Top Privacy Cryptocurrency, Monero, Now Available at Keene & Manchester Crypto Vending Machines

Monero Logo

Monero (XMR)

For more than half-a-decade, the Shire Free Church has been providing a Cryptocurrency Vending Machine (CVM) in Keene as a service to the community. Eventually expanding to a CVM in Manchester and a second one in Keene, we have had the pleasure of connecting countless people with Bitcoin (BTC) at the lowest rates in the region. A few years after launching in Keene we also began offering buyers a choice of other cryptocurrencies besides BTC – DASH and Bitcoin Cash (BCH), the two most-used-at-retail cryptos across New Hampshire.

Now, I’m excited to announce that we’re adding a fourth cryptocurrency to our CVMs located at the Bitcoin Embassy in Keene and Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester – the world’s top privacy coin – Monero!

Started in 2014, Monero (XMR) was immediately different from all of the other “altcoins” competing with the crypto-King-of-the-hill, Bitcoin (BTC). Uniquely at the time, Monero wasn’t a fork of the Bitcoin source code. Monero is instead based on a technology called “Cryptonote”. The Cryptonote white paper describes a major flaw with Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s public ledger, the “blockchain”, allows all Bitcoin transactions to be totally traceable. Despite what some in media and government might claim, Bitcoin is not anonymous and every transaction can be tracked, all the way back to the very first one. Monero’s system solves this problem and introduces true anonymity and fungibility to cryptocurrency – the way it should have been from the start.

Today, there are a myriad of privacy coins out there, but since the supermajority of them were based on Bitcoin, the private features of the other coins are always added on and that means there are still public transaction options in most other privacy coins like Zcash and its variants. With these coins, the user must choose to send a private or public transaction and roughly 90% of Zcash transactions, for instance, are “unshielded”. With Monero there is no choice. All transactions are private.

Cryptocurrency Vending Machine at Bitcoin Embassy NH

Cryptocurrency Vending Machine at Bitcoin Embassy NH in Keene

As you might imagine, the government gang does not like this privacy technology one bit. They want to know everything you do with your money, so they can better control you. One of the best things about Bitcoin was that it allowed for the first time a money system to exist completely outside the control of the state. Cryptocurrency is a true competitor to the multi-generational dominance of the central banks’ fiat currencies like the Dollar. However, Bitcoin and most of its crypto-competition still allow the government gangsters to monitor transactions. Monero fixes that. Once you buy Monero, the trail ends.

The Shire Free Church is an interfaith church with a mission to foster peace. Every dollar of value we can help people convert to cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Monero is value the state can no longer steal to commit violence like going to war across the planet, or going to war against the people – like with their insane War on Drugs. Therefore, offering cryptocurrency in return for a donation to the church is a direct method to increase peace. Connecting the community to crypto also allows people to protect their wealth from the ravages of the state cultists and now with the addition of Monero, allows them to completely obscure how much they have and how it’s spent.

Right now with the recent bloodbath in crypto prices during the Coronavirus downturn, Monero and other cryptos are super cheap compared to where they were just a week ago. You may purchase Monero from our CVMs at your own risk, so long as your intention is to use it for peaceful, legal purposes. You can learn more about our Crypto Vending Machines and their locations and hours here.

NH Gubernatorial Candidate “Nobody” Testifies at State House Hearings on Kratom, Medicaid

This week NH 2020 republican candidate for governor, “Nobody” paid another visit to the state house and testified on a couple of bills. One, SB754, would add dental coverage to Medicaid and the other, SB758, was going to be a ban on Kratom. At least, until the bill’s sponsor saw the huge crowd that had turned out to oppose prohibition and put in an amendment to the bill that changed it into a regulation bill instead.

Here’s Nobody’s testimony on the Kratom regulation bill:

Here’s Nobody’s testimony on the dental Medicaid bill:

Kratom Ban Bill Opposed by Standing-Room-Only Crowd at NH State House – Full Video

A standing-room-only crowd showed up to the NH state house on Tuesday to testify against a bill that would ban Kratom, SM758, only to discover that at the senator who submitted the bill changed it at the last minute into a bill that would instead regulate Kratom. It was a sneaky move on the senator’s part, as it flipped the energy in the room. Most of the average folks who’d taken time off to come out and speak against the potential prohibition of Kratom were then relieved that it was now a regulatory bill, without understanding that regulations are also bad for freedom and will hurt the industry.

Luckily, NH 2020 candidate for governor, “Nobody” and I were both there to testify against both the prohibition and regulation concepts. Here’s the full hearing video:

If you’re not familiar, Kratom is a plant in the coffee family that has helped people break additions to opiates and has helped others with pain relief, while for others it helps them with productivity.

Video Premiere: NH gubernatorial candidate “Nobody” gets his machete back from police after illegal arrest.

Last year, Bedford police targeted 2020 Republican candidate for governor of New Hampshire, “Nobody” for felon-in-possession of a weapon charges over a machete they found with other garden tools in the trunk of his car. This, despite the fact that a machete does not qualify as a weapon in New Hampshire unless used, intended, or threatened as such.

After charging him and dropping the charge, not once, but twice, Nobody, who at the time was called by his given name Rich Paul, was finally able to get the robed man at Hillsborough Superior Court North in Manchester to order the police to allow Nobody to pick up his machete.

This video includes the full hearing for the return of the machete and our visit to the police department in Bedford to retrieve it:

Last night at midnight Eastern on the Free Keene YouTube channel, we’re did our first-ever video premiere. Dozens of people including me and Nobody were watching and a bunch of people joined in the live chat, which you can still see on the playback page.

BREAKING: Cantwell Denied Bail, Called Danger to Community Due to Computer Secrecy Knowledge


First they came for the racist assholes…

Christopher Cantwell is not a nice guy. In fact, he used to carry a business card around that had this tagline on it: “Anarchist Atheist Asshole”. At least, that was back when he was a libertarian anarchist. Now he’s become the very thing that he then hated – a total statist. Several years ago, Cantwell changed from being a crass libertarian comedian – who never showed any racist beliefs – into a racist podcast host that then made a splash of publicity when VICE focused on him after his participation in the Charlottesville conflicts.

Along the way, whether as part of the libertarian migration to New Hampshire or later as part of a group of despicable NAZIs and other assorted white nationalist types, Cantwell has always been a polarizing figure and has caused schisms and drama withing whatever movement he put himself. This is one of the factors that leads people to believe that Cantwell himself is a federal agent. Having spent many hours with him over the years, I don’t believe he is a federal agent.

One thing’s for sure, Cantwell did do a lot of talking to federal agents in the last few years, and he allegedly even admitted to them having sent the messages he’s now been charged with sending via the Telegram chat app. The FBI raided his house last month on two felony charges, one of “Exortionate Interstate Communications” and one of “Threatening Interstate Communications”. Here’s the two-page indictment. In it, Cantwell is accused of sending the following message to someone over Telegram: “So if you don’t want me to come and fuck your wife in front of your kids, then you should make yourself scarce Give me Vic, it’s your only out.”

The feds are arguing that this is a rape threat. Beyond the fact that Cantwell didn’t say he would rape the woman, a little background and context is important to know. According to testimony at the detention hearing in federal court in Concord NH, the as-yet unrevealed “victim” in this case never complained to the feds about the message, but he did post it publicly online where a federal agent on the West Coast spotted it. The supposed victim is allegedly a member of an internet hate group called “Bowl Patrol”. The group is named as such because they worship the sicko church shooter Dylan Roof and he apparently had a bowl haircut. A Manchester police officer who works closely with the FBI testified that the “Bowl Patrol” was targeting Cantwell’s podcast phone lines with awful calls and allegedly hacked Cantwell’s website. That led Cantwell to attempt to discover their identities and to the chat where he threatened to have sex with the man’s wife if he didn’t give up the identity of the “Bowl Patrol” leader, “Vic”.

Chris in Simpler Times, Acting as Security for the Hallowkeene Dance Party in 2014.

Cantwell’s racist views are despicable, but the “Bowl Patrol” people may be worse, if that’s possible. Either way, it’s just white hate group members fighting with each other. If they are busy infighting, they can’t be out doing publicly awful things. Rather than just let the white supremacists have their internet spats, the FBI used the fact that Cantwell trash-talked someone on the internet – free speech – to charge him with felonies for which he faces up to 25 years in prison.

That’s twenty-five years for the level of trash-talking that goes on all across the internet, every day. Cantwell’s persecution here is an attack against freedom of speech and also served as an excuse to take his computers, flash drives, guns, and drugs. There’s no doubt that he has a ton of bad karma out there waiting for him for the things he’s said and done, but that doesn’t mean he belongs in prison. Yes, he’s a rude guy with a big mouth and terrible, disgusting ideas, and that’s why he’s a perfect target for a government attack on freedom of speech.

In Pastor Martin Niemoller’s famous poem from 1946, Niemoller wrote:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

In 2020, first they came for the “Crying NAZI”. I don’t agree with what he says, but I will defend his right to say it. Cantwell is a target because not only does he have views that good people will detest, he’s also detested by people who hold similar views to his. Not one single supporter was at his bail hearing. He may still have a small fan club on the internet, but according to the federal government, he doesn’t have much money in the bank.

However, Cantwell does know about cryptocurrency and internet privacy tools like Signal and Telegram. The agent who testified, Brett Fernald, explained that Cantwell used bitcoin and that bitcoin could be used to hide money and was anonymous. Though that’s not true – bitcoin is completely trackable. It’s Monero that’s a privacy coin. Anyway, according to the robed woman called a “magistrate judge”, Andrea K Johnstone, in a nine-page detention order, Cantwell’s computer knowledge is one reason he can’t be allowed out of a cage even with severe restrictions like gps tracking and even being disallowed from the internet, to which the defense was readily willing to agree.

The feds also argued at the hearing that Cantwell can’t be relied on to make it to court and cited the fact that he was drunk while on bail in Virginia, despite the fact that he never missed a single court appearance. When Cantwell was informed he was wanted on a warrant for his actions in Charlottesville in 2017 he took a week to turn himself in. Cantwell’s public defender pointed out that he wanted to acquire an attorney before turning himself in, which he did do. However because Cantwell didn’t IMMEDIATELY turn himself in, the prosecutors submitted that was a reason he wouldn’t show up to court.

Political Prisoner, Christopher Cantwell

Political Prisoner, Christopher Cantwell

Though Cantwell says he was acting in self-defense in the Charlottesville fights, he took a plea deal on assault and battery charges and that was brought up as evidence of why he’s a supposed danger to the community. That’s despite the fact that Chris has since kept to himself and his apartment in Keene since 2017 and that prior to that he was not known for any violent acts.

Further, they made him out to be meth-crazed lunatic. He may be a lunatic in his beliefs, and who knows what role his meth use several years ago had in forming his current racist mindset, but he’s been off the meth for a long time. A drug screening when he was arrested in January only showed cannabis use, according to the evidence in the case.

During the hearing, Johnstone, overruled every one of the defense’s objections and in her detention order agreed with the prosecution’s ridiculous assertions that Cantwell is somehow a danger to the community. In the order, She cited also his legal possession of over a dozen various guns, including one found inside an unlocked case magnetically attached underneath his car. Johnstone even parrots the prosecution’s point that somehow this was a danger to the school across the street from his apartment.

The guns, alleged threats, drugs, bail violation, plea deals to violent crimes, were all cited by Johnstone as factors, but most critically it seemed that it was Cantwell’s knowledge about internet secrecy techniques that is really keeping him behind bars. Johnstone wrote, citing another case on the matter, US v Savader:

given the defendant’s demonstrated facility with computer technology, it would be all but impossible to fashion terms and conditions that would eliminate defendant’s access to… certain electronic files that could be used to threaten victims

Now the case moves to trial, ostensibly set for April. The federal government has already spent likely tens of thousands of dollars on the court hearings alone, not to mention who knows how much more money on investigating Cantwell over years. After all that money and effort, some internet trash-talk between despicable people is all they have to go after him on. If Cantwell is convicted here, he’ll be a proverbial canary in the coal mine. The federal government would like to get a conviction here so there’s a precedent set for prosecuting people who say ugly things. Who will be targeted next? Maybe some trash-talking teens on an Xbox or Playstation online video game?

If you’d like an in-depth discussion of my experience attending the detention hearings, please listen to this episode of Free Talk Live. This link will start you where the topic comes up. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on Chris Cantwell, political prisoner. #FreeCantwell

NH House Votes For Further Cannabis Decrim and Home Grow by Veto-Proof Margin!


It’s a plant. Holding it should not result in jail.

Three years after cannabis possession by adults in New Hampshire was first decriminalized, there’s another bipartisan house bill in play this session that will go even further. I recently reported here on HB 1648 when NH 2020 gubernatorial candidate “Nobody” and I went to testify at the house committee hearing for the bill. Of all the speakers at the hearing, only one person spoke against it. Not even the police bothered to send a speaker to speak against the bill – it was an amazing hearing.

Now, the votes are in from the full state house, and it has passed the house with a veto-proof margin – 236 to 112! Though it was veto-proof, it was just barely so, with just over 67% of those attending today voting in favor of it. In 2017, the state house voted nearly 90% in favor of the initial cannabis decrim bill.

HB 1648 is a really good cannabis decrim bill that improves on the one passed in 2017 that made possession of under 3/4ths of an ounce of flower and under 5 grams of concentrate a violation instead of a misdemeanor. If it passes this year, HB 1648 will eliminate any penalty for people over 21 possessing those amounts. It will no longer be something police can act on at all. The bill, significantly, also allows adults to grow their own cannabis at home.

The bill is not perfect, of course, as I pointed out during my testimony in the two-hour long hearing. It still treats people under 21 like children by retaining violation-level penalties for people between 18 and 21, and also penalizes people under 18 for possession by forcing them into the juvenile system. That’s not fair or right. Also, the limits on the amounts that would be legal to possess are too low. That said, it’s a major step in the right direction and does it without creating a taxing and regulatory structure. Also, please note my summary of the bill is based on its text as-introduced. It was passed with an amendment that is currently not available to read online.

Hardcore civil disobedient activists who came out in the rain for 4/20/2019!

Hardcore civil disobedient activists who came out in the rain for 4/20/2019!

Next, the bill heads to the NH senate and its sponsors already include one democrat and one republican state senator, so hopefully that bodes well for its chances. We know that the current republican governor, Chris Sununu signed the first cannabis decrim bill in 2017 but has opposed legalization. That he opposes legalization is actually a good thing however, as all of the legalization bills so far have included regulations and taxes on cannabis. People who want freedom support ending prohibition but should not support taxing and regulating cannabis. Cannabis should be free to grow, sell, and possess without any penalty and that includes having to beg permission from the state gang to offer it to others.

While the decriminalization bill doesn’t decrim sales of cannabis, it is still a big step away from reducing the harm done to adults by the insane war on drugs and allows people over 21 to possess it without fear of police assault. Hopefully the governor will support this continued decriminalization of this amazing plant. If not, hopefully the NH senate will also pass it with a veto-proof margin. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest.