Major NH Newspapers Report on Impending Completion of Free State Project Goal

Free State ProjectJust a couple of days ago, the Free State Project reached 97% of its goal of getting 20,000 liberty-loving people to sign its “Statement of Intent”, indicating their willingness to move to New Hampshire and get active for liberty, so long as 19,999 others were also willing to do so.

This month, three of the biggest newspapers in New Hampshire published pieces about the Free State Project nearing its goal:

It’s nearly time to trigger the FSP move! If you love liberty and want to make history, go sign up now for the FSP and start planning your move to NH.

Free State Project Launches “Early Movers” Video Series

In the excellent new video series focusing on Free State Project early movers, Jason Sorens, the founder of the project, explains a bit of the history of the project and what he’s doing now that he moved to New Hampshire two year ago:

The series, which will continue to be released on the FSP YouTube channel, kicked off with a piece on Shire Sharing founder and state representative Amanda Bouldin:

Free State Project’s Final Push

The last few months have seen an acceleration of signers for the Free State Project. The big push is coupled with a fundraising campaign aimed at finishing out the remaining signers through targeted social media advertising and PR. Steps are also underway to make the most out of Triggering the Move while enabling out-of-state signers to find their place in New Hampshire.

I’ve been working with the Free State Project to craft videos for the fundraiser. Check it out!

The individuals that have moved for the Free State Project have made quite a few headlines this past year as well…


“Evolve or Die” — Portsmouth Uber Documentary Features FSP Early Movers

An amazing short film released today by local independent filmmaker Zach Cusson chronicles the Uber in Portsmouth saga, including the Free Uber campaign. Footage of one of our Free Uber rallies, with multiple Free State Project early movers, begins around ~9:00.

The film concludes on an optimistic note with a great synopsis by the narrator and some smack-talk by yours truly.

But for Christopher David, this goes beyond just a $25 fee and Uber. As technology continues to advance, he believes that the role of the government is going to become more and more obsolete. More peer to peer networks like Uber and AirBnB are going to continue to pop up, and we won’t need the government to regulate so many aspects of our lives. The heart of the issue is technology moving faster than the government.

“…that this is the future, that people should have the freedom to connect. And you government, you dinosaurs, you’re in the way. So evolve or die.”


Video of the Old School Panel @ Keenevention 2015

Free State Project early mover Denis Goddard has lived in New Hampshire since 2005 and has been heavily involved in the political scene. He served as Selectman in his town, is Emeritus Director of Research for the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, and hosted a cable access show in Concord for years. He and his panel of experienced New Hampshire activists shared their perspectives on this year’s Old School Panel at Keenevention 2015.  Panelists included state representative Calvin Pratt, jury nullifier Cathleen Converse, Cathleen’s husband Don, and the first mover for the Free State Project, Jackie Casey. Here’s the full video:

Big thanks to our 2015 video sponsor – Roberts & Roberts Brokerage – when you’re serious about precious metals – they take bitcoin!

Stay tuned here to the Keenevention blog for more videos weekly and other media from the event (you can sign up for emails when the blog has new posts using the signup box in the right column). You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter and Keenevention’s facebook page.

Free State Project Signups Accelerating – Now at 91%!

Just nine days ago, the Free State Project announced it has reached 90% of its goal of 20,000 libertarians pledged to move to New Hampshire and get active to achieve liberty in our lifetime.

Now, in just over a week’s time, the percentage is up to 91%! That’s 200 signers (from 18,000 to 18,200) in 1/3 the time it took for the previous 1% (about a month).

If you’ve been thinking about signing up, why wait any longer? You don’t want to be in the second batch of 20k, do you? Take a moment to join the Free State Project! Once we reach 20,000 signers, the official move begins in which you have five years to make the move to NH, so start planning now. See you in the Shire!

Want to help the FSP cross the finish line faster? Donate to their final pledge drive here.

FSP 91%

Don’t let it get to 100% without you!