Election Hitpiece Attacks Free Stater Aaron Day, Who Is Not Running

Free State Project participant Aaron Day of Bedford is again under attack.  Unlike earlier this year, he’s not actually running for office, but that has not stopped the haters from spending big money to drag his name through the mud.  Here’s a new attack flyer that was recently mailed to many households that likens him with NH senator Andy Sanborn (who is not a Free State Project participant).  The flyer makes several claims and shows a pair of sad, dirty children, as if to suggest that Aaron, who has kids, hates children.

In case you need any more evidence that the Free State Project is making an impact like no other libertarian movement in the world, here it is:


As it’s said, you don’t take flak unless you’re over the target!

Reason.com, Union Leader Report on Upcoming Robin Hood Supreme Court Case

Robin Hood of KeeneIn recent posts, the Union Leader’s Meghan Pierce and Reason.com’s Brian Doherty report on the upcoming Robin Hood case at the NH Supreme Court.

Please come observe in Concord on October 15th at 9:30am as heroic free speech attorney Jon Meyer takes on the NH Municipal Association and the City of Keene’s private attorneys in this critical case that will decide whether there should be limits on what can be said to bureaucrats while on-the-job.

New Hampshire Independence Outreach in Manchester

10252020_340496072792082_8012370305617794302_nOn September 25th, 2014 myself and Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl set out to talk to local Manchester residents. We went to the local farmers market near downtown to discuss the idea of New Hampshire Independence. We brought with us Foundation for New Hampshire Independence flyers. Unfortunately it was a low turn out at the farmers market. We roughly passed out close to a hundred flyers in an hour and a half time. The goal of this activism was to build up the culture of a free Independent New Hampshire among the average person. There were multiple great conversations on the idea and many people were receptive. There is more outreach planned for the near future.

Black Sheep Rising – Ep72


The walls are pink! • Darryl explains wrastling • City nannies decide to enact time limit on Robin Williams memorial • libertarian Cards Against Humanity? • Gov Hassan has blood on her hands • Jimmy from AZ  who is not James from AZ leaves a nice voicemail • Shaunna: never going back to Cali • Darryl and Shaunna join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Rebel Love Show Ep: 23 The Best thing to Happen to Objectivism since Ayn Rand


Recorded October 1st, 2014
Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl finally joins the Rebel Love Show in studio. Topics discussed on this week’s episode include the panels that Rob, Shire Dude, and Lauren are apart of at this year’s Keenevention, NH Independence outreach, Lauren’s journey through the FSP, are Objectivist cowards?, Shire Dude and Rob discover they had similar first days in the Shire and share mover stories involving Lauren, Anarcho-Objectivist?, and Rob and Lauren discuss their polyamory life style.

Keene Parking Enforcement Re-brands As “Parking Services”

In a desperate attempt to try to seem less-threatening, the city of Keene parking enforcement has re-branded as “Parking Services”! As though anyone will be fooled into thinking they provide any service of value whatsoever.

Fact is, the only “services” they provide are enriching the city’s coffers. They certainly aren’t serving peaceful motorists unless you consider the threats they “serve”, to be of value. Who are they “serving” when they steal the car of a poor single mother who has fallen behind in paying parking tickets? They’re only serving themselves – the money they collect goes to pay their paychecks and funds their continued threats against you:

Even Teens Can Take Speeding Tickets to Court

Even teenagers can take tickets to court, as 17-year-old Renee LeBlanc proves in this trial from Jaffrey district court. Don’t miss the hypocrisy by police prosecutor Vince Boggis, who rudely refuses to meet with Renee on the record at the August “pre-trial conference”, but when called on it by her in the courtroom acts like recording his meeting with her is no big deal.

Court can be an intimidating, nerve-wracking experience. Getting your feet wet on something simple like a speeding ticket or parking ticket is a great way to gain experience and confidence. Sure, you’re probably going to lose, but there’s always the chance the officer won’t show up. Plus, in New Hampshire, not taking the plea and demanding your trial, at the very minimum guarantees you won’t have to pay for a few extra months while you await your trial date.

It also makes them have to work for their money and when found guilty you may be able to have the charge placed on file or negotiate community service rather than paying the fine, though Renee is unsuccessful at doing so this time:
