Final Robin Hood NH Supreme Court Hearing Set For November 9th

Robin Hood Chalk Art

Robin Hood Chalk Art in Downtown Keene

Keene’s Robin Hooders are heading back to the NH Supreme Court on November 9th at 9:30am for what should be the final round in a three-plus-year run through the courts.  Robin Hooders are the activists who have made international headlines for saving thousands of innocent motorists from parking tickets in the small city of Keene.

The city’s persecution of the peaceful activists has failed at nearly every legal turn. In its first visit to the NH Supreme Court, only one aspect of the city’s case was sent back to the superior court for review. The city gang then lost again at the superior court level and are now appealing that most recent decision to the Supreme Court.  (You can read both sides’ legal filings here.)

The NH Supreme court has already decided the allegations of “tortious interference”, “civil conspiracy”, “negligence”, and the demand for financial compensation were unfounded and the activities engaged in by the Robin Hooders are protected by the first amendment.

The appeal is for the NH Supreme court to look ONLY at the lower court’s ruling regarding the request for the “buffer zone” injunction.  The court will hear oral arguments from heroic free speech attorney Jon Meyer and the city’s expensive tax-paid private attorneys on 11/9 at 9;30am.  (The city’s attorneys are claiming they’re taking this case pro-bono, but that’s only after they charged the city likely over $100,000 for the first three court hearings.)

Here’s a Facebook event for the hearing – hope to see you there!

7 Ways to Win An Argument Online

ChangeMyView Difference Between Winning and Losing Arguments

Source: Winning Arguments

In a previous post, “The Image Problem and It’s Solution,” I went over some important issues within the libertarian community that creates the image problem it has with the general public. I went over some important cognitive biases and heuristics that degrade ones ability to explain and sell libertarianism to a “non-believer.” I then concluded with two key factors for having successful conversations about libertarianism and anarchy. Theory of mind; understanding that other people have unique beliefs, desires, and intentions different than your own, which are based on rational thought. And deep canvassing; a style of real world conversation that studies have shown is most effective in changing peoples minds on any given topic.

Since then, I’ve come across a great study titled, “Winning Arguments: Interaction Dynamics and Persuasion Strategies in Good-faith Online Discussions.”


Cop Who Investigated Kyle Tasker Arrested for DUI

Chris Gilroy Drunk Mugshot

Officer Chris Gilroy, Mugshot

Nottingham police officer Chris Gilroy, who made news when he fraudulently posed as a teenage girl and attempted to lure then-state-representative Kyle Tasker for sex, has himself been arrested. Looks like Gilroy may have his own vices – he crashed his truck yesterday and was busted by state police for Driving While Intoxicated, according to the Union Leader:

Gilroy was traveling northbound on I-95 in a silver 2006 Toyota Tacoma pickup when it appears he attempted to take the Exit 2 off-ramp and lost control. His vehicle drove over the cement median and struck the Exit 2 off-ramp sign, state police said. After crossing the cement median, Gilroy drove across the off-ramp and struck the guardrail on the east side of the ramp, state police said.


His vehicle then continued northbound on the ramp for a short distance before driving onto the curb and striking the guardrail a second time head-on, according to police.

Drug Harm Chart

Drug Harm to Society and the User

Gilroy played a major role in the investigation that led to Tasker being charged with multiple victimless crimes after police raided his home and allegedly found cannabis, psychedelic mushrooms, and MDMA. Of course, Gilroy’s vice in this case is legal, although according to a study published in the Lancet by the former chief drug adviser to the British government, Professor David Nutt, alcohol is the most dangerous drug available.

It’s not uncommon for the very same men and women who enforce the insane war on drugs to be users and addicts of the legal, hardest drug, alcohol. Of course the hypocritical Gilroy will likely be facing a slap on the hand over this while Tasker is facing 13 felony charges that could result in anywhere from 60-120 years in prison and up to 1.5 million in fines.

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Citizen Cain – 07 – Not in this Sector

I’m pleased to announce the launch of my new Keene based news commentary program, Citizen Cain. Join us every Sunday between 8-9pm to discuss local issues, current events and politics. We currently stream live on Facebook (may be switching to YouTube soon) and then later air on Cheshire TV. Feel free to call in during the show to discuss anything Keene related, 267-521-2771 or email me at

This weeks show: South bridge nearing completion • Historic district proposal withdrawn • Consulting group takes over search for new city manager • A thin blue line down Marlboro St

Keene-Focused Introduction to Bitcoin Video to Air on Cheshire TV

Not only will Keene area inhabitants be hearing about Bitcoin on the radio waves via Shire Bitcoin’s new ad campaign, but they’ll also be learning more about Bitcoin on cable television. Viewers of Cheshire TV, the area’s public access channel, will at times encounter this under-six-minute introduction to Bitcoin video, which includes video versions of the audio promos airing on radio.

If you’re a bitcoiner who’d like to contribute to this ad run, please send bitcoin to 137bAdkwoqzVMoR6WUR6Qn9vqvuG991wFH

Historic Bitcoin Local Radio Ad Campaign Launches in Keene!

The Peak Logo

Bitcoin Ads to Air 3p-6a on The Peak, Daily!

The Shire Free Church launched our Bitcoin Vending Machines in Keene and Manchester with the intention of spreading Bitcoin in furtherance of our mission to foster peace. With both machines now fully paid for, phase two of our outreach project has begun – advertising Bitcoin on local media!

Keene is unique in that it has a higher bitcoin-accepting-business-per-capita ratio than even San Francisco, the purported #1 city for bitcoin-accepting businesses. As you’ll hear in the radio ads, bitcoin is a powerful local currency that can also be used internationally. “It’s Keene to buy local”, and Bitcoin empowers local business owners to keep more from each sale, rather than sending three percent outside of the area to credit card companies.

The Peak Coverage Map

The Peak’s Three FM Transmitters from Keene to Western Vermont

That means more money staying here in the Keene area, which benefits the entire community.

In addition, the first ad in the series specifically mentions several local mom-and-pop businesses that are accepting bitcoin, at no cost to those businesses. The entire budget for the ad campaign, which starts on October 10th, is directly sourced from our bitcoin vending efforts.

The first ad will start immediately and the second ad will be put in rotation a few weeks in. The first ad is an introduction to Bitcoin for the Keene area consumer and the second targets local business owners. Here they are:

Ad 1:

Ad 2:

The Peak” (heard on 101.9 WKKN-FM Keene, 100.7 WTHK-FM Wilmington, VT, and 104.7 W284AB Jamaica, VT) will be the only radio stations where the ads will be heard for now, as we can’t afford to air them on every local station. The Peak seemed like the best choice as its “Adult Album Alternative” music format and local branding likely attracts listeners who deeply appreciate the buy local message. Listeners will be able to hear the Bitcoin ads multiple times from 3p-6a, seven days a week, starting today.

This is a historic moment for Bitcoin. While Bitcoin has had radio ads in the past, they were purchased (by Roger Ver aka “Bitcoin Jesus”) on my radio show, Free Talk Live and its network, LRN.FM. Though FTL is heard on over 160 radio stations, this Keene ad campaign marks the first time bitcoin has ever been promoted heavily in one geographic area via one of the oldest forms of media, radio. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest from the bitcoin capital of the New Hampshire and maybe even the world, Keene.

If you’re a bitcoiner who’d like to contribute to this ad run, please send bitcoin to 137bAdkwoqzVMoR6WUR6Qn9vqvuG991wFH

Bill Weld Says He Agrees With Non-Aggression Principle – Video

Bill Weld

Bill Weld Confronted in Keene About the Non-Aggression Principle

For those who are new to libertarianism the most important thing to learn about is the non-aggression principle, which says that it’s wrong to initiate force against others for any reason.

To libertarians, the use of force is only acceptable in defense of yourself, others, or property. As former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld told me Friday, it’s the “bedrock principle” of the libertarian movement.

Given Weld’s public statements that have been very unlibertarian, I was surprised when not only did he acknowledge its existence, but even claimed to agree with it. Is this video the first time Bill Weld has talked publicly about the non-aggression principle during the whole campaign?

Since Weld and Gary Johnson were nominated in May by the national Libertarian Party, many libertarians have been sharply divided by the decision.

Some, like Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry have criticized the national LP for watering down the message of liberty. Darryl even recently reactivated his campaign for president as a write-in candidacy in several states to give principled libertarians a choice.

Others, like Free Keene blogger Rich Paul are enthusiastically behind the Johnson/Weld campaign, excited that their “pragmatic” approach will bring more votes and publicity to the LP. (more…)