Liberty Lobby – Week 7 – Cannabis Legalization

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house this week to testify on more legislation. However it was another short week and this time I only have one full length hearing video to share, but it’s a good one: Cannabis Legalization! The NH senate judiciary committee heard SB 233 to legalize up to an ounce of cannabis and five grams of hashish. I spoke in favor, with some reservations. Here’s the full hearing video:

Will the tide change this year for cannabis? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest!

Bitcoin Hits All Time High: Over $1,200!!! + New Websites, Meetup, & Shire Bitcoin Forums Launched!

Bitcoin Hits All Time High  of $1200!

Bitcoin Hits All Time High of $1200!

Bitcoin fans around the world are celebrating as the price of bitcoin hit a new all time high as of around 10:13pm Eastern time tonight. The price has continued to travel up from there. At the time of this article’s writing, the BitcoinAverage price is over $1,200 US Dollars!

Bitcoin’s previous highest price was all the way back in 2013 on November 29th when according to, the price peaked at $1,183.59. It then slowly dropped over a year all the way down near $250 and has been going up since, with 2016 being a huge year for bitcoin’s growth. Will the price continue to rise overnight with the Chinese bitcoin traders getting heavily into their day? It’s exciting to watch, now that the previous high that was undefeated for over three years has been vanquished. Onward and upward, bitcoin!

All this while the already strong Bitcoin community in New Hampshire continues to expand. Two websites were recently launched to focus on the various aspects of that community: and Plus, in an effort to plan events without using Facebook and to reach out to new people, the Keene Bitcoin Network now has a group! Also, the Shire Society Forums have rebranded and expanded as the “Shire Forum” and now includes bitcoin-related subforums, which are open to anyone in the Shire, whether they are part of the Shire Society or not. Finally, things are looking promising on the political front with a bill making it out of the NH house commerce committee with an 11-9 “ought to pass” that would protect bitcoin businesses from regulation in New Hampshire! (more…)

Citizen Cain – 26 – No Investment

Voter fraud in NH? We will never know because AG is ending investigation • Keene city planners insist on more taxpayer funded economic growth • Worker Freedom legislation fails •

Liberty Lobby – Week 6 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house last week to testify on more legislation. It was a short week, however, and I only have two videos to share, but they are long hearings:

HB 82 would ensure that hair braiders can work without fear of arrest for operating without a license. Nearly everyone who spoke in this 90-minute hearing spoke in favor of the bill, all except for one lady – who just so happens to work for a beauty school – the very industry that most benefits from the cosmetology licensing scam. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 585 seeks to stop cities and towns in NH from flouridating their water supply. The do-gooders came out to oppose the bill and representative Dick Marple and I came out to support it. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 5 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I once again dropped in on a bunch of hearings at the state house legislative offices. Here are multiple videos of full and partial hearings:

HB 634 would repeal the 24% “penalty assessment” on criminal court fines. This would be a big help to the victims of the court system. I testified in favor. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 622 would allow all NH voters to opt into an absentee ballott. Darryl W Perry, Liberty Lobbyist, spoke in favor. This is a partial hearing video: (more…)