Libertarian Primary voting recommendations

For the first time in over 2 decades, the Libertarian Party is having a primary in New Hampshire. While I would prefer NH to join the list of states that allows a party to opt-out of having a taxpayer funded primary, I will be voting in the Libertarian Primary and casting a ballot that looks like this:

Governor: Jilletta Jarvis
Congress: Justin O’Donnell
State Senate: Ian Freeman
State House Cheshire 16: Darryl W Perry
Sheriff: Aria DiMezzo (write-in)
Treasurer: Kenneth Kelly III
Register of Deeds: Darlene Lester

You can find your polling precinct, and a sample ballot here

BREAKING: Founder Arrested For “Disorderly Conduct” of Trying to Leave Home

MPD patrolman Ryan Olsen prepares to assault software programmer and father Jeremy Kauffman.

MPD patrolman Ryan Olsen prepares to assault software programmer and father Jeremy Kauffman.

Originally streamed to his social media profile live, Jeremy Kauffman of has been arrested for “Disorderly Conduct” by a Manchester police officer for simply trying to leave his home. The Manchester police state descended on Kauffman’s neighborhood to conduct a homicide investigation in a home at 332 Hanover St., which is apparently near where Kauffman lives. Apparently this included preventing all the neighbors from simply leaving their own properties, a lot like being locked down in a prison by the guards.

Kauffman, a respected software engineer and entrepreneur currently CEO and founder of the decentralized blockchain-based media protocol called recorded the threats and eventual attack by Manchester Police’s patrolman Ryan Olsen on his smartphone. In the approx two minute video, Kauffman is in his driveway and explains to the viewer that he is being kept in his property against his will by the arbitrary detention by MPD. He is not told he’s a suspect in the homicide investigation but is being prevented from leaving to pick up his son.

When he merely walks down his driveway to investigate what is happening near his own home, Kauffman is threatened by officer Olsen who tells him to “go back that way” and when Kauffman asks on what law he’s basing his orders, Olsen says “I’m not gonna tell you again.” When pressed to cite the statute, Olsen pulls out the old police catch-all, “Disorderly Conduct“. Seconds later, Olsen leaves his post across the street, shouting at Kauffman, then manhandles him after telling him repeatedly to “walk back please”. Please? Is this a request or an order?

Olsen arrests Kauffman, charging him with a “Class A” misdemeanor version of “Disorderly Conduct”, which means Kauffman will be facing down up to a year in jail for his heroic non-cooperation with the oppressive Manchester police state. He was released on PR bail pending arraignment in Manchester District Court.

YouTube Version:

LBRY Version:

Jeremy Kauffman, Founder of

Jeremy Kauffman, Founder of

Despite the awful arrest by the terrible Manchester cops – the worst gang in the state – it was refreshing to see some courageous activist video by a Manchester area activist. Kudos to Jeremy for doing a great job standing up for his freedom to travel and proving that when the police state comes down, we’re all just in a big open air general population prison cell. If only we had more activists like him. May his example inspire others to stand up to the police state. Freedom was never won by begging.

Related news: Keene Cop Block has just released our new updated-for-2018 know-your-rights flyer! It’s a simple rundown of individual rights when dealing with the police. It is intended for distribution across New Hampshire, but may also be useful to other areas. It’s informative and keeps-it-simple. 2018 Edition: Front Side / Back Side. I’ve handed out several hundred of these in just the last two weeks around Keene State College and the students really appreciate the information.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for developments in this case.

Liberty Activists Migrating from Twitter to Censorship-Proof “Mastodon” Decentralized Platform

Liberdon is the Libertarian/Voluntarist Server running Mastodon

Liberdon is the Libertarian/Voluntarist Server running Mastodon

There has been a lot of controversy recently over social media websites like Twitter swinging their ban hammer on personalities with opinions they don’t like. As a libertarian, I believe in property rights and so Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and the like should certainly be free to ban people for whatever reason they want. I also believe in the free market’s potential reactions to bad decisions by business owners, which include boycott and competition.

Thankfully, the competition has arrived! Mastodon is a decentralized social media replacement for Twitter and it does an excellent job. I recently joined the “Liberdon” server intended for libertarians and voluntarists. Not only is Mastodon decentralized, in that anyone who wants to can run a server, but it’s also “federated”. Federated means your server can be connected to all the other Mastodon servers, that is so long as the other servers want to be connected to you. Each server sets its own rules for which other servers they’ll federate with. So if the NAZIs or Communists start a server, no one has to link up to them – the market decides instead of a centralized corporation like Twitter. However, even if no other servers federate with, say Chris Cantwell‘s server (I don’t think he has one – just as an example), he can still run his server and hate-filled bigots and racists can join it and talk to each other. Of course, each server can be controlled and its policy set by its administrator, so intra-server censorship is still possible (most servers prohibit spam, for instance), but given you are free to start your own server and set your own policy, you can’t be censored if you start your own platform.

I do not know who is running it, but a Mastodon server called Liberdon recently popped up, so I decided to join it. I also deactivated my facebook account this week after basically quitting using it in January. Here’s my personal account on Liberdon, should you wish to follow my posts. Plus, I created an account for Free Keene, one for Free Talk Live, and one for LRN.FM – the Liberty Radio Network.

If you are a liberty-minded person, protect yourself from censorship and join Liberdon and the “fediverse” today! If If you aren’t liberty-minded, but want to get a Mastodon account, you can start by picking a server and signing up wherever you feel most welcome. Visit for their offical site.

Announcing – Printable Bitcoin Cash & DASH Tips!

Printed Cryptotips - Great Outreach Tool!

Printed Cryptotips – Great Outreach Tool!

A year ago, Bitcoin (BTC) was in pretty bad shape with its fees climbing to ridiculous levels due to some arbitrary network limitations. This caused a lot of problems in the marketplace with people not wanting to use their BTC to make purchases at local businesses around the Keene area who were accepting the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency.

Thankfully, Portsmouth-based Anypay came along to save the day at retail with the launch of their Point-of-Sale crypto merchant payment processing system that added DASH as an alternative to BTC. With the ability to choose what to accept at their POS for the first time ever, local merchants eagerly jumped onboard with Anypay and got set up to accept DASH in addition to BTC. As a result, customers were able to avoid the BTC fees by paying with the sane, fast, affordable DASH.

However, only retail’s problems were fixed by Anypay. Cryptocurrency activists in the area were still hurting because the BTC fees had killed one of the most effective forms of direct outreach – printable Bitcoin tips! We had for many months been giving away printed Bitcoin (BTC) tips to local restaurant servers and others with whom we wanted to gift BTC. These tips were made possible by an innovative site called Sadly, the insanely high Bitcoin fees at the time made using BCTip impossible to justify in late 2017. Since BCTip had at one time been an advertiser with Free Talk Live, my radio show, I reached out to the operator and asked if he were considering adding any other cryptos to the site and he said he was not but pointed out the site was open source.

Creating six $10 Cryptotips with Bitcoin Cash.

Creating six $10 Cryptotips with Bitcoin Cash.

So, I teamed up with Michael Hampton of Ringing Liberty and he actually programmed a whole new site from scratch to do the same thing that BCTip did for Bitcoin (BTC), except do it for the alternative cryptocurrencies like DASH and Bitcoin Cash. We launched quietly with a public beta early this year with DASH as the only initial crypto available to print as tips. This month, I’m happy to announce we’ve now added Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to the site and it’s now the default option when creating new tips.

These printed, business card-sized tips are super-easy to use. Just visit and create a batch of tips in the US Dollar value of your choice (or international currencies including GBP, EUR, RUB, JPY). Choose which crypto you want to use to fund the tips, DASH or Bitcoin Cash, put in your refund address and print up the tips. Cut them out and then put your tips in your wallet so you can easily give them out wherever you go.

When your recipient visits the URL on their tip, they’ll be given a brief introduction to cryptocurrency and instructed on installing a wallet so they can redeem their tip into their crypto wallet. If they never redeem it, YOU GET YOUR CRYPTO BACK! When you create the tips, you choose the expiration time. THe default is one month. Once the tips expire, you get any unclaimed tips back in your wallet. Cryptotip is a killer app for crypto and a low-risk way to spread cryptocurrency to new people.

They make great stocking stuffers or other gifts as well. Maybe you can think of new, fun ways to give away your Cryptotips!

Don’t forget, a Cryptotip should only be given as a bonus on top of an already good cash tip. You want the server to take you seriously and look at the Cryptotip so be sure to be a good representative of crypto and leave your Cryptotip in addition to your cash. Visit to create and print as many tips as you’d like!

Demonstrating Real-Life Cryptocurrency Purchase and Use in Keene, NH

Sadly, the very exciting DASH-Back promotion that had been mostly going strong for nearly two months in Keene and Portsmouth has become sporadic in recent days. I’m not sure if it’s technical difficulties or a planned change. I hope it’s the former and that it will return, but for the moment, DASH-Back is effectively over and is no longer providing consistent rebates, as it was over the past couple of months.

As a result of the loss of DASH-Back, I’ve re-edited and combined my recent how-to videos featuring Thomas Parisi of Cheshire TV’s NIGHTSVP visiting Route 101 Local Goods in Keene, NH armed with a cryptocurrency wallet called Coinomi on his phone and a $20 bill. Here’s the new video featuring both parts:

First, in under two minutes, Route 101’s proprietor Chris Rietmann showed Thomas how to buy crypto at the Cryptocurrency Vending Machine. Then, Thomas spends some of his newly-purchased DASH at the register, showing how easy it is to spend crypto at the point-of-sale, thanks to the NH-based Anypay merchant crypto payments processor. Anypay is the POS merchant system in use at nearly all cryptocurrency-accepting businesses in the Monadnock region.

You can also see a longer interview with Route 101’s proprietor, Chris Rietmann here on Thomas’ latest episode of his show, NightSVP.

You can see a map of local businesses that are accepting crypto and learn a lot more about why they are accepting it at In the area? Please join our local Meetup group, now with over 100 members!

Paying with Cryptocurrency in Keene is Easy!

Thomas Parisi of Cheshire TV pays a visit to Route 101 Local Goods in Keene, NH to buy something in the store with cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or DASH, to show you just how easy it can be:

Thanks to the NH-based company Anypay who provides Route 101’s Point-of-Sale system for crypto-acceptance, it’s super-easy and fast to pay with cryptocurrency in various businesses across Keene! Reasons to accept it at your business, and more can be found at

Before he paid for his DASH coaster, Thomas purchased $20 worth of DASH at the Crypto Vending Machine, also at Route 101 Local Goods. You can see that video here.

You can also see a longer interview with Route 101’s proprietor, Chris Rietmann here on Thomas’ latest episode of his show, NightSVP.

Sadly, the DASH-Back feature announced in this video is currently experiencing an outage. I hope it comes back soon!

How to buy cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and DASH in under two minutes in Keene, NH!

Thomas Parisi of Cheshire TV visited Route 101 Local Goods in Keene, NH to buy some cryptocurrency from a Crypto Vending Machine that sells Bitcoin (BTC) and DASH. Rt. 101’s proprietor, Chris Rietmann gives him a full walkthrough in under two minutes!

Note, Thomas already had a multi-crypto wallet on his phone. If you want a wallet for your phone, I recommend “Edge Wallet” or “Coinomi“.

Please drop into Route 101 Local Goods at 661 Marlboro Rd. in Keene, NH Tuesday through Sunday if you have any cryptocurrency questions, or join our local meetup group, which has over 100 members and is one of the most popular meetups in the region!

After buying some DASH, Thomas used some to make a purchase at the cash register. You can see how easy it is to pay with crypto here.

For a longer, more interview-oriented version of this encounter, please watch the latest episode of Thomas Parisi’s NightSVP, which features Chris talking more about cryptocurrency in general and the soon-to-open Bitcoin Embassy in NH. (more…)