AKPF #1: Cultwell

cantshootgunswellusaComing back after a break from internet broadcasts, the producers are happy to announce a new episode of AKPF #1 for cable and webcast, featuring content filmed very recently in the Keene area. IP strikes have delayed the release of some episodes and prevented others from being broadcast on youtube and other free video hosting services. Featuring almost entirely original content, this episode should hopefully remain outside of the grasp of information censors. Enjoy this week’s episode of AKPF #1, Cultwell, featuring an interview with Cantwellism researcher Ethan Glover by Garret Ean.

“Victimless Crime Spree”, “101 Reasons” Torrents Updated With New Trackers

If you are seeding (or willing to seed) Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree or 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire, please download the updated torrent files below and open them with your torrent program to import the new trackers:

Region’s Only Bitcoin Vending Machine Upgraded!

Lamassu BVM

The Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine @ 101 Deals

The region’s only Bitcoin Vending Machine (located at 101 Deals Thrift Store) still looks the same on the outside. It’s got the same, bright, quick, easy-to-use interface. Internally, though. a major upgrade has been made. The machine is no longer relying on blockchain.info for sending customers’ bitcoin and instead is using its own full bitcoin node. Though it nearly always worked previously, it’s now going to be rock-solid-reliable.

As of this writing, the Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine has served more than 30 BTC to various buyers in the last two months. Now, with the price of a full bitcoin rising to nearly $300 USD in recent weeks, there is renewed interest in the reliable, decentralized internet currency. You can learn more about bitcoin at WeUseCoins.com

You can try the Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine for as little as $1. Just get a bitcoin wallet for your smartphone like Airbitz and drop into 101 Deals Thrift Store at 661 Marlboro St. in Keene from Tue-Fri 11a-5p and Saturday 10a-6p.

FSP Early Movers Launch Nanobrewery in Concord: Area 23

Area 23's Founders and Chris Lopez

Area 23’s Founders Kevin Bloom, Kirk McNeil, (and Chris Lopez and others)

Free State Project early movers Kirk McNeil and Kevin Bloom are busy guys.  Among other lobbying efforts in Concord, they worked to legalize nanobreweries.  Their efforts paid off and nanobreweries are now legal in New Hampshire!  Bloom even drafted the original law for the state rep who submitted it.

Now, the two, who are also founders of the Church of the Sword, have opened the doors on “Area 23“, Concord’s first nanobrewery (and they accept bitcoin!).  Their grand opening was yesterday and appears to have been packed.

The Concord Monitor’s Nick Reid filed a follow up piece on the opening of Area 23, after originally reporting on it long before it opened its doors.

Here’s Area 23’s website and facebook page.  Area 23 is located in Concord at 254 N. State St. in the Smokestack Center’s Unit H.  Congrats to Kirk and Kevin on their tremendous continuing efforts to move freedom forward in New Hampshire.

Chris Cantwell to Keynote, Take Audience Questions @ Keenevention 2015

Christopher Cantwell

Christopher Cantwell to Keynote Keenevention 2015!

If you’ve been paying attention to the liberty movement, you probably know who Christopher Cantwell is and you probably have an opinion about him. This year, he’ll be one of Keenevention‘s three keynote speakers, which means he’ll be open to audience inquiry. Every speaker and panel at Keenevention features an open audience microphone for questions, and Chris’ speech will be no different.

Even if you don’t have a question for Chris, he’s an excellent speaker and might have things to say that may surprise you about his first year back in Keene.

Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more announcements, including this year’s panels and another keynote speaker. You can also follow Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.

CNN’s Report from Porcfest + More Porcfest Media

CNN Logo

Is your liberty movement getting major media coverage? The FSP does.

Every year the Porcupine Freedom Festival, a week-long gathering in Lancaster, NH garners media coverage from various places.  Libertarians in other areas of the country virtually never get mainstream press, but in NH it happens all the time.  That’s because the idea of concentrating our efforts is WORKING.  If you love liberty, join the Free State Project today.  Meanwhile, here’s another Porcfest 2015 Media Roundup: