East Coast Cannabis Coalition’s Unity Cypher in Concord NH

The Rebel Love Show in coordination with NH Hempfest & Freedom Rally organized the second leg of the East Coast Cannabis Coalition’s 2016 East Coast Unity Cypher. The Unity Torch (symbolically shaped like a cannabis cigarette/joint) will be passed from Portland, Maine to Miami, Florida to bring awareness about cannabis legalization on the east coast, as well as to show unity among the groups who are fighting for drug policy reform in their respective states.
Further information including a full schedule of events can be found at facebook.com/eastcoastunitycypher

NH House Overwhelmingly Passes Cannabis Decrim, Jury Nullification, Used Needle Decrim Bills + More!

NH State House

Good news from the State House!

Lots of big news from the State House in Concord where state representatives have passed cannabis decrim (again), a new jury nullification bill, used heroin needle decriminalization, civil asset forfeiture reform and more! Here’s a handy summary of what happened in March thanks to the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance‘s political director and liberty-oriented state rep Keith Ammon:

  • HB 1270 will require jurors in court cases to be clearly informed of their age-old right to vote according to their conscience and decide on the justness of a law as well as the facts in the case. This is known as “jury nullification.” The bill passed on a roll call vote with a significant margin.
  • HB 1420 would have allowed law enforcement to access patients’ private health care information without a warrant from a court. The Health and Human Services Committee recommended that the bill pass 11 to 6. The full House overturned the recommendation and overwhelmingly killed the bill on a roll call vote.
  • HB 1453 adds ulcerative colitis as an acceptable condition to receive medical cannabis. The HHS Committee recommendation was to kill the bill 9 to 6. The full House overturned the recommendation and passed the bill on a voice vote.
  • HB 1631 reduces penalties for possession of cannabis. The Criminal Justice Committee wanted the bill killed but the full House overturned the recommendation and the bill overwhelmingly passed on a voice vote, to the consternation of the some in House leadership. When the voice vote passed with near unanimous “Yeas,” the House erupted in cheers. The Speaker scolded House Members for “showing emotion.”

NH House Passes Used Needle Decrim!

The House had another session day on March 23rd. In that session the House voted to pass several education bills that protect student privacy and parental rights (HB 1229, HB 1231, HB 1338) and voted down a bill that would have required 100% of charter school teachers be credentialed by the state (HB 1120). A bill that would have legalized the possession and cultivation of marijuana for personal use (HB 1610) was “laid upon the table”, a motion which effectively kills the bill.


The House passed a bill that puts more reasonable restrictions on civil asset forfeiture laws (HB 636). Civil asset forfeiture is a practice where the state can charge a person’s property with a crime, and the accused would have to prove the property wasn’t engaged in crime, turning “innocent until proven guilty” on its head. Another bill (HB 1681) passed which removes the criminal penalty for possessing a needle with an unusable amount of heroin or another drug. This reduction in penalty paves the way for private organizations to set up needle exchanges, to help reduce some of the harmful costs of the heroin public health crisis. The sharing of needles contributes to the spread of diseases such as hepatitis and HIV aids.


There’s always something exciting going on at the New Hampshire State House. Come out and get involved. Show your support with time, energy, or financial resources. We can make a significant impact if we work at it together.

Learn more and get involved at NHLiberty.org

Ridley Confronts State Reps and Bureaucrats About Shire Choir’s Ban From State Liquor Stores

Several years ago, liberty activists sang “Chronic Carols” in state liquor stores and were subsequently banned for life from all of the stores. Now, Dave Ridley of RidleyReport.com is confronting bureaucrats and politicians about the allegedly illegal ban of some of the Shire Choir participants:

Ridley previously confronted people on the issue in 2012. Videos of that here.

Libertarian Presidential candidate Darryl W. Perry selects Muslim running mate

Will Coley

America’s Favorite Redneck Muslim, Will Coley

For immediate release: 04/06/16

CONTACT: Darryl W. Perry
Phone: 202-709-4377
Email: Darryl@DarrylWPerry.com

Libertarian Presidential candidate Darryl W. Perry selects Muslim running mate

KEENE, NH, April 6, 2016 – The Libertarian Party, which made history in 1972 when Tonie Nathan became the first woman to receive an Electoral College vote, is notorious for breaking barriers on race, gender and sexual orientation decades before their mainstream counterparts do. In another groundbreaking move for the Libertarian Party, and American politics in general, Libertarian Presidential candidate Darryl W. Perry announced Wednesday that his running mate will be the first Muslim Vice Presidential candidate in American history. (more…)

“Not PorcFest” Event Hindered

Due to dishonest accusations from an anonymous source, Mountain Lake Campground has turned away the organizers of Not PorcFest.  Despite Ian Freeman not being involved in organizing the event at all, the false allegations against him were cited specifically as a reason for this decision.

I am now even more determined for Not PorcFest to be a success.  Send me a private message if you’ve got new venue suggestions.


Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Trapped by Checkpoints

As Shire Dude shared last week, employees of the Manchester Police Outfit will be stopping, questioning, and potentially issuing ransoms and/or caging drivers at a suspicioness checkpoint on April 22nd.

Without question, individuals in and around Manchester have effectively Copblocked past instances of this Manchester police thuggary, and many have already expressed their intention to do the same via the Suspicionless Checkpoint Party event.

Suspicionless Checkpoint Party April 22 Manchester NH

In this video Manchester residents Rob Mathias and Cassidy Masengale detail their own motivation for participating and how such events tend to unfold.
