Liberty Lobby – Week 3 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and his fellow libertarian activists once again drop in on a bunch of hearings at the state house legislative offices. Here are multiple videos of full hearings and a bunch of clips:

HB 436 would carve out an exemption for bitcoin and other virtual currency users from the money transmitter regulations, but there are some problems. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 377 would give the state a monopoly on selling cannabis (the liquor commission), should it be legalized. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

New Mover Heather Mullins Makes Splash in NH Media

Heather Mullins on WMUR-TV's Cannabis Hearings Coverage

Heather Mullins on WMUR-TV’s Cannabis Hearings Coverage

New mover to New Hampshire, Heather Mullins has had a whirlwind tour of the state house and legislative offices. Two weeks ago, on her first visit to the state house, she testified on a hemp bill and immediately got a job offer as a paid lobbyist. Last week she attended the state house hearings to expand access to medical cannabis and testified in favor of the legislation, attracting attention of NH media including the Union Leader newspaper and WMUR-TV.

Heather knocks it out of the park with her comment appearing at the end of the Union Leader piece:

Marijuana saved my dad. He would not be here today if not for it,” she said. “He has PTSD and chronic pain that the VA tried unsuccessfully to treat or years. Who are we to deny my father who served this country for 30 years access to the medication he needs? The data is out there that this stuff works. To deny people access is criminal in my eyes.

You can listen to Heather, every Thursday night on Free Talk Live, 7-10pm Eastern.

NH’s Liberty Lobby – Week 2 – State House Testimony Videos

Liberty Lobby‘s Darryl W Perry and other libertarians converged once again on the New Hampshire state house and legislative offices last week for more testimony on various bills. Here are some video highlights as well as full hearings:

First up, liberty democrat Elizabeth Edwards’ HB 287 would merely create a study committee to look at decriminalization of prostitution, but NH police and prosecutors packed a two-hour hearing to plead with the house criminal justice committee to stay ignorant and reject even STUDYING the issue! Luckily, there were some stalwart advocates of freedom also in attendance who spoke in favor of the legislators having more information, not less. Here’s the full hearing video:


State Rep Dick Marple Returns to Court, Schools Judge on Jurisdiction, Corporate Government, & More

Judge M. Kristin Spath

Judge M. Kristin Spath of Concord District Court

Just a few weeks after his last appearance in Concord district court, state representative Dick Marple returned Friday afternoon for a nearly 40-minute hearing where he explains his views on why the court does not have jurisdiction over him, among other things.

Marple was arrested as he was campaigning for re-election at the polls in Hooksett, on a “failure to appear” charge relating to a charge for driving while his license is suspended. Marple believes he is not subject to the motor vehicle regulations, as they only apply to automobiles used for commercial purposes. He has citations to back his case (click for PDF of his legal brief filed with the court), but so does the state’s prosecutor.

It’s one of the most interesting cases in recent memory because for a long time we’ve heard all manner of similar claims to what Marple is saying, but virtually none of the courtroom theorists like him have any evidence they’ve actually tried their theories. (Longtime readers of Free Keene may recall I was arrested in Keene district court for “contempt” a decade ago for trying some unusual legal theories out.) At his last appearance, in front of a full courtroom of average court victims, Marple got away with things for which most people would be arrested for “contempt”. Friday, he once again refused to cross the bar, and raised his voice with judge M. Kristin Spath multiple times. However, this time the court scheduled the hearing for 3pm on a Friday when no one else would be around to see it. Thankfully, liberty activists had been given a heads-up the night before, so a small crew headed up from Keene to witness and record the hearing:


NH’s Liberty Lobby – Week 1 – State House Testimony Videos

After years of testifying for liberty at the New Hampshire state house on his own dime, Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry launched Liberty Lobby LLC last year to accept financial support from others for his mission. This year, Liberty Lobby has kicked off it’s state house testimony season, with Darryl appearing at multiple hearings and delivering a principled message of liberty to the state representatives, every issue, every time.

Here are videos of Darryl and other libertarians testifying before various committees on different bills in Week #1 of the Liberty Lobby series:

HB 249 – Repealing the prohibition on “Ballot Selfies”:


NH’s Fifth Bitcoin Vending Machine Launches in Concord!

Bitcoin Vending Machine Locations in South NH

Bitcoin Vending Machine Locations in Southern NH

Just a few weeks after Portsmouth activists installed a Bitcoin Vending Machine, a fifth NH-based BVM has launched, this one in Concord! Area 23, a bar at 254 N State St (Unit H in the Smokestack Center) is the location of NH’s newest BVM. Area 23 is a newer establishment, having opened its doors in 2015 and it’s been accepting bitcoin from customers as payment from day one.

Longtime Concord liberty activist Kirk McNeil is Area 23’s proprietor. Longtime readers of Free Keene may remember him for making headlines for legalizing nanobreweries in New Hampshire. Kirk said in an interview for Free Keene, “I’m happy to have a location where people can access and utilize alternative currencies and exchange methods.”

Entrepreneur and newer mover David Jurist purchased the Lamassu brand BVM, approached Kirk before anyone else and offered him the opportunity to host the unit at Area 23, given it was already a liberty-and-bitcoin friendly establishment. David told me, “it’s exciting that the capital city of New Hampshire finally has a Bitcoin Vending Machine”. I agree. It’s also timely as one of the state representatives on the “Commission to Study Cryptocurrency” has followed through on her promise to file a bill this year that will ensure bitcoin users do not need to register as “money transmitters”. (more…)