Hundreds Protest Trump in Portsmouth

Free Staters Christopher David and Randy Clemens

Free Staters Christopher David and Randy Clemens

Fascist presidential candidate Donald Trump visited Portsmouth, NH last night to accept the endorsement of a police union, the New England Police Benevolent Association.

Hundreds of protestors including a handful of Free Staters turned out to oppose him. Free Staters were photographed or interviewed by the New York Times, The Guardian, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Portsmouth Herald, and various independent media.

Free Stater ally and NH native Harrison De Bree was interviewed by The Guardian, and got three paragraphs in their article about the event.

Some of the anti-Trump protesters were paradoxically Republicans. One of them, Harrison Debree, 28, held up a placard that said “Trump: America’s Hitler” with a photograph of the candidate with a Hitler moustache etched on it.


Debree normally votes Republican but said he was so unhappy about the messages being put out by Trump that he was seriously now considering voting for the leading Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.


“I don’t like the way that Trump is assaulting the Bill of Rights, like this week’s statement on closing the US to Muslims – that’s an attack on the First Amendment religious test. He’s more of a threat to the Constitution than even the Democrats are.”

Security was tightly run by the Secret Service with support from the Portsmouth police department — you know, the fine folks who have been chasing Uber drivers around town at the behest of our statist city council — including four citations amounting to $3,500 of fines for the #UberGrandma — and who recently saw fit to charge yours truly with felony wiretapping for a YouTube video.


Harrison De Bree’s sign

Though Secret Service guarded every entrance to the hotel, we were able to do a bit of trolling. We realized that the back of the Sheraton had an unguarded hill you could climb up to access a window that looked into the hotel bar where a number of fascist Trump sympathizers gathered.

During the event we put the above TRUMP IS A FASCIST sign on the window sill looking in, to the frowns of some sympathizers inside. Later it had been removed, so I replaced it with a leftover NO TRUMP sign.



And before the event, we distributed about 15 flyers on lightpoles around the venue: (more…)

New Hampshire Liberty News Roundup

I’ve had loads of news from New Hampshire of interest to libertarians that have been stacking up over the last couple of months that I just haven’t been able to make the time to post individually here. So, this is my attempt to catch up on my backlog by putting them all in a news round-up post:

Here He Here He Announcing the Execution of that Dastardly Fellow Robin Hood

35e6df80-e0cc-11e3-8847-391b35944c9b_robin-hood[1]Come one come all you’re invited to a fantastic show. We’ve finally captured that evil fellow Robin Hood and am going to punish him for his devious acts.

Last June he was filming the police and was arrested by our heroic kingsmen.

We will surely get him this time!
Trial shalf be 12/15/2015 at 9 AM.

The scoundrel has this to say for himself:

“This court experience will likely prove very entertaining so I invite all who wish so to attend.


False Headlines Herald Bitcoin’s Death in New Hampshire

Bitcoin NH License Plate

Bitcoin is big in NH

This week, social media was exploding with various posts of a breathless, alarmist piece on a bitcoin news website called DinBits: “Bitcoin Sales Now Prohibited In the State of New Hampshire“. Things looked quite dire from the headline and the article itself was also misleading. “How could you liberty activists let this happen?”, cried many on the facebooks.

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” – Bitcoin

There’s no doubt that HB 666 (yes, 666) is not a good bill. However, it did not prohibit the sales of bitcoin, as the headlines have claimed. What it actually does is adds a definition of “convertible virtual currency” to the “money transmitter” statutes. Money transmitters are companies doing business selling and sending “stored value”, which now includes virtual currency in New Hampshire.

Despite that broad definition, state banking department attorney Emilia Galdieri told the Union Leader (in a sane, excellent article on this) that the new statutory changes affect money transmitters, like Western Union, Coinbase, or MoneyGram, but is not aimed at person-to-person transactions, consumer-to-business, or bitcoin ATMs.

Keene's Bitcoin Vending Machine

Bitcoin Vending Machine at the All-New “Route 101 Local Goods” at 661 Marlboro Rd in Keene

Somehow, the changes did sneak under the libertarians’ radar, which is a hard thing to do in NH, where we have the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance that has a batch of volunteers reviewing as many bills as possible each year. However, they didn’t spot this one, which means they need more help! Even if you’re outside of NH, you can volunteer for the NH Liberty Alliance and review some bills.

NH’s liberty and bitcoin activists are not happy they were caught off-guard on this and are already working to repeal it and help protect bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies into the future. If you are one of the people who’s acting shocked that this could happen in the “Free state”, I’d like to remind you that despite the amazing groundwork the early movers for the Free State Project have laid here, the official move has yet to begin. This is not a free place yet – it’s just better off than others and a good starting point for a freedom movement. We need more people to join the FSP and move to New Hampshire. The FSP is nearing 90% of our goal of 20,000 liberty activists pledging to move to NH, so completion is right around the corner. If you’ve been on the fence about joining the most amazing and successful liberty migration, just DO IT.

UBER Grandma Gets Positive FOX Coverage + Full Interview

UBER Grandma Stephanie Franz

UBER Grandma Stephanie Franz, courtesy CBS Boston

FOX 25 Boston’s Kathryn Burcham filed this excellent report on the continuing assault on peaceful Seacoast UBER driver Stephanie Franz, the 63-year-old grandmother who has now been ticketed several times for driving people places without a government permission slip.

She, despite facing $3,500 in fines from the city for her peaceful civil disobedience, is remaining steadfast, and is demanding her trial. Kudos to UBER for providing Stephanie with legal representation, gratis. Here’s the FOX report, which is very positive and fair towards her:

Here’s the full interview FOX 25 conducted with Stephanie, as recorded by Free Keene blogger Darryl W. Perry, who attended last night’s activities: (more…)

Christopher David, Free Uber founder, speaks about Portsmouth v Uber

In the continuing saga of Portsmouth v Uber, the Portsmouth City Council was slated to do a First Reading of a proposed ordinance that was requested by Uber, that would make it easier for Uber to operate in the city. The Council hearing (from opening until the vote on the Uber ordinance) can be seen here, here, here & here. The City Council will meet on December 21 for Second Reading, and a possible Third Reading and vote on the proposal.

Free Uber founder Christopher David was kind enough to speak to me, about some of the history of the saga, before the meeting.

And after the meeting, he had this to say: (more…)

RLS 070 – Who is your Mistress Now?


Recorded November 17th 2015
The Rebel Love crew discuss the Rebel Mistresses first time… Watching Star Wars! The young padawan shares her perspective and what she thinks will happen next. Other topics include Shire Sharing, bad dates, Uber activism, the Creamy D discovers the RLS commercial, domination and submission. The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night on LRN.FM, IPMNation, and