Court of Discontent

In Justice

By James B Schlessinger Jr.

This terrible sickness
Where is the victim?
Where is the witness?

Swear in the truth
Tell you no lies
Lest ye be judged
By my own two eyes

The Circuit of circus
The Juggling of Justice

Will all hands be tied
When and innocent dies?
At the hands of a court
Is humanities demise

Laws to determine
What’s said in a sermon

Laws to endanger
“Radical” behavior

Laws to give voice
When we make a choice

Laws to enslave
From cradle to grave

Begging Won’t Stop Oppression

BurkeIf you’ve seen the recent videos of courtroom oppression, you already know there’s a crackdown on the free press here in NH. Videographers are being refused entry into district courts across NH! A couple of years ago, begging (asking permission) to video in court was successful. However, when the violent monopoly (government) saw that the videos were helping showcase liberty activists’ successes in court, they started to crack down on cameras in court. In response to the restrictions, Dave Ridley notified the court he’d be disobeying their ban on panning a camera in court. Keene District Court’s judge Burke quickly reassessed his court rules and allowed Dave to pan and silently allowed several activists to bring recording devices in court to document Nick Ryder’s successful refusal to pay a speeding ticket. It seemed freedom was winning.

Then the real crackdown began. (more…)

Slavery Equals Death

And accordingly, Liberty Equals Life.

Our will is what defines us as living. It’s what makes us critically different from dead inanimate objects, e.g. a rock has no will of it’s own. To the extent that you take away or restrict a person’s will and expression of self, you’re killing that person. I’ve been talking about slavery in very cold and hard terms, and if I communicated my views well, then you probably find it rather depressing. Well I don’t mean to be. Unfortunately, there’s just no delicate way to tell someone a hard truth like that. Fortunately, knowledge is power and you have to know the truth before you can deal with it.

The gay rights movement was onto something with the slogan “Silence Equals Death”. To be threatened with punishment for fully living your life as your innate will would have you live it is akin to being suffocated. Perhaps that sense of suffocation is simply more overt amongst gay and lesbian people by virtue of having a non-typical internal will more at odds with societal standards. In that sense, it can be seen as a gift, in the same way that sensitivity to pain was likely a beneficial mutation for some of the earliest creatures to evolve nervous systems for reacting to dangers in their environment. It’s why the coming out process is such a relief and so empowering. It’s like being alive and gulping in deep breaths after feeling suffocated.

The War on bleh

Unv. of Utah

“Like cocaine, Ritalin is a powerful stimulant that increases alertness and productivity. Ritalin and cocaine also look and act the same. Both have a similar chemical structure, and both increase dopamine levels in the brain. They do this by blocking a dopamine transporter protein responsible for the reuptake of dopamine at the synapse.”

“Ritalin is not addicting when taken as prescribed by doctors. Why this difference between Ritalin and cocaine? Ritalin is a pill that you swallow, so the drug takes longer to reach the brain. Cocaine is taken in high doses by injection or snorting. It floods the brain quickly with dopamine, which makes it dangerous and addicting.

Unfortunately, Ritalin is quickly becoming a drug of choice for teens. It’s relatively cheap and accessible. And because it’s a prescription drug, it’s perceived to be safe. But if Ritalin is abused (taken in high doses) or taken improperly (by injection or snorting), it can be just as addicting as cocaine. This is because drug delivery methods can influence the addictive potential of a drug. ”


Drugs are drugs.

The War on Drugs has been a success.  It has done what was intended: growing the size and scope of the government, militarize local law enforcement and injecting into local law enforcement tendrils of federal influence via funding.

Who Will Build the Slave Roads?

A popular point to make amongst the liberty crowd is to point out that if you are paying X percent of your income in taxes, then you are X percent a slave. In The Slave Test, assuming you didn’t pass, I promised to offer a method of determining what percent a slave you are. If my method were based on the percent of your productivity stolen then it could be quite a difficult number to calculate.

Taxes are pervasive, incorporated into almost every activity we engage in, and often evasive as well. There are the obvious ones that we see on our pay stubs and the fees we must pay to governments to partake of things we often presume to be the rights of free people, like traveling, or buying goods and services, or owning a home, but there are hidden ones like the fees that your employers must pay to hire you which comes straight out of the same employment budget they use to determine your salary. And that’s only the most obvious impact on your livelihood imposed by our masters.

(Read on…)

Shame On You, Michael Phelps

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Michael Phelps in a body speedoShame on you, Olympic Gold Medal winner Michael Phelps. As a role model looked up to by millions, your public actions have the potential to influence our culture in a positive or a negative way. You chose the latter. Edmund Burke said “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” You were confronted with evil and you allowed it to conquer you.
(Read on…)