URGENT: Public Hearing TONIGHT on Parking Rate/Fine/Hours Increase Proposal

Parking Meter FailThe city of Keene has (again) quietly stuck their proposed parking rate and fine AND hours-of-enforcement increases into tonight’s FOP committee agenda. It’s item #8 here.

This may be our last chance to stop this proposed increase – as you may recall, at previous hearings petitions with hundreds of signatures of people downtown, including dozens of business owners opposed the proposed increases. This has not stopped the city from continuing to return and push the idea again and again.

Tonight the decision will be in the hands of the FOP committee which meets starting at 6:30pm on the 2nd floor of city hall at 3 Washington St. in Keene.

Committee meetings are the only time they will actually hear from the people on any matter – when this goes to the full council there will be no further public comment.

Please come out tonight and let these councilors on the committee know that parking meters and fines hurt downtown businesses, or however else you’d like to frame your thoughts on the issue.

See you there!

NH Bloggers Weigh in on Seacoast UBER Civil Disobedience

FSP Early Mover Christopher David Makes the Headline Story in Portsmouth Paper

FSP Early Mover Christopher David Makes the Headline Story in Portsmouth Paper

This weekend, the Portsmouth Herald ran the news of Free State Project early mover Christopher David’s arrest as their above-the-fold feature story, Boston’s FOX 25 ran a piece, and now New Hampshire’s bloggers are weighing in with some solid opinions on Portsmouth’s hottest topic:

Chris also received national coverage of his arrest from Reason.com’s Brian Doherty on their Hit and Run blog here.

Finally, though the interview happened a week ago, if you haven’t heard Free Talk Live’s interview of Chris when he was in our studio post-Keenevention, don’t miss it.

Black Sheep Rising – Ep91 – Black Sheep Matter!! (Live at Keenevention)

Home school video gaming • Liberty creepers • gender roles • SatoshiDating.bitcoin • Beating the college scam • Genetic engineering • Netflix and /the horror • Vulcan Aspies • Moon landing Hoax • Space exploration • Floating cities • 9/11 in the media • The most important conspiracy theory? • Recommended Tweeters • Darryl, Shaunna, Katie, Ellen, and Brett join • Show notes at BlackSheepRising.org

VIDEO: UBER Driver Turns Self In, Released from Police Custody on Felony “Wiretapping” Charge

JP Freeman and Jessica Phillips of Keene Cop Block traveled to Portsmouth this morning to accompany Christopher David as he turned himself in on a felony wiretapping charge. Free Keene broke the story of Chris’ civil disobedience of illegally driving people around Portsmouth as a driver with UBER. He was targeted by police for recording audio of a bouncer at a bar (who it appears is a cab driver by day) threatening Chris. Now, he’s facing years in prison.

JP recorded a brief interview with Chris before he turned himself in to be arrested for the first time in his life. Chris points out in the interview that he’s only turning himself in so the cops don’t bust in during his fiancee’s upcoming home birth and take him away then:

He turns himself over to PPD for booking and is released – here’s the video JP took of the moment he was released back to the semi-free world: (more…)

Keene’s Bitcoin Vending Machine Celebrates One Year of Operation!

Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine

Keene’s Bitcoin Vending Machine

On November 5th, 2014, the Shire Free Church launched Shire Bitcoin Vending when we placed our first Bitcoin Vending Machine at 101 Deals thrift store in Keene at 661 Marlboro St.

In April of 2015, the Keene machine was upgraded to the Lamassu brand Bitcoin Vending Machine. Lamassu is based in the Shire and run by Free State Project early movers. The original unit, the Skyhook brand, is used for special events.

Now, I’m happy to announce we have passed the one year mark of having a publicly-accessible BVM operating in Keene!

Our customers range from young to old from all across the Northeast, because sadly, the Keene BVM is the only publicly accessible BVM (or ATM) in all of ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, and Upstate NY. New York, the Empire State, has cracked down on the bitcoin industry there, resulting Albany and Buffalo losing their machines in 2015 and for some reason all the units listed on the Coin ATM Radar site for Boston are shut off or gone (at least that’s what the customers who drive to Keene from Boston have told us.) Hopefully this will change, as not everyone is willing to drive for hours to purchase bitcoin.

Map of the NorthEast BVMs and ATMS.It’s important to note that the Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine is not an ATM, though many confuse the two terms. The machine vends bitcoins for cash. It does not do the reverse. The machine is stocked with bitcoin (click to see our wallet’s status and all transactions) and sells from that stock. The BVM is not making buys on an exchange. Machines that do that have ridiculous identification requirements. Your bitcoin is your business and as a customer of the church, your privacy is respected. (While our machine does not require identification, there are security cameras monitoring the store premises.)

Come on out to the store and try the machine at 661 Marlboro Street (Route 101) in Keene, six days per week. Hours are Tuesday – Saturday 10a-6p and Sunday 11a-5p.

Free Uber Activist in Portsmouth NH protest the Daniel Street Tavern

Christopher David was arrested by Dover Police on November 6th, 2015 for “wiretapping” charges for posting a video of his interactions while driving for Uber in Portsmouth NH. The people calling themselves the city of Portsmouth recently banned Uber from operating in the city. Christopher David and others continue to break the ban by driving for Uber. We live in a world where you can be kidnapped legally for using an app to drive drunk drivers home safe. The video above shows protesters and cop block presence outside of the Daniel Street Tavern. The wiretapping charges originated from the bouncer at this bar.