VIDEO: State Representative Dick Marple OWNS District Court Judge

Dick Marple is a military veteran, former cop, and four-term state representative from Hooksett, New Hampshire.

In May of 2016, he was arrested on a warrant for driving with an invalid license and released on $4,000 personal recognizance.

He attended an arriagnment in June (video here) and challenged the court’s jurisdiction among other things, and then was arrested while campaigning on election day, November 9th. Police say he failed to appear at Concord District Court to answer to charges of driving while license suspended and “prohibitions” regarding an allegedly invalid license.

This week, Dick was back in court for a case status hearing, where he let the judge have it, in front of a full courtroom. Here’s the amazing video:

In addition to this court battle, Marple is also facing down the town of Hooksett regarding unpaid property taxes. (more…)

Cop Blockers Scare Trooper Away From Pullover in Keene, NH’s “Free Streets Project”

Last night around midnight, an NH state trooper pulled over some young men just outside the LRN.FM studio in Keene, NH. The officer must be new to the force, as there are about a dozen liberty-oriented folks who live on this street corner, which means that at any time of the day or night, it’s likely someone is awake and will notice. Renee and I spotted the pullover and after getting on some warm clothing, given it was about zero degrees Fahrenheit, we immediately responded. Here’s the video:

As we approached the scene, we heard the officer badgering a guy in the back of the car about ID. As I understand it, it’s not a requirement for anyone in a car except the driver to show ID, so I told the officer he doesn’t need to be asking for that information. Pretty much right as we arrived, he went back to his cruiser. I then approached the driver and asked if he was okay with us recording the scene. He was. (more…)

UBER Grandma Interviewed After Facing Down $6,500 in Fines for Civil Disobedience

Tuesday morning the saga of UBER Grandma came to a close at Portsmouth district court. Stephanie Franz’ trial was scheduled for seven tickets she’s received since October of 2015 for the horrible crime of driving people places without a government permission slip. Rather than thank her for providing the service of getting drunk people home alive (and stopping them from driving themselves home drunk), the “City of Portsmouth” gang decided to ticket her seven times for a total of $6,500! $500 for the first ticket, $1000 each for the rest.

Check out this excellent interview of this courageous civil disobedience activist, recorded outside Portsmouth district court, then keep reading for details on the case:

The city’s argument for threatening the sweet grandmother and other UBER drivers with such ridiculous fines was the claim that more stringent background checks than what UBER provides are necessary to keep passengers safe. However, this argument is obvious garbage, as the city only regulates drivers who charge for their services. If a convicted murderer were to offer rides for free, the regulations wouldn’t apply. Portsmouth’s anti-ride-sharing regulations, passed in Summer of 2015, were created to protect the existing taxi oligopoly. That’s what regulations are really for – not to protect consumers as the government claims, but to protect the established businesses from innovative competition.

Indeed, the cabbies in Portsmouth were the loudest group in support of the regulations. UBER Grandma was also targeted by those same cab drivers. They had been witnessed boxing her in to the curb as she was picking up riders in downtown Portsmouth and even smashed out her tail-light. They also appeared at government hearings in Portsmouth and Concord advocating for more government control of the industry.

Despite the constant attacks by both the police and the cabbies, UBER Grandma was not deterred. She kept driving in civil disobedience to the city’s protectionist ordinances, knowing she had harmed no one, and in fact had helped many people get home safely. She’s a hero for continuing to stand up for her right to do business without asking for permission! (more…)

VIDEO: Intimidation FAIL at Portsmouth District Court

Bureaucrats love to try to throw their weight around to try to get you to do what they say. Some really seem to get off on controlling others. In this case, the clerk inside the courtroom at Portsmouth district court lied to me this morning, claiming I was not allowed to record the judge in court.

This despite having a media registration with the NH Supreme Court and countless hours under my belt recording in various courts around New Hampshire.

However, this was my first time in Portsmouth’s court and the well-fed bureaucrat thought she’d be able to intimidate me. I stood my ground, and sure enough when judge Gardner entered the room she said nothing to me or Derrick J Freeman or David Jurist, all of whom were armed with cameras in the courtroom. (more…)

Citizen Cain – 16 – Gold-Plated

Shaunna is college debt free! Rejoice • Sidewalk snow removal. City or property owners? • Thanksgiving weekend added to the list of free parking days • The controversial charter officer evaluation process moves forward •

New Mover David Jurist’s Arraignment for Driving on Suspended License

David Jurist moved to Keene from Arkansas back in September and a month later was already in handcuffs in Hillsborough, NH for the dastardly crime of driving safely without a government permission slip. After receiving personal recognizance bail, he was released and other Keene activists made the trip to Hillsborough to pick him and his car up.

David is a freedom to travel activist and has studied many unusual courtroom approaches. For years I’ve encouraged people who want to try unique approaches to court cases to move to the Keene area so we can document them on video. (Many states do not allow recording in court, so it’s impossible for the court theorists to prove their techniques actually work.) So, I was excited to see him question the judge Edward B. Tenney during his arraignment this week at Hillsborough District Court.

Here’s the video:


Portsmouth Increasingly Becoming International Free Trade Zone

December 8, 2016

PORTSMOUTH – Local businesses, bitcoin users, local artists, entrepreneurs, and international travelers rejoice. A diverse set of people are sharing art and talent, health and beauty, and creating community in a new, exciting way.

img_20161206_144732With the installation of the seacoast’s first ever bitcoin vending machine at the Seacoast Repertory Theater they are dropping their tired old central bank notes into a local bright orange, wall-mounted machine in exchange for bitcoin, cash for the twenty first century.

Dozens of local vendors and some prominent store front businesses are using bitcoin as a backbone of the local economy alongside the federal reserve dollar system. Many businesses are happy to have new, interesting customers who are seeking local places where they can spend the bitcoin they earn doing business online and in person.

Understandably many Portsmouth denizens are cautious toward new technology, especially an evolved form of money, but are surprised how easy it is to use bitcoin like cash. Most often one is astounded that no registration, email, name or identity is required to use bitcoin and participate in the global market economy. All it takes is downloading any one of dozens of free apps from the app store.

14890551_10207051101305364_8684483900867726712_oOther bitcoin users are excited by the idea of taking responsibility for the money that supports and grows their community, engaging in an international effort to democratize access to money online, or the nearly unlimited access to online shopping of all kinds.

Understandably many Portsmouth denizens are cautious toward new technology, especially an evolved form of money, but are surprised how easy it is to use bitcoin like cash.

Organizers at the Seacoast Rep hope to draw new theater-goes from the growing bitcoin economy, and local bitcoin entrepreneurs are aiming to expose local artists and theater lovers to the world’s best form of money.

In yet another step toward peace and international free trade to and from Portsmouth, International flights on Norwegian Air likely to begin out of Pease International Trade Port as early as July 2017.

Want to opt out of the federal reserve? Want to get ahead of the curve and get in on trade with people from all across the globe?


Head on down to the Seacoast Repertory Theater at 125 Bow St, Portsmouth, NH 03801 and trade in your cash for bitcoin. You can buy theater tickets, or eat brunch at STREET, or do Bikram Yoga, or shop at thousands of online stores.

Support peace and free trade and go check it out. In the mean time tap for iphone or tap for android to get Mycelium, a free, easy to use bitcoin wallet app in under a minute. It’s easy and fun!