101 Reasons Film Celebrates One Year Anniversary!

One year ago this week, the excellent documentary “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire” was released to the world, free on YouTube. Clocking in at an hour in length, the movie makes a persuasive case as to why libertarians around the globe should be converging on New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project.

Edited by Beau Davis, who also cut the first documentary created by FSP early movers, Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree, 101 Reasons has racked up over 70,000 views on YouTube in its first year! To commemorate the anniversary, director Vince Perfetto has made a one-year retrospective post over on the 101 Reasons website.

Did 101 Reasons inspire you to join the FSP or move sooner? Please help celebrate by sharing it on your social media:

A Grandmother and Uber Driver Cited in Portsmouth Crackdown, Promises to Keep Driving (Video)

The crackdown on Uber (check out the first installment in this story here) has escalated in Portsmouth, as the first Uber driver has been issued a $500 citation for peacefully attempting to drive people home after a night of drinking. The target of police aggression in this case was Stephanie Franz, a 63 year old grandmother and bus-driver who has been driving for Uber in her spare time.

This story was first reported by Seacoast Online, who got a great quote from Franz when they called to interview her:

“I can’t speak for what Uber’s going to do,” she said. “It’s up to them. But I hope this gets worked out so I don’t have to keep playing cat-and-mouse with the police.”

Do you hear that, city of Portsmouth? You haven’t even managed to scare Stephanie Franz. She and the other Uber drivers will continue to play your cat and mouse games, and liberty activists in New Hampshire will continue to shine light upon your protectionist scheming.

Here’s a video from the leader of freeuber.org – activist Christopher David – who catches a little bit of the stop, and provides some context as to what’s been going on in Portsmouth recently.

After watching the video, the question remains – why are the Portsmouth police sending multiple police cars to stop peaceful people from helping their neighbors get home from a night of drinking in exchange for a smaller fee than the local taxi cartel?

Christopher David Threatened by Snitching Bouncer from Daniel Street Tavern

According to David, the police officer recorded in his initial video called him to say that the bouncer who snitched on him for offering Uber rides is upset and “threatening to press charges” because Christopher allegedly didn’t get his permission to record their interaction. We’ll keep you updated as that situation progresses.

If you want to support Christopher in his heroic efforts to nullify the Uber ban in Portsmouth (and perhaps lay a groundwork for nullifying these ridiculous bans worldwide), head over to FreeUber.org and get involved.

For additional coverage of the Free Uber movement in Portsmouth, check out Rights Brigade, a New Hampshire based activism group that has been assisting Christopher in canvassing the city with flyers to raise awareness for the city council’s protectionist schemes.

Free State Project Founder Speaking at Keene Public Library Saturday Morning, 10am

Jason Sorens

Jason Sorens, Free State Project Founder

Perhaps you’ve heard rumors about the Free State Project and want to know the truth? Come speak with the founder of the FSP, Jason Sorens this Saturday morning 10am to Noon at the Keene Public Library! Here’s a facebook event for it. Also fielding questions will be longtime Keene resident and former president of the FSP, Varrin Swearingen.

Jason and Varrin will speak about the Free State Project and answer your questions. All are welcome, light refreshments will be offered and friendly dialogue will be encouraged.

See you there!

I’ve been in NH for nine years. If you love liberty, why aren’t you here yet?

Free State Project

What are you waiting for?

Labor day weekend was when I moved to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project (in-state number 420), nine years ago in 2006. It’s been a wonderful time and The Shire is naturally filled with good, friendly people who care about liberty.

Though it’s been over a decade since NH was chosen, the FSP hasn’t yet reached it’s goal of 20,000 signers. It’s not easy to convince people to pick up their lives and move for their ideals. The good news is we’re 86% of the way to the goal, at over 17,000 signed. Plus, lots of people didn’t want to wait and there are over 1,500 early movers already here.

FSP early movers have already built a ton of liberty activist infrastructure (activist clubs, lobbying and political action groups) and dozens have already been elected to the state house and various other town seats. Other early movers have created various liberty media, likely producing more liberty media in NH than the rest of the world combined. From outreach to civil disobedience to state house testimony, FSP early movers and NH natives are active across the state and making a difference for freedom. Numbers and concentration make all the difference.

If you are part of the liberty movement and not in New Hampshire yet, here are 101 reasons why you should seriously consider joining the Free State Project and making the move ASAP:

Dozens Attend “Free the Nipple” on Hampton Beach, Despite Cold & Rain

Free the Nipple Hampton

Free the Nipple 2015, Hampton Beach, NH

After making international headlines and despite a major facebook mistake and bad weather, approximately two-dozen ladies persevered and came out to Hampton Beach today to stand against the social stigma associated with women being topless in public.

Free State Project early mover Jessica Wardell traveled all the way from Henniker to join the topless ladies and their male supporters today and had this to say about the event, “It was lots of fun, there were about 20-30 girls participating, and I didn’t receive any negative criticism. Mostly people were curious about what was going on, and everyone that I talked to seemed to support the idea- especially when I brought up breast feeding.”

The event has already received coverage from the Daily Mail, which focused on the dozens of topless equality events taking place internationally, Reuters, Boston.com, NECN, as well as in Manchester’s Union Leader. Seacoast newspaper “Fosters” was dismissive of the event in their article, calling it “a bust” (yuk, yuk) and claiming only a dozen women came out. How many actually attended? Wardell claims 20-30 ladies in her estimate, with 40-50 additional supporters, including topless males. While more than 1,300 had claimed they were attending on the facebook event, facebook event attendance estimates are almost never close to the actual turnout. Many will indicate they are attending on facebook simply to show support for the event.

Free the Nipple Hampton 2015

What day at the beach would be complete without sand boobies?

The ladies who set up the Hampton event, Kia Sinclair and Heidi Lilley, deserve a lot of credit for doing a great job promoting it and fielding media interviews in advance. Sadly, a major mistake was made early this morning when someone canceled the facebook event! The night prior, one of the admins posted a warning that they were going to cancel the facebook event this morning, but told people that did not mean the event was actually canceled. (Apparently, the FB event was canceled due to heavy trolling of the comments, however this could have been solved by only allowing admins to post.) Of course, only a fraction of the event attendees saw that post, so when the event was cancelled, EVERYONE on the event received a notice this morning from facebook saying the event was canceled with no explanation. This, in addition to the cold, rainy weather was likely a major contributing factor to the turnout. Two dozen topless ladies in bad weather actually seems really good, all things considered!

Organizer Kia Sinclair agreed, saying in a Free Keene-exclusive interview, “I am really happy about the turnout despite the weather. There were actually quite a few topless women around the beach at different times throughout the day. Because of the rain, a lot of women took shelter at the seashell stage. I will say that it was slightly intimidating being stared at and photographed by so many people. Its actually silly that just us being topless made so many people want to take pictures. If the weather was better I don’t think it would have been quite like that. But either way there were a lot of supporters despite the rain.”

Free the Nipple Hampton Beach 2015

Free State Project Early Mover Jessica Wardell, Graham Colson, and FSP Early Mover Matt Genack

Of course, all the mainstream media articles have been showing censored photos, or the ladies shot from behind, because the media are part of the problem. The social stigma against showing women topless runs deep, and mainstream media certainly won’t cross that taboo. Free Keene is not beholden to those rules. Share this article on social media at your own risk – you may get reported and banned for doing so.  UPDATE:  Facebook has targeted this article for censorship, so if you want to share it there, goto this link and hit “share” on it.  That will share a version with a censored pic that uses Graham’s breasts to cover Jessica’s.

Congratulations and thank you to the ladies who went out today despite the weather. Stay tuned to Free Keene for the latest on topless equality.  You can also join the “Free the Nipple” group for NH on facebook here.

Expected next is an as-yet-unscheduled civil disobedience event in Laconia where the city has illegally outlawed female toplessness.

Photo credits in order of appearance: Ashley Stoddard, Miranda Stoddard, Andrew Wardell