playing, and his regular updates sent via Porc 411.

At least as far back as 2011, the government in Grafton continued to deny John’s church a tax exemption, despite the fact that the Peaceful Assembly Church is an actual church building and that regular services were held there. Though he faced ongoing frustration with the town government, John never soured personally. He remained steadfast and of peace.

John was a true example to those of us who ultimately founded the Shire Free Church, which was highly inspired by John and the Peaceful Assembly Church. We will continue to carry on his message of forgiveness and mission of fostering peace in his absence.

Here’s an interview with John that Liberty on Tour conducted in 2011, inside the church:

What Happened at Stone Manor, According to All Involved

The last time I posted to FreeKeene.com I shared my excitement of traveling back to the ‘shire with my partner Amanda B. Johnson. In that post I concluded, “There is no perfect, yet we can strive for it.” That aim is what motivates me to discuss a situation that occurred shortly after we returned. It’s my hope that transparency and discourse bring accountability and growth.

At the center of this conversation are the concepts of property rights, aggressive versus defensive force, and personal responsibility. This is admittedly a lengthy post — it allows for those involved to share their full recount of events in their own voice. If anything is unclear, please comment. Better yet, reach out to those involved to inquire of them directly.



Liberty State Reps Making Headlines For Bills to End Prohibition of Prostitution, Drinking Under 21, Cannabis

State Representative Elizabeth Edwards

Free State Project Early Mover and State Representative Elizabeth Edwards

Does the bill to decriminalize prostitution put forward by Free State Project early mover and state representative Elizabeth Edwards have a chance of passing? I have no idea. I don’t think the issue has been addressed in the near-decade I’ve been here in New Hampshire and I’m elated that it will finally be brought to the table. Like all legislation, the bill will get a full hearing in front of a state house committee where the public will be able to speak. Should be an interesting scene. Edwards has been picking up media coverage locally and nationally for merely filing the controversial bill that would no longer prosecute people for consensual sexual acts.

In other good legislative news, FSP early mover and state representative Max Abramson has put forward a bill to legalize drinking alcohol between 18 and 21, so long as someone with the drinker is over 21. He also has been scoring media for his sensible idea.

Free State Project early mover and state representative Michael Sylvia is also making news for filing one of a few cannabis legalization bills this year.

Finally, the topless issue continues to garner media coverage for FSP early mover and state representative Amanda Bouldin, at about five minutes into this video from Huffington Post, she’s interviewed about the recent blowup between her and some other “liberty” reps.

There are a bunch more bills that liberty reps have filed and also many filed by anti-liberty reps. The state house has just kicked off their 2016 session, and hearings begin in earnest this week. If you want to help liberty in NH, whether you are here already or not, please join the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance and help them review the bills. See you in New Hampshire!