James Cleaveland Jury Deliberating – Union Leader Covers Trial

Yesterday the trial of Free Keene blogger James Cleaveland for recording police wrapped up with an excellent closing argument by defense attorney Paul Garrity (video still to come) advocating jury nullification. The jury was sent to deliberate and could not reach a verdict by the close of court. This morning, the jury was back to deliberating at 9am – the fact that it’s taking this long could be a good sign for James.

Activists were out front of the court this morning for the fourth day in a row holding signs and offering jury nullification information from NHJury.com. Yesterday, Union Leader reporter Meghan Pierce showed up to cover the trial. Here’s her report, published in today’s Union Leader.

Any developments in the case will be tweeted by Darryl W Perry here. Stay tuned for the latest – will the jury acquit our hero?

Here’s a pic from this morning’s outreach:

Jury Outreach Activists @ Cheshire Superior Court 2015-12-17

Jury Outreach Activists @ Cheshire Superior Court 2015-12-17

Rand Paul’s One Path to Victory

Less than seven weeks until Iowa, only one path remains for Rand Paul to win the presidency: energize the Remnant.

Gazing out from your balcony atop the darkened city, you notice in the distance a cloaked figure descending a hill at the base of the nearby mountain. The man’s staff and stoop remind you of a wizard from fantasy or a prophet of old. Topping his staff is a lantern that shines with an uncommon glow, growing brighter as he slowly approaches the outskirts of the city. You see his lips moving but you cannot hear him. Not yet.

Years pass. Now and then, you travel to the edge of the city to meet the man and listen to his message. To small pockets of seekers he speaks softly, never raising his voice, of the rights of all people and the free world to come. You keep coming back to learn more, to share more, to exemplify more, for your friends of the city. Slow progress is made. You did not imagine in those early days that the axis of the world would tilt, and the man’s whispers would come to roar like thunder.

There came a moment, exactly eight years ago to this day, when it seemed as if that voice laboring 30 years in the wilderness was finally being heard. The man’s revolutionary message had been exposed at last to full view, breaking past the censors, for all to see.

On December 16th, 2007, grassroots supporters of Ron Paul contributed more than $6 million to his presidential campaign in just 24 hours, shattering the previous single-day fundraising record. Said one pundit afterward:

“Ron, eighteen million dollars. That’s your fourth-quarter tally. You’ve set the record. In the history of American politics, nobody has raised more money in a single day than you. And yet, this is happening without your campaign people coordinating. This is completely about grassroots. And it’s completely about you just saying what you believe in.”


Croydon School Board wins initial court battle

On December 14, 2015 Judge Brian T. Tucker of the Strafford Superior Court denied the injunction brought by the NH Department of Education and Attorney General against the Croydon School Board. The Department of Education and Attorney General claimed that four Croydon students would be irreparably harmed if allowed to remain at the Newport Montessori School as part of the town’s school choice program.

The website School Choice for New Hampshire reports, “The final hearing of Croydon vs the NH DOE is scheduled for January 13, 2016.” Adding, “You can subscribe to our events page so you receive notification as soon as it is posted.”

The order from Judge Tucker is available on the NH School Choice website.

Live Tweets from James Cleaveland’s Trial For Recording Police

Darryl W Perry is tweeting live from the trial of Free Keene blogger James Cleaveland, happening today and possibly tomorrow (Wed) in Keene at Cheshire superior court:

NH Jury Activists Bring Message to Potential Jurors for James Cleaveland’s Recording Cops Trial

NH Jury Activists Outside Cheshire Superior Court

NH Jury Activists Outside Cheshire Superior Court

NH Jury activists gathered this morning outside Cheshire superior court in Keene to perform jury outreach prior to jury selection for the trial of James Cleaveland which begins tomorrow morning (Tuesday 12/15) at 9am.

James is facing two “Class A” misdemeanor charges with a possibility of up to two years in prison for being arrested while recording video of police at the scene of a suicidal man in the summer of 2014. The charges are “disorderly conduct” (the state’s favorite catch-all charge) and “resisting arrest”.

James has already had a bench trial at Keene district court, the video of which can be seen here, and was found guilty. District court judge Edward J Burke sentenced him to 1.5 years in jail, suspended, plus a $625 fine. After sentencing, James opted for his right to a jury trial “de novo”, which means, “from the beginning”. So now, not quite a year later, he is being given that trial.

This morning was jury selection. Nearly all of the jury pool of about 58 people had received the NH Jury trifold last month. (In Cheshire county, petit juries are empaneled for two months.) Usually the jury outreach process involves handing out flyers and opening the door for folks, but in addition today it included activists holding signs featuring phrases like, “2 Years 4 Filming?”, and “Filming the police is not a crime!”

More activists are expected to be on-the-scene tomorrow morning at 8am for further sign-holding, with the trial starting at 9am and expected to last two days. If you can’t make it in person, live tweets will be available here at FreeKeene.com and later the full trial video will be posted.

Video of the Media Panel @ Keenevention 2015

In past years the media panels at Keenevention have been nuts-and-bolts how-tos on being the media. This year was similarly informative and useful, focusing on monetizing liberty media efforts. Shire Dude headed up an excellent panel of experienced liberty media producers for this year’s Media Panel. Panelists included Derrick J Freeman of Flaming Freedom, Darryl W. Perry of Free Press Publications, and Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks Project. Here’s the full, nearly-90-minute panel:

Big thanks to our 2015 video sponsor – Roberts & Roberts Brokerage – when you’re serious about precious metals – they take bitcoin!

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more videos weekly and other media from the event. You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter and Keenevention’s facebook page.

Local Hate Group Member Charged With Armed Robbery? – UPDATED

Justin Paquette Mugshot

Justin Paquette Mugshot

During the Chalk Wars of 2014, we were introduced to an unsavory character in town named Justin Paquette. The Boston native was accompanying James Michael Phillips when Phillips attacked a peaceful man for chalking in downtown’s Central Square, knocking him into the fountain and causing serious injury. While Paquette did not commit the attack, he was definitely pals with Phillips, grabbed at people’s cameras (attempted assault), and threatened people, claiming gang affiliations.

Later that summer, Paquette and some of his gang attacked Derrick J on the streets near the courthouse. After his associate broke Derrick’s camera by knocking it off his tripod, Paquette assaulted Derrick and stole his cell phone from him.

Now, Paquette is in the news again. Today’s Keene Sentinel features his mugshot and an article alleging that he robbed the West St. Circle K and the Winchester St. Sunoco early this morning, while brandishing a knife.

UPDATE 5pm 2015-12-11 – The above paragraph is in dispute. A local business owner familiar with Justin Paquette says that the Paquette in the photo below from the Chalk Wars is not the same Justin Paquette who was arrested for robbery this morning.

UPDATE 2015-12-18 – There are indeed two Justin Paquettes in Keene.  Though, as it turns out, both are in trouble for armed robbery.  Full story here.

Justin Paquette (arms outstretched) Threatens Innocent Chalkers

Justin Paquette (arms outstretched) Threatens Innocent Chalkers

A quick check of the members list of local activist hate group, “STOP FREE KEENE!!!“, shows Paquette is still a member. Perhaps they will finally be removing him from their facebook group after this, given their official policy is anti-violence, though they didn’t bother to remove Paquette after his caught-on-video attack against Derrick.

Hopefully Justin will get his life straight and stop associating with negative influences including people like the husband of SFK!!! group admin Andrea Parkhurst Whitcomb, Gregg, who pled guilty to check fraud in 2013, Jacqlyn Atwater-Yeager who pled guilty after defrauding her boss of hundreds of thousands of dollars and is still a member of SFK!!!, Travis Hobbs Parrott who has attacked peaceful Robin Hooders in the streets and is still a member of SFK!!!, and neighborhood menaces Matthew and Jennifer Schmidt, also SFK!!! members. (more…)