Breaking: Keene Bitcoin Users May Withdraw Cash At Corner News

Long time Bitcoin-accepting powerhouse Corner News in down town Keene finally got what their customers craved for years, reports Roberta, the business’s proud owner. Keene welcomes new Bitcoin ATM by Anypay where citizens may withdraw cash out of their Bitcoin wallets. AS of Friday October 16, 2020 after many years of accepting Bitcoin as payments local residents may now withdraw cold cash from their favorite downtown corner store.

This expansion of the local Bitcoin economy comes in a partnership with Anypay, America’s #1 most popular Bitcoin retail payment software. Anypay co-founder Derrick J Horton praises Corner News for being the most advanced early adopter of Bitcoin payments in all of America in a recent statement:

“Corner News once again leads the way after last month’s announcement of full integration of Bitcoin payments into the store’s point of sale software provider, Acadia POS. We are honored to help bring such an excellent business to the absolute forefront of efficiency and technology. It has been an absolute pleasure working with the entire team at Corner News.”

Anypay Bitcoin ATMs are rapidly gaining market share due to their obsession with user experience, focus on hands-on customer support, and long-term vision for a better economy running on Bitcoin. Join with Anypay today as a small business owner or shopper at

Aria DiMezzo to Speak at Mask Freedom Rally Monday 10/19 in Keene

World-renown republican candidate for Cheshire County Sheriff and self-described “Anarchist She-Male”, Aria DiMezzo will be a featured speaker at the mask freedom rally in Keene’s Central Square on Monday October 19th. The event will be taking place between 4pm and 6pm. The rally is being held by “Absolute Defiance” and organizer Footloose will also be speaking.

Bring a sign and let the world know you will not contribute to this medical authoritarian nightmare by wearing a mask, or that it’s your right and medical necessity to breathe, or that it’s your free speech right show your facial expressions. Or, whatever message of mask freedom you find true to you. See you there!

Aria DiMezzo Keene City Hall

There’s a new sheriff in town…

ACLU-NH Online Town Hall with Libertarian Candidate for NH Governor, Darryl W Perry

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Kudos to the ACLU-NH for playing fair and inviting all the ballot-qualified candidates for governor of New Hampshire to their online series focusing on civil liberties. The New Hampshire ACLU chapter has long been a strong advocate of various freedoms and Libertarian for governor Darryl W Perry did a great job in the hour-long discussion. They covered ending the war on drugs, police reform, and various other issues.

You can watch the event at this link, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get access.

Segregated Voting @ 2020 NH State Primary + Voting With No ID

Here’s what it was like voting in Fear World as a mask-free individual in 2020 at the New Hampshire state primary on September 8th. Republican gubernatorial candidate “Nobody“, and state rep candidates Matt Roach and me headed down to Keene’s Ward 4 polling location together where we discovered that mask-free people were made to vote outdoors. This was fine as it was a nice day out, but it’s likely going to be very cold come November.

After the poll worker falsely claimed we needed to show ID to vote, we informed her that was not the case and were allowed to vote without ID, though all three of us had differing experiences in this area. This short video is an interesting look at the various voting options available to those who aren’t willing to go-along-to-get-along:

AUDIO: Keene District Court-Church Denies Access to “Public” Trials

In yesterday’s blog I explained how I was denied access to a “public” trial at the Federal district church building last week in Concord. Today, I was also denied access at the state district church in Keene where I was attempting to view an in-person landlord-tenant hearing. I recorded audio of my encounter with the church security agents where they clearly deny my supposed right to observe government proceedings.

The eighth article of the New Hampshire Constitution’s Bill of Rights says government “should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive. To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted.”

I guess the courts are going to claim it’s totally reasonable to lock down public access cause someone somewhere might have fallen ill?