“She-Male” Defeats Longtime Republican Candidate to Face Incumbent Democrat for Sheriff in General Election

Aria DiMezzo, Spotlight on the Candidates

Aria DiMezzo, on Cheshire TV’s Spotlight on the Candidates during her 2018 campaign.

Aria DiMezzo, the self-described “she-male” anarchist running for Cheshire County Sheriff as a republican has soundly defeated longtime candidate-for-sheriff Earl Nelson 10-to-1 and now moves on to face democrat incumbent Sheriff Eli Rivera in the general election on November 3rd!

Nelson has been the challenger against Rivera for the last several election cycles, but has never been able to defeat him. This year during the filing window for candidates, Nelson hadn’t filed as of two days prior to the deadline, so Aria decided to run for Cheshire County Sheriff– again.

She previously ran for Cheshire Sheriff as a Libertarian candidate in 2018, back when the Libertarians had major party ballot access status in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, the transsexual anarchist founder of the Reformed Satanic Church only received just over 2.3% of the vote in the three-way race. However, at that point she had not yet legally changed her name, which she now has. Since the two major parties make it so hard for Libertarians and other parties to run for office, we might as well run in the two parties.

This time around DiMezzo’s campaign attracted some attention from some haters in Rindge who mounted a sizable write-in campaign on behalf of Nelson. It is not known whether they got Nelson’s approval for this and the official republican primary results from the state show their campaign had near-zero effect outside of Rindge. However the attacks against her had a reverse effect and actually brought her new supporters who excitedly put dozens of yard signs out around Cheshire County’s roads.

Aria 4 Sheriff Sign

Yard Signs Available via Aria4Sheriff.com

When I asked her to comment for this story, she said, “It is with great joy that I receive this nomination from the Republicans of Cheshire County, who, in an era of Donald Trump, showed their tolerance and dedication to the principles of small-government by nominating the trans anarchic High Priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church to be sheriff.”

With the ongoing nationwide protests demanding police accountability for attacking peaceful people of all colors, there’s no better time for DiMezzo’s candidacy. Given Rivera’s violent past, DiMezzo may actually have a chance to unseat him. As a trans person originally from the South, Aria can definitely relate to the problems plaguing government’s monopoly police. She addressed the issue in her introduction piece on her campaign website, saying she’s seen, “first-hand the dangers of bigotry, overt and subtle. These biases inform the actions of police in terrifying ways, since they are allowed to “exercise discretion” in which “crimes” to pursue and which to ignore. This leads to a disproportionate targeting of black people and LGBTQ+ people by police, who, like all predators, seek out the weakest prey they can find.”

A key campaign issue, according to her website, is making Cheshire County a sanctuary for all peaceful acts now prohibited by the state – a total end to enforcement of “victimless crimes”.

When not running for Sheriff, DiMezzo is a nationally syndicated talk show host on “Free Talk Live“, which is heard on over 190 radio stations across the United States. She also teaches people how to sell Bitcoin and has extensive experience in helping connect people with cryptocurrency.

It’s going to be a very interesting election. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on DiMezzo’s epic campaign.

Trump Rally in Manchester Draws Crowd, Free Ross Supporters

I attended my first ever Trump Rally. This one took place Friday, August 28, 2020, the day after the Republican Convention commenced. I went with the goal of talking with as many people as possible about Ross Ulbricht and asking them to please sign the petition to Free Ross from prison. Trump has pardoned many political prisoners, and Ross deserves to be free. He is serving a double-life sentence (plus 40 years) with NO PAROLE for a first-time, non-violent drug offense. That’s C-R-A-Z-Y!

This is the full, uncut video from everything my camera captured today. Because of the Free State Project, there were 6 people from around the state who showed up on less than 24 hours notice to be there to support Ross. Amazingly, only one came from Manchester — the city where the event took place and the city with the most Free State Project participants. Sign the petition and let Trump know that Ross should be free!

Karen vs Nobody: NH Governor Primary Debate VIDEO

Karen Testerman and Nobody, the Republican challengers to New Hampshire incumbent tyrant-king Chris Sununu debate various issues from COVID response to the War on Drugs, Government Schools, Riots, Secession and more!

Whether you’re registered Undeclared or Republican, please vote in the Republican primary on September 8th in New Hampshire and choose one of these two candidates over the incumbent! You can register to vote at the polls in NH.

Here’s the full hour-long debate. Thanks to both candidates for participating and to Mark Edge from Free Talk Live for moderating.

Karen VS Nobody: NH Governor Republican Primary Debate Now Slated for 3pm Friday

Karen VS Nobody

Republican NH Governor Primary Debate 8/28 @ 3pm

Due to a scheduling conflict we’ve pushed back the start time for the “Karen VS Nobody” NH gubernatorial debate this Friday, August 28th to 3pm Eastern. The participants are Republican candidates for New Hampshire governor Karen Testerman, biologist and Franklin city councilor, and “Nobody“, the libertarian activist who changed his name to run for office.

Questions are being submitted by both candidates to the debate moderator – nationally syndicated talk show host Mark Edge. We’re also asking you to submit your questions for the two Republican challengers to tyrant king Chris Sununu. By the way, Sununu’s campaign did not respond to the debate invitation. Should you wish to submit a question for possible inclusion, please post it to the comments here on this article.

There will be a post made here at Free Keene on Friday where you’ll be able to watch the debate stream live at 3pm. You can also watch it live via the LRN.FM DLive and Twitch channels.