People Power Wins Again on 420

This April 20th, about a hundred people from all over the New Hampshire area gathered at the Concord State House for the 7th annual rally to end Prohibition. I was there with my camera to capture the event. People smoked pot. They played music. They wrote messages with chalk. They gave speeches and live-streamed interviews. They even gave away pornographic calendars sponsored by local businesses. Happy people living in peace.

Supposedly armed bureaucrats are “just following orders” when they kidnap and cage these peaceful people for having the wrong plant in their pockets, but when these same people gather together in large numbers, the evil law enforcers leave them alone. It’s a simple numbers game. An individual is an easy target. By outnumbering the bad guys, good guys can prevent and negate potential conflicts.

That is the lesson of the 420 Rally in Concord, and it is the strategy employed by the people moving to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project. People who believe in liberty are coming together in one geographic location to live free and achieve liberty in our lifetime. The more of us there are, the less likely a potential conflict.

The day after this rally, people calling themselves the NH Senate voted to continue the war on peaceful cannabis consumers. Here’s what one of the so-called “Senators” told the Concord Monitor: “We are in a war…The last thing we need is to tell our citizens that it’s okay to use a little marijuana or any other illegal substance.”

I’ve got news for you, dude. It *is* okay to use marijuana. It’s NOT okay to be threatening peaceful pot smokers. We’re past the point where we have to defend marijuana. We’re at the point where the bureaucrats have to defend being against it. With each passing day, people are gaining more courage to live free as bureaucrats are becoming more impotent. These guys are criminals wearing badges, we smoked pot right in front of them, and their hired henchmen didn’t lift a finger to stop us. So they can either write some more words on paper for us to ignore, or they can put down the badges and join humanity.

Watch the full event video here:

RLS 088 DUI Slactivism

Record April 26th, 2016
It was a heavy week of activism in the Shire! Topics this week on the Rebel Love Show include the 420 Rally in Concord, The Rebel Love Show hitting its two year mark, Cop Blocking the DUI checkpoint in Manchester, Steven of Flaming Freedom calls in to talk guns, and Cody O’Connor of Anarchy After Dark jumps on in studio to talk about loving his move to the Shire.

The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night 10pm-12am EST on LRN.FM and

Local Expresses Frustration with Libelous Fliers Continually Posted Downtown

Smear Campaign Against Ian

Haters gonna hate, and lie.

It’s been over a month since some local liars first posted libelous flyers all over downtown Keene. I responded to it when it first happened here on the blog. It’s by no means the first flyer attacking me ever posted in Keene, but it’s certainly the most sustained effort. Various locals have been removing the attack fliers when they see them.

Evidence online has pointed to certain people who call themselves “STOP FREE KEENE” as the perpetrators of the incessant-flyer-posting. While the people involved should be commended for their consistent effort, their “activism” here is little more than littering. It’d be one thing if they kept their postings to bulletin boards, where it could at least be argued that postings are welcome, though no good person wants libelous fliers posted on a corkboard they are in charge of.

Interestingly, my girlfriend Renee was told by someone calling themselves “Max Sand” recently on her radio show Anarchy After Dark, that the libel that the local haters used on their flyer was actually written by Max, an internet troll and fan of Chris Cantwell. SFK’s anonymous blogger has attacked Cantwell in the past, so it’s ironic that they’d use a Cantwell fan’s libelous attack against me in their flyer. Politics sure makes strange bedfellows.

Regardless, some locals are rightfully upset about the flyers littering the downtown that continue to reappear within a day or so of being removed. Here’s a letter to the editor of the Keene Sentinel by David Crawford that addresses the situation:

This letter is about the illegal flyers that have been put up and ripped down for over a month all over downtown Keene and elsewhere, and some that are currently up as this letter is written. (more…)

FBI Returns Video Camera Confiscated During Raid!


No longer in FBI custody.

It’s been just over a month since the FBI, state police, and Keene police raided the Free Talk Live and LRN.FM studio in a search for alleged child pornography.  They confiscated dozens of storage devices and computers and though we don’t expect them to find any child porn, we also didn’t expect to get anything back anytime soon.  Apparently these investigations can take months or as much as a year or more.  (It took the DEA nine months to arrest the owners of Phat Stuff after their raid.)

However, in a pleasantly unexpected development, the FBI has returned the video camera I use to record court hearings and other various activism, the Canon HF-G30, when my attorney requested it!

When they were searching the house and found the camera, I asked them to google it to make sure it didn’t have any internal storage (it doesn’t), but they refused and confiscated it anyway.  So, given how little they cared at the time, I didn’t expect to see it again for a year.

They were certainly not required to accede to the request, but they did.  Thank you to the US attorney and FBI lead agent Scott Bailey.  Hopefully this is the beginning of our vindication and a good sign for the return of our church’s equipment sooner rather than later.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the raid.

One Day After 4/20, NH Senate Kills Decriminalization

Randy Clemens and Ann Leverette Smoke Up at 4/20

Randy Clemens and Ann Leverette Smoke Up at 4/20

This year’s seventh annual Concord 420 celebration on the state house steps attracted approximately 100 hardcore attendees who faced possible misdemeanor charges for possession of cannabis as they smoked in defiance of prohibition on Wednesday April 20th at 4:20pm.

Sadly, despite the NH house of representatives overwhelmingly passing cannabis decrim (again and again), yesterday the full NH senate killed the 2016 decrim bill 14-10.

Here is a list of the scumbag senators who voted to continue the insane war on cannabis in NH and continue locking peaceful cannabis users in cages:

Republicans Democrats
Sen. Regina Birdsell (r)
Sen. David Boutin (r)
Sen. Sharon Carson (r)
Sen. Sam Cataldo (r)
Sen. Gary Daniels (r)
Sen. Jeanie Forrester (r)
Sen. Gerald Little (r)
Sen. Chuck Morse (r)
Sen. Russell Prescott (r)
Sen. Nancy Stiles (r)
Sen. Lou D’Allesandro (d)
Sen. Andrew Hosmer (d)
Sen. Betty Laske (d)
Sen. Donna Soucy (d)

Here’s what one of the prohibitionists, Sen. Gary Daniels, a Milford Republican, said to the Concord Monitor:

“We are in a war…The last thing we need is to tell our citizens that it’s okay to use a little marijuana or any other illegal substance.”

Hopefully these sociopaths will be ejected from their seats come this November when prohibitionist governor Maggie Hassan will also be replaced by someone hopefully better on this issue.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for more media from the successful 420 event in Concord this week.

Historic Cannabis Torch Passing Down East Coast Hits Concord – Photos

Cannabis Torch NH 2016

NH Cannabis Activists Hold the Historic Cannabis Torch

Yesterday dozens of cannabis freedom activists made history in Concord by participating in the first-ever passing of a huge cannabis torch on the beginning of its journey down the east coast of the United States, thanks to the East Coast Cannabis Coalition

The torch, which looks like a big joint with real flame emanating from a gas tank it its tip, began its trip in Maine and will end in Miami.  New Hampshire was its first symbolic passing, and as you’ll see from the hundreds of pictures linked below, everyone got a chance to take a symbolic toke!

Darryl W Perry Cannabis Torch 2016

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Darryl W Perry Takes a Rip

Though the time of the event was “high noon”, dozens came out to attend! That should be a good indicator for the attendance of next week’s seventh-annual 4/20 event at the state house in Concord, which should be even better attended as this event was put together in a hurry. 

Join us to celebrate ending prohibition on Wednesday 4/20 at 4:20pm at the state house in Concord, NH! The following day on 4/21, please come to the NH senate chamber at the state house to see if they will approve cannabis decrim this year finally or once again kill it after the house of representatives overwhelmingly approved it.

Kudos to NH Hempfest‘s organizers Rick and Laurie as well as the Rebel Love Show for putting together such a successful event on short notice and good luck to the cannabis torch as it makes its way down the east coast to Miami.

Cannabis Torch NH 2016 Crowd

What a great group!

Here are hundreds of photos from yesterday’s festivities:

Free Keene blogger Rob Mathias also grabbed this video.