Ginger Rogers Speaks About Peace at Concord 4/20 Rally
Fire and Ice’s Ginger Rogers speaks about peace to the Concord 4/20 Rally at the state house steps in New Hampshire, 2018:
Fire and Ice’s Ginger Rogers speaks about peace to the Concord 4/20 Rally at the state house steps in New Hampshire, 2018:
Free Concord‘s Garret Ean spoke about arrests and decriminalization to this year’s Concord 4/20 rally on the state house steps:
Longtime cannabis freedom activist Rick Naya’s speeches at the Concord 4/20 Rally on the state house steps, 2018 & 2017:
The speeches from the Concord 4/20 just keep coming! This time it’s two videos featuring two of the New Hampshire state representatives who are actual Libertarian Party of NH members, Caleb Dyer of Pelham and Joseph Stallcop of Keene. Both flipped to Libertarian after being elected as Republican and Democrat in 2017, respectively. (Here are articles about Caleb and Joseph’s historic party changes.)
First up, Caleb Dyer’s speeches from both 2018 and 2017‘s 4/20s at the state house steps in Concord:
Joseph Stallcop couldn’t make it this year, but here’s his off-the-cuff speech from 2017 that had not yet been released:
New Hampshire has more Libertarian Party state reps (three) than all other states combined (zero)! Oh, and in case you missed it, here’s footage from 2017’s event, including the reps enjoying the celebration: (more…)
There are more videos coming of the speeches from last week’s 420 rally on 4/20 at the Concord state house steps. Here are my two speeches from 2018 and 2017. In 2018 I talked to the crowd about not taking the plea deal on marijuana violations and in 2017 I discussed jury nullification.
Please subscribe to the Free Keene YouTube for the latest videos as they’re released.
In 2010, Rich Paul founded the yearly mass civil disobedience event on April 20th in front of the state house steps in Concord where cannabis users come to toke up in full public view. After taking a year off from activism in New Hampshire, he has returned to retake his role as the emcee of the well-attended rally where thus far, no one has ever been arrested. Here are some highlights from his speeches at last week’s 420 celebration:
Smoke ’em if you got ’em!
More 420 videos to come. Please subscribe to the Free Keene YouTube channel for the latest.