Free State Project Reaches 99% of Goal, to Complete This Week!!

Will you join us?

Will you join us?

It’s been fifteen years in the making – the official move for the Free State Project will be kicking off this week! With fewer than 150 signers to go, the FSP has reached 99% of its goal of convincing 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire and get active.

Once 20,000 is reached this week, the early mover phase ends and the official move begins. The 20k will have a five year window to get here and get active.

I’ve you wanted to wait until the last minute to see if we’d make the goal, it’s now the last minute. It’s clear now at around 50 signers per day, the FSP is happening! Don’t miss out on helping make history. If you love liberty, you should join the Free State Project now and start planning your move!

If you thought the activism here was awesome and record-setting, you are right, but just wait until thousands more join us! The fun has just gotten started. As shown clearly in the excellent documentary, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“, we have a liberty community unlike anywhere else in the world.

Questions still remain. What will happen to the FSP organization after the 20k goal is reached? Will they continue to recruit signers past the goal? Will the organization dissolve after five years? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the coming mass migration of liberty activists to the Shire.

Free State Project Reaches 98% of Goal – Sign Up Now and Help Make History!

FSP 98%

Don’t miss out!

For those who don’t know, the Free State Project is the most successful liberty migration in the world.  The goal is to reach 20,000 people who have signed the FSP’s “Statement of Intent” saying they pledge to move to New Hampshire and get active to help achieve liberty in our lifetime.  Once 20,000 is reached, they’ll have five years to make the move.  However, over 1,600 couldn’t wait and moved early – sometime in the decade-plus since 2003.  I moved in 2006 and it’s been one of my best decisions in my life.

Today, the FSP crossed 98% of its goal of 20,000 signatures, with less than 400 to go before the move is triggered!

If you want to be part of history and actually join a successful libertarian movement, there is no other viable option.  Get over your fear of the cold and join the Free State Project.  If you need more on why you should, check out the 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire documentary here.

New 2016 Bitcoin Flyer Released in Three Versions: Intl., NH, Keene

Bitcoin Flyer 2016 Front

Bitcoin Flyer 2016 International Edition

Thanks to graphics design pro Johnson Rice of Infinite Twilight, our Bitcoin flyer that we’ve distributed thousands of at various places since 2014 has been updated for 2016 with new info and a new video QR. Now, instead of just one version for the Keene area, we have three total:

Please feel free to download the variant of your preference and send it off to your favorite printer. I recommend color, matte cardstock, but that’s just my preference. Do as you wish and help spread the word about Bitcoin in physical reality!

New Bitcoin Vending Machine Launches in Manchester!

General Bytes

Manchester’s “General Bytes” Brand Bitcoin Vending Machine

After more than a year of providing the community with bitcoin in the Keene area, the Shire Free Church has now launched another Bitcoin Vending Machine, this one in Manchester!

Say hello to the “General Bytes” brand Bitcoin Vending Machine, now operational at Murphy’s Taproom! As with our Keene unit, the Shire Free Church’s goal is to bring bitcoin to the community at the lowest possible price, in furtherance of our mission of fostering peace. As a result, you’ll find the fee to be just 5%. (Though, it could be as high as 10% during a crazy spike in price – we’ve only had to do this once for a very short time in a year of operation in Keene.)

Murphy’s and the BVM are open seven-days-per-week, 11:30a-1a.

Murphy's Taproom on Elm St. is host to the Manchester Bitcoin Vending Machine.

Murphy’s Taproom on Elm St. is host to the new Manchester BVM.

Special thanks to Murphy’s Taproom owner Keith Murphy for being willing to host this new unit after the less-than-stellar performance of the previous unit located at Murphy’s by a company called PYC. PYC was not based in NH and now appear to be out of business. The previous unit in the Taproom was a Skyhook brand, which in my experience, is the worst possible unit to have in public.

This new General Bytes unit should be much more reliable, as it has a much higher quality bill receiver unit than the Skyhook.  Plus, it naturally comes in its beautiful yellow-and-black color scheme!  It’s also the second publicly accessible Bitcoin Vending Machine in New Hampshire, and in fact all of New England & Upstate NY, according to visitors to the Keene BVM and

I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue to connect more people with bitcoin at an excellent rate. Please bring your bitcoin wallet and give the new BVM a try, any day of the week! To learn more about bitcoin, visit

Free State Project Signups Accelerating – Now at 91%!

Just nine days ago, the Free State Project announced it has reached 90% of its goal of 20,000 libertarians pledged to move to New Hampshire and get active to achieve liberty in our lifetime.

Now, in just over a week’s time, the percentage is up to 91%! That’s 200 signers (from 18,000 to 18,200) in 1/3 the time it took for the previous 1% (about a month).

If you’ve been thinking about signing up, why wait any longer? You don’t want to be in the second batch of 20k, do you? Take a moment to join the Free State Project! Once we reach 20,000 signers, the official move begins in which you have five years to make the move to NH, so start planning now. See you in the Shire!

Want to help the FSP cross the finish line faster? Donate to their final pledge drive here.

FSP 91%

Don’t let it get to 100% without you!

Free Keene Celebrates Nine Years of Service!

happy birthday balloonOriginally inspired by the libertarian “Hammer of Truth” blog, which featured multiple authors, I launched Free Keene nine years ago, on December 27th, 2006. At that time, there was exciting civil disobedience and street theatre being performed here in Keene by early Free State Project movers. I wanted there to be a place for area activists to post news, media, and opinion about the fun things happening here.

Prior to this blog, there was already the “Keene Free Press” newspaper edited and distributed by civil disobedience superactivists Russell and Kat Kanning. I moved in 2006 as part of the FSP and brought my nationally syndicated talk radio show, “Free Talk Live“, with me. When Free Keene launched at the end of 2006, liberty media in Keene continued to grow. The first post to the Free Keene blog was the premiere episode of “Free Minds TV“, a show hosted by area natives and produced by several Free State Project early movers.

Various new media efforts and Free Keene blog personalities followed, including several whose personal journeys led them out of New Hampshire eventually, as well as a couple who publicly resigned. Keene in many ways has become an activist Mecca, with some bloggers cutting their teeth here and moving on to other parts of the Shire, like JJ Schlessinger. JJ founded and produced Free Keene TV, which eventually became Shire TV, and now he’s a video professional in Manchester.

google-news-logo-square_0[1]The Free Keene blog has become a go-to source for original NH news reporting, in addition to its traditional role of promoting activist media and opinion. Free Keene has long been a Google News source and has been responsible for breaking news (scooping other media) as well as providing video footage for mainstream media reports across New Hampshire. Our site has been privately thanked by multiple mainstream media members for providing them with content.

Free Keene‘s scope has also widened over the years, from originally focusing on Keene-area activism and news to Shire-wide reporting. Free Keene’s bloggers are physically distributed across the southern tier of New Hampshire, including Keene, Manchester, and the Seacoast, and we’ll certainly report on liberty activism and news-of-interest across the Shire. (more…)