Sheriff Dick Foote Bans Activists “Forever” From Court

Dick FooteAs if it weren’t ludicrous enough when Cheshire sheriffs threatened peaceful jury nullification activists for holding the door open for people, now the head sheriff Dick Foote comes out to threaten activists with trespass for singing carols in the court parking lot. He says it’s “harassment”, “stupid”, and more. He claims we’re banned from the court property “forever”, and his captain, Trevor Croteau claims we have to ask permission prior to coming on the property! So much for public property and holding bureaucrats accountable – if they don’t like the questions you ask and the place you ask them, they’ll just throw you in a cage.

For those unaware, these threats were levied when we showed up to sing some Shire Choir Chronic Carols in the Cheshire superior court parking lot Friday afternoon, after a week of caroling there off-and-on. Here are some earlier videos of what happened. Video 1, Video 2, Video 3.

The City of Keene Should be A Town Instead

The people calling themselves “the City of Keene” are constantly increasing the extraction of funds and obedience of the people in Keene and the city councilors continue to vote for what supermajorities in Keene do not want. If Keene held town meetings, where selectmen can’t move forward without a popular vote (of those attending the meeting), I’d wager there’s no way a BearCat assault vehicle could have gotten through a town meeting. Nor the new parking meters that are now on Main St.

Sure, ideally there should be no coercive government whatsoever, but in the absence of that idea, it sure would be better for all of us regular folk if Keene were back to a town structure. Anyone know how that is done?

Derrick J. Asks Pepper Spraying Cop for an Apology

This is a follow up to the Live Free or Dance Party on September 9th 2011, which led to the arrests of Ryan Maddox, Roz, Nick and Derrick J. Freeman. While several events transpired that evening, this video’s focus will be on Derrick and his arresting/pepper spraying officer, Copcha (Michael). After handcuffed Derrick cooperates by walking to the police car. Rather than assisting Derrick, like he had for the 150 meter walk to the cruiser, Copcha asks Derrick “are you going to get in the car.” Derrick verbally refuses, he states “I feel as though I’m being kidnapped”. He warns Derrick with pepper spray if he doesn’t comply, Derrick repeats his reasoning. Copcha proceeds to pepper spray Derrick, then assists him in the cruiser (This part of the video is included).
On December 21st Derrick speaks with Copcha & asks him several questions in reference to the incident, including an apology request… Copcha Declines. Also a few days after the Sept. 9th occurrence, Jason Talley asks Copcha several questions about the incident.
I’ll give a briefing on the entire incident to those who are unfamiliar. (more…)

3am: KPD Brings Barking Dog into Quiet Neighborhood to Write Parking Tickets

NH Native Nemi Jones continued her red pill journey tonight as a rude KPD officer English threatened her with a parking ticket while an angry police dog barked away as neighbors were attempting to sleep. Pete Eyre was on the scene with hsi camera as well, so look for a better edited video soon, but for now here’s my qik:

UPDATE: Yes the dog barks at me as I am near the window, but the reason I came outside in the first place was due to a dog barking incessantly. KPD has no need to bring an angry dog out to write tickets, period.

State vs. Garret Ean: Not Guilty

Arresting officer John Patti

Yesterday I received mail addressed to Ean Garret from “9th Circuit – District Division – Manchester” court. The title of the piece read, The State of New Hampshire and Ean Garret. I took note of the fact that the State had deescalated its language in addressing me — their paperwork no longer read State of New Hampshire versus Myself. A two page letter, signed on a third page as So Ordered, Judge William H. Lyons, affirmed the State’s inability to prove that I had violated either of two charges under NH RSA 644:2 on June 4th, when I was swept up in Manchester PD’s Chalking 8 incident. I was taken into custody, according to arresting officer John Patti, for refusing to move from a public area of the sidewalk when ordered. The judge determined that there was no basis for the officer to make this arrest under RSA 644:2. A violation for impeding potential pedestrian traffic is not authorized under the already broad disorderly conduct statute. While specific city ordinance violations allow police to ticket those who impede pedestrians, the New Hampshire criminal code does not. The State made no attempt to prove that I was even in the crime scene which one of the charges alleges I had interfered with, as John Patti barely remembered any of his multiple interactions with me.

Despite my victory, one of the two people arrested simultaneously with myself, Pete Eyre, was found guilty at the non-criminal violation level of one of the two charges. Interestingly enough, the charge he was convicted on was not the reason for his arrest, but was attached later. John Patti, who ordered Pete’s arrest but was my arresting officer, arrested us for allegedly refusing an order regarding a city ordinance violation. Neither the order nor the basis of the order were substantiated in court, yet Pete was, retroactively, in a sense, found guilty of having been in the “crime scene” and having been ordered out of it. The disorderly conduct statute is so over broad that you are automatically guilty at the violation level if you have been given what is considered a “lawful order”. By refusing the order, you are then guilty at the criminal level. (more…)