VIDEO: Another Week, Another Mask Freedom Protest at the NH Governor’s House

This past weekend there were actually two gatherings of mask-freedom activists at New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu’s house at 71 Hemlock Ct. in Newfields, NH. The first was on Saturday when a small group paid a surprise visit to Sununu’s home. Within minutes, the police arrived and Sununu and his wife and kids left in separate cars.

The following day dozens more people showed up again at 2pm with signs, cameras, and a PA system to let their grievances be known. State police were on the scene as expected, but it didn’t appear the Sununus were at home. Here’s video of the rally from Vincent Moore of Shire Free Media:

Kudos to the Union Leader for sending out a reporter as well. Here is their story on the event.

Speaking on NH Independence at the “Stop the Steal” Rally in Concord, NH

Peaceful secession from the United States is something I’ve promoted this year at mask freedom rallies, Black Lives Matter, and now “Stop the Steal”. I had attended such a rally last weekend, which is heavily attended by Trump supporters, with the intention of handing out flyers for the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence.

I successfully handed out flyers to the bulk of the crowd and they were near-universally well-received. Then I was given the opportunity to speak. Though I was surrounded by pro-America speakers, I reminded the large crowd that even if Trump somehow wins, he won’t stop the government from stealing, that the federal gang is evil, and taxes are theft.

America has failed, I told them. I was not booed off the stage. They surely know it’s true. The point was to plant the seed that it’s time New Hampshire secedes again and says goodbye, peacefully, the United States of America.

It’s long past time, actually. But it’s still not too late. New Hampshire Independence NOW!

Here’s video of my full speech and some highlights from the other speakers at the rally:

VIDEO: Thanksgiving Day Protest at New Hampshire Attorney General’s House

NH Attorney General Gordon MacDonald

Soulless Bureaucrat Gordon MacDonald

Liberty-loving protestors descended on the home of NH Attorney General Gordon MacDonald – 128 Dickey Hill Rd in Deering, NH – on Thanksgiving Day to express their outrage that the state gang is threatening peaceful business owners. Local businesses across New Hampshire are being issued fines as high as $2,000 for violating the “emergency orders” of “HIS EXCELLENCY” governor Chris Sununu.

A hundred protestors went to Sununu’s house last weekend, but the protest at MacDonald’s house was organized in secret. As a result, police were not waiting on-site as they were at Sununu’s. However, it didn’t take long for the cops to be called by MacDonald’s attorney wife, Jennifer A Eber.

To the credit of Hillsboro police, they were respectful and on their best behavior. One of them even laughed at a joke that Nobody cracked and was generally quite friendly. Though he did try to get us to move our cars from the side of the road, he backed down when we pointed out we knew what an easement was.

Eber was not happy, demanding we be removed from “her property”. The attorney couple owns three large wooded lots across the street from their home, so Eber mistakenly believed that would protect them from such a protest. However, she didn’t realize the very same state gang that puts food on her table also has rules for “public ways” that allow us to engage in protests just like this. Apparently she doesn’t like it when people bring the destructive consequences of her husband’s actions home for her to experience.

As long as her husband keeps ruining peaceful people’s lives, and invading their businesses and homes with his bureaucracy, threats, and fines, she can expect we’ll continue to remind her about it. Here’s the video from yesterday’s protest:

It was cold and raining lightly in the beginning. We stayed for over an hour before the rain got quite heavy. Since the CDC has now told people they shouldn’t do caroling, we decided to bring back the Shire Choir and sang a few “Chronic Carols” before packing up and heading to a nearby activist Thanksgiving.

Special thanks to Andy from YouTube channel “Go Within to Get Out“, who was at his very first protest ever with us! He provided some of the footage used in this video.

VIDEO: Activists Protest at NH Governor’s House for First Time Ever

Protestors in front of NH governor's home.

Protestors in front of NH governor’s home for the first time ever.

As originally announced here at Free Keene, approximately one hundred people gathered Sunday afternoon at New Hampshire’s “governor” Chris Sununu’s house at 71 Hemlock Ct. in Newfields, NH. Many had been pushed over their limit by his recent statewide mask mandate, but it wasn’t just about him trying to tell people what to wear, it was also about ruining businesses and destroying jobs and lives with his “emergency orders”.

Sununu’s edicts have invaded our homes and businesses, so now we’re invading his. It’s been a long time coming and today was a lot of fun as we joined together from across NH. Sununu’s gubernatorial primary challenger, Nobody, was in attendance and purchased hundreds of dollars worth of pizza for the crowd on the cold, late-fall afternoon. Ten-year-old Lucas, who earlier had been calling out Sununu on a megaphone, grabbed a pizza and attempted to walk it up the driveway to offer it to the multiple state police officers that had been assigned to protect “HIS EXCELLENCY”. They told him to leave the property, as is shown in this highlights video by Vincent Moore from Shire Free Media:

Also, when the Domino’s driver pulled up, he had on a mask but removed it and smiled as he received plenty of cash tips from the excited attendees. It was a great day for us, but probably not for Sununu as he hid inside his home like the cowardly, sniveling politician he is.

Despite sending out a press release to mainstream media, only one reporter showed up from Seacoast Online and she published a pretty fairly written story.

For more longform coverage, check out the full two hour livestream from Breaking the Flaw here: (more…)

BREAKING: Mask Mandate Protest Planned Sunday at NH Governor’s Home

Christopher Sununu's home at 71 Hemlock Ct in Newfields, NH

Christopher Sununu’s home at 71 Hemlock Ct in Newfields, NH

Keene activists have a history of protests at corrupt bureaucrats’ homes. Now we’re going to the tyrant king himself, with likely dozens of others from across New Hampshire. Chris Sununu, referred to as “HIS EXCELLENCY” in the dozens of “orders” he’s issued in 2020, has now released “Emergency Order #74“. This latest diktat has imposed a statewide mask mandate:

Beginning on November 20, 2020, all persons over the age of 5 within the State of New Hampshire shall wear a mask or cloth face covering over their noses and mouths any time they are in public spaces, indoors or outdoors, where they are unable to or do not consistently maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from persons outside their own households.

While the order does include large loopholes for medical and other exemptions, Sununu’s orders have always included ways out for those paying attention. But most people just believe what the media tells them or that they hear through the rumor mill. They don’t actually read the orders. How could they? There are dozens of them and legalese is purposefully difficult to comprehend.

Regardless of the exemptions, Sununu keeps cranking out orders, until recently just issuing the threats with little enforcement. This Fall however, Sununu’s attorney general, Gordon J MacDonald – a bureaucrat from California – has started issuing fines against businesses. In October the governor’s goons targeted a bar in Hudson for hosting karaoke and fining them $2,000. This week, MacDonald issued $500 threats to multiple food service establishments. It’s not clear if any of the targets are fighting back against the thuggery. Based on their facebook page’s posts, the Hudson bar has sadly been sold and the new owners are showing off for the state and its snitches how obedient their new karaoke setup is to the arbitrary rules imposed on them by the state gang. It’s sad.

A select few are pushing back here in Keene, but despite being sued in federal court by a heroic Keene restaurant over his previous mask mandate on groups of over a hundred people, Sununu has doubled down and mandated masks statewide. Some are saying that there is no penalty, so no big deal. These people are uninformed. There does not need to be a penalty in each “emergency order”. In a previous executive order, #65, Sununu proclaims: “Violations of any Emergency Order, rule, or regulation issued under the State of Emergency are subject to the penalty provision under RSA 21-P:47.”, which says “If any person violates or attempts to violate any order, rule, or regulation made pursuant to this subdivision, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.” While the entire concept of “emergency powers” is likely unconstitutional, I don’t know if anyone has ever challenged the enabling statute, RSA 4:47, in court, so it stands.

Masks- the new symbol of tyranny.

We will not obey.

Occasionally this year, there had been discussion among activists of a protest at Sununu’s home, but the support never really galvanized like it has now. Sununu’s new mask mandate was the final straw for those who erroneously hoped that he was going to change for the better for some reason now that he won re-election. Any such illusion has been wiped away as “HIS EXCELLENCY” has decreed over-and-over again various provisions making New Hampshire very much like Maskachusetts. As a result of his latest step towards crushing the souls of the good people of New Hampshire, people are finally standing up and moving the protests from the state house in Concord, to Sununu’s home in 71 Hemlock Ct, Newfields, NH.

The first event of what may be a series is expected to take place at 2pm this Sunday November 22nd. Creative signs are welcome and “Absolute Defiance” has also called for pots and pans to be banged. It will be the first time in the nearly fifteen years I’ve been here that I’ve ever heard of liberty activists targeting the “governor” at home. It’s historic.

Some will inevitably complain, “Oh his poor wife and children. It’s not fair to punish them for Sununu’s bad deeds. Just keep your protests to his office in Concord and other public appearances!” To them, I say: “HIS EXCELLENCY” and his precious orders have ruined countless businesses and lives. He’s put people out of good jobs with his “guidance” that is written and enforced as threats of violence. He’s not just suggesting people listen to him, he’s demanding it. He’s invading our private property and lives and it’s only fair we bring the consequences to his doorstep. If his wife Valerie doesn’t like our freedom of speech, maybe she should have a talk with her husband in the way only a wife can and tell him to stop hurting peaceful people.

See you Sunday at 2pm at Sununu’s house at 71 Hemlock Ct in Newfields, NH.