Hateful Eight Buycott by NH Activists

My invitation to buycott Quentin Tarantino’s new movie has been circulating around the online activist community.  It reads:

“The movie’s director, Quentin Tarantino, is receiving boycott threats for speaking out at a rally.
Tarantino’s speech against police brutality included:
‘I’m a human being with a conscience. And when I see murder I cannot stand by. And I have to call the murdered the murdered and I have to call the murderers the murderers.’

Arguing that cops simply cannot commit murder (even when they murder people) is LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, who replied, ‘Unfortunately, [Mr. Tarantino] mistakes lawful use of force for murder, and it’s not.’

KilledByPolice.net is proof of how dangerous cops have become today. I encourage you to gather some friends to see The Hateful Eight once it’s in theaters, in order to protest the senseless murders committed by cops.”


Manchester and Concord activists buycott the Hateful Eight

Despite the backlash against him, Tarantino continues to stand by his speech.  Activists from Manchester and Concord have already viewed Tarantino’s film, and more local viewings are being planned around the country.


Video of Christopher David’s Epic Keynote @ Keenevention 2015

Free UBER founder Christopher David hit the activism scene in a major way on the Seacoast in late 2015, blowing up the mainstream media with his open civil disobedience against the transportation ordinances of Portsmouth, NH. He went in a different direction from most keynoters at Keenevention by getting down into the audience and conducting a group discussion about ending the state in our lifetime. It was epic. Here’s the full video:

Big thanks to our 2015 video sponsor – Roberts & Roberts Brokerage – when you’re serious about precious metals – they take bitcoin!

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more videos weekly and other media from the event. You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter and Keenevention’s facebook page.

Free State Project’s Final Push

The last few months have seen an acceleration of signers for the Free State Project. The big push is coupled with a fundraising campaign aimed at finishing out the remaining signers through targeted social media advertising and PR. Steps are also underway to make the most out of Triggering the Move while enabling out-of-state signers to find their place in New Hampshire.

I’ve been working with the Free State Project to craft videos for the fundraiser. Check it out!

The individuals that have moved for the Free State Project have made quite a few headlines this past year as well…


“Evolve or Die” — Portsmouth Uber Documentary Features FSP Early Movers

An amazing short film released today by local independent filmmaker Zach Cusson chronicles the Uber in Portsmouth saga, including the Free Uber campaign. Footage of one of our Free Uber rallies, with multiple Free State Project early movers, begins around ~9:00.

The film concludes on an optimistic note with a great synopsis by the narrator and some smack-talk by yours truly.

But for Christopher David, this goes beyond just a $25 fee and Uber. As technology continues to advance, he believes that the role of the government is going to become more and more obsolete. More peer to peer networks like Uber and AirBnB are going to continue to pop up, and we won’t need the government to regulate so many aspects of our lives. The heart of the issue is technology moving faster than the government.

“…that this is the future, that people should have the freedom to connect. And you government, you dinosaurs, you’re in the way. So evolve or die.”


Heroin Brand “Hollywood” Allegedly Causing Overdoses in Keene and Mass.

Brian Costa, Keene Police Chief

Brian Costa, Keene Police Chief

According to new Keene Police Chief Brian Costa, the holiday weekend saw multiple heroin overdoses in Keene and Western Massachusetts from a batch of heroin allegedly branded “Hollywood”. Please get the word out to anyone you know that may be a user to beware of the Hollywood brand.

Kudos to Brian for taking the time to reach out with the news this afternoon. I support harm reduction, and getting the word out about bad drugs can accomplish that, while arresting users can increase the harm to their lives. Hopefully we’ll see Keene police doing more informing rather than arresting and prosecuting in the future.

Inconsistency in heroin quality batch-to-batch is a consequence of the black market created by the war on drugs, which leads to accidental overdose. If heroin were legal, as it was a few generations ago, then the purity would be lab-controlled. No one has to worry about overdosing on aspirin, unless that’s their intention.

I look forward to the day when heroin, a useful medical drug in many ways, can be sold legally through people who care about quality and their customers. A day when people who are addicted to drugs aren’t afraid to seek help for fear of being prosecuted and imprisoned by the state.

Until that day, I’m happy to assist Keene police when they are doing something helpful. Further, thanks to Brian for treating me like a human being, unlike his predecessor.

Don’t Answer Police Questions!

On my way home from recording the “Free the Nipple” trials in Laconia this week, I was pulled over in Tilton for having a Shire Society license plate on the front of the cruiser I was driving and a Wisconsin plate on the back. Here’s the interaction I had with the officer. To his credit, he let me put the other Wisconsin plate on and did not ticket me.

This isn’t legal advice, but it’s generally a bad idea to speak to police. The more talking you do, the closer you get to being issued a ticket or arrested for something. When the officer asks the routine question about the address on the license, he’s fishing to see if you’ve moved recently, and if you have done so without notifying the state within some amount of days. He can write you a ticket for that. So, by answering that question innocently, many people will walk themselves right into another fine.

Better to not assist them with their investigation of you. I’m not perfect, and I do give him a little information in this video. Here’s the video of the encounter:

Credit to Kenny Suiter for this simple approach to police stops that gives the driver the ability to respond to police questions, which is one’s natural inclination the police are trained to exploit, by simply informing them that you are not answering questions. Over and over. Here’s Kenny’s inspirational video.

Amanda Bouldin Makes Headlines Defending Topless Freedom Against Prudish Male State Reps

State Rep Amanda Bouldin, UBER Customer

State Representative Amanda Bouldin, Founder of Shire Sharing

What started as a rude facebook post on Tuesday by a supposedly “A+” rated state rep named Josh Moore, became a media firestorm of support for Free State Project early mover and “A+” rated Manchester state rep Amanda Bouldin, who defended topless freedom against Moore’s attacks. Bouldin is also known for creating Shire Sharing, a charity that feeds hundreds of NH families in need each year at Thanksgiving.

Despite being highly rated by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, Moore is the co-sponsor of discriminatory, anti-freedom legislation, HB-1525FN that would criminalize female toplessness across New Hampshire. On Tuesday, Bouldin took to her Facebook page with a response, pointing out that all the sponsors of the proposal are male republicans, calling them out on their hypocrisy, in that they claim to supposedly support smaller government, but in this case they are advocating for its expansion.

In response, Moore comments:

“I’ll see you on the house floor. I have obviously have more respect for a women and her innocence and decency than than women who are support public nudity.” – State Representative Josh Moore

State Representative Josh Moore

State Representative Josh Moore

He later added, then deleted:

“Who doesn’t support a mothers right to feed? Don’t give me the liberal talking points Amanda. If it’s a woman’s natural inclination to pull her nipple out in public and you support that, than you should have no problem with a mans to stare at it and grab it. After all, it’s ALL relative and natural, right?” – State Representative Josh Moore

Does Moore really believe that a woman going topless justifies a man committing assault and grabbing it? It’s hysteria like this that needs to end. They are breasts. Men and women both have them – it’s a basic human liberty to be as clothed as one wishes on your own, or public property.

Moore and his cohort, state representative Al Baldasaro were subsequently eviscerated on Amanda’s facebook thread, by countless libertarians. During the process, Baldasaro weighed in with another rude quip:

“No disrespect, but your nipple would be the last one I would want to see. You want to turn our family beach’s into a pervert show.” – State Representative Al Baldasaro

(All spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors by Moore and Baldasaro were left intact.)

Somewhere along the line, Slate published a piece featuring Moore and Baldasaro’s ridiculous support of oppressing topless freedom. That then led to several more major websites picking up the story. Here’s a quick rundown: