Free State Project Reaches 98% of Goal – Sign Up Now and Help Make History!

FSP 98%

Don’t miss out!

For those who don’t know, the Free State Project is the most successful liberty migration in the world.  The goal is to reach 20,000 people who have signed the FSP’s “Statement of Intent” saying they pledge to move to New Hampshire and get active to help achieve liberty in our lifetime.  Once 20,000 is reached, they’ll have five years to make the move.  However, over 1,600 couldn’t wait and moved early – sometime in the decade-plus since 2003.  I moved in 2006 and it’s been one of my best decisions in my life.

Today, the FSP crossed 98% of its goal of 20,000 signatures, with less than 400 to go before the move is triggered!

If you want to be part of history and actually join a successful libertarian movement, there is no other viable option.  Get over your fear of the cold and join the Free State Project.  If you need more on why you should, check out the 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire documentary here.

New 2016 Bitcoin Flyer Released in Three Versions: Intl., NH, Keene

Bitcoin Flyer 2016 Front

Bitcoin Flyer 2016 International Edition

Thanks to graphics design pro Johnson Rice of Infinite Twilight, our Bitcoin flyer that we’ve distributed thousands of at various places since 2014 has been updated for 2016 with new info and a new video QR. Now, instead of just one version for the Keene area, we have three total:

Please feel free to download the variant of your preference and send it off to your favorite printer. I recommend color, matte cardstock, but that’s just my preference. Do as you wish and help spread the word about Bitcoin in physical reality!

VIDEO: Free Staters vs Border Patrol in El Paso

Mark Edge is a host of nationally syndicated talk radio show, “Free Talk Live” and moved to New Hampshire in 2006 as an early mover for the Free State Project. This week, while traveling, he and his family stood up for their rights at a Border Patrol checkpoint East of El Paso on I-10. Mark is under no obligation to give the federal agents any information absent “reasonable articulable suspicion” that he’s committed a crime, and informs the agents that he knows his rights. Here’s the video:

He also correctly points out that no one is a citizen, which is proven by various Supreme Court decisions, such as Warren v District of Columbia, where it’s made clear that government has no obligation to protect you. With no obligation to protect, the citizenship “deal” is null.

It’s a nitpick, but something he could have tried, that he did not, was to clarify the first’s officer’s statement of, “do me a favor and (something unintelligible about pulling over here)”. Was the officer asking him for a favor? If so, Mark can politely refuse his request. Or, was the officer ordering him over there? Questions would have revealed more about whether the officer is willing to use force to achieve compliance, or was just asking for a favor.

Further, Mark could have asked the agents to identify themselves, for the record, though his wife’s capable camerawork under pressure was able to ID two of them.

Overall, Mark and family do an excellent job of asserting their rights, with multiple officers attempting (and failing) to intimidate them with their own cameras, and a dog sniff of the car.

Amusingly, the main officer claims that by Mark knowing and asserting his rights, he has proven to the officer’s satisfaction that he is a “US Citizen”, though Mark just explained to the agent how no such thing actually exists. At the end of the encounter, the agent even claims Mark is an “outstanding citizen” and thanks him for “helping law enforcement”.

Here are the citations to prove Mark’s claims about the falsity of citizenship: (more…)

Major NH Newspapers Report on Impending Completion of Free State Project Goal

Free State ProjectJust a couple of days ago, the Free State Project reached 97% of its goal of getting 20,000 liberty-loving people to sign its “Statement of Intent”, indicating their willingness to move to New Hampshire and get active for liberty, so long as 19,999 others were also willing to do so.

This month, three of the biggest newspapers in New Hampshire published pieces about the Free State Project nearing its goal:

It’s nearly time to trigger the FSP move! If you love liberty and want to make history, go sign up now for the FSP and start planning your move to NH.

Video of the Jury Nullification Panel @ Keenevention 2015

Jury Nullification Panel @ Keenevention 2015

The First Jury Nullification Panel @ Keenevention

NH Jury board member James Davis headed up Keenevention‘s first-ever panel on some of 2015’s hottest activism – jury nullification. Nullification outreach really took off in 2015, spreading from Keene and Grafton to six other courthouses across the state.

Where do we go from here? Expert jury outreach panelists included Rich Paul of the Church of the Invisible Hand, Cathleen Converse who successfully nullified charges against a cannabis grower, Derrick J Freeman of Flaming Freedom, and Ian Freeman of Free Keene.

Big thanks to our 2015 video sponsor – Roberts & Roberts Brokerage – when you’re serious about precious metals – they take bitcoin!

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more videos weekly and other media from the event. You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter and Keenevention’s facebook page.

New Bitcoin Vending Machine Launches in Manchester!

General Bytes

Manchester’s “General Bytes” Brand Bitcoin Vending Machine

After more than a year of providing the community with bitcoin in the Keene area, the Shire Free Church has now launched another Bitcoin Vending Machine, this one in Manchester!

Say hello to the “General Bytes” brand Bitcoin Vending Machine, now operational at Murphy’s Taproom! As with our Keene unit, the Shire Free Church’s goal is to bring bitcoin to the community at the lowest possible price, in furtherance of our mission of fostering peace. As a result, you’ll find the fee to be just 5%. (Though, it could be as high as 10% during a crazy spike in price – we’ve only had to do this once for a very short time in a year of operation in Keene.)

Murphy’s and the BVM are open seven-days-per-week, 11:30a-1a.

Murphy's Taproom on Elm St. is host to the Manchester Bitcoin Vending Machine.

Murphy’s Taproom on Elm St. is host to the new Manchester BVM.

Special thanks to Murphy’s Taproom owner Keith Murphy for being willing to host this new unit after the less-than-stellar performance of the previous unit located at Murphy’s by a company called PYC. PYC was not based in NH and now appear to be out of business. The previous unit in the Taproom was a Skyhook brand, which in my experience, is the worst possible unit to have in public.

This new General Bytes unit should be much more reliable, as it has a much higher quality bill receiver unit than the Skyhook.  Plus, it naturally comes in its beautiful yellow-and-black color scheme!  It’s also the second publicly accessible Bitcoin Vending Machine in New Hampshire, and in fact all of New England & Upstate NY, according to visitors to the Keene BVM and

I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue to connect more people with bitcoin at an excellent rate. Please bring your bitcoin wallet and give the new BVM a try, any day of the week! To learn more about bitcoin, visit

Hundred Nights Homeless Shelter’s 5th Annual Masquerade Ball Happening March 19th!


Hundred Nights

For the fifth time, the Hundred Nights homeless shelter and resource center will be holding its annual Masquerade Ball fundraiser event and I’m excited to be able to sponsor it again on behalf of the Shire Free Church and Free Keene! The event is happening March 19th at the Best Western Ballroom from 7:30pm to Midnight and is always a good time.  Contact Hundred Nights for tickets.

Funds raised will continue to support Hundred Nights’ important operations for the least fortunate in our community, which include the Cold Weather Shelter that opened for the season on November 26, 2015. For the hundred coldest nights of the year, the shelter provides clean beds in a warm and safe space to the homeless in our area who have no place else to go. Between November 26 and December 31, 2015 801 bed-nights of shelter were provided to 76 unique individuals.

The Ball's Costume Contest Winners from 2014

The Ball’s Costume Contest Winners from 2014

The Open Doors Resource and Drop-In Center is open year-round from 9am to 4pm on weekdays to anyone in need of a cup of coffee, lunch, access to a phone, fax or computer, laundry facilities and some friendly conversation. In the afternoons there are often classes or presentations on a variety of topics from bicycle repair to anger management. During 2015 there were 533 unique visitors to the Resource Center who came in a total of 11,751 times. In addition dinner is served there on weekends and holidays. During 2015 over 4,000 meals were provided.

Hundred Nights has a positive impact on people’s lives, and I’m glad to have the church support its operations. You can donate to Hundred Nights via their website. If you want to help sponsor the 2016 Masquerade Ball, take a look at this document for details.