District Court Dismisses City’s Smoke Alarm Case


Keene district court judge L. Phillips Runyon has dismissed the case brought against me regarding their claim that I need to have interconnected, AC-operated smoke detectors in my tenants’ home, which was raided by code enforcers and the fire chief in 2012.  After a court hearing on the validity of the warrant authorizing the search in the first place, Runyon issued an order invalidating the fire inspection part of the search warrant and throwing out all evidence collected by the fire chief, Gary LaFreniere.  The city’s attorney, Thom Mullins then motioned the court to reconsider, which was denied.  Meanwhile, I filed a motion to dismiss the case, since the complaint was written by the fire chief, whose evidence had been deemed inadmissible.

That motion has been granted.  Case dismissed!  This case is a perfect example of why homeowners should not roll over for code enforcement and zoning threats.  Many times, like this one, the state aggressors don’t even have a valid case under their own system’s rules!  You never find out if you just take the plea deal or do as they are demanding.  It’s people’s continued capitulation that just encourages the state people to continue to come up with new ways to control you and your friends and family.  I suggest you don’t take the plea (more…)

Local Man Files Federal Lawsuit Against Judge Burke

burkeLocal man Matthew Phillips has filed a federal lawsuit against Judge Edward Burke, Keene District Court, and District Court Clerk Larry Kane.  In an email to news@freekeene.com, he writes:

Monday I have filed a Federal Lawsuit against the 8th Circuit Court Keene District naming the Court, Judge Edward Burke, Court Clerk Larry S. Kane as Defendants.  I feel they have violated the Americans with Disability Act and Rehabilitation Act by knowingly proceeding a pretrial hearing and trial date on two violations (noncriminal) offenses while I was on severe anti-seizure and anti-psychotic medication.  I was even sent a handwritten order not to take my meds on trial date which I feel violates Federal Law.  In my investigation into this court and into Edward Burke’s past exploits I have encountered disturbing info about how that rogue Judge operates. (more…)

AKPF #1 – Staatspolizei

mickeymousenh_josephdirussoIn an unprecedented developement, the New Hampshire Staatspolizei has joined the ranks of Aqua Keene Parking Force to experience the throes of wiretapping. Supreme sergeant Joseph “Arizona Iced” T Dirusso, unable to locate any impoverished or ethnic minority groups to terrorize, focuses his efforts on criminalizing the Merry Men, wielding the crown’s sword at the behest of justus Edward Burke and Prince John, ever entertained by the mischievous Jester Mullins. Amish Paul provides unique comic relief as the special guest host of episode 09, in preparation for his own parking ticket courtroom tournament.

1. 00:10 Opening Pussy Riot Russian Punk Music
2. 01:47 Amish Paul introduces another riveting installment as special guest host
3. 02:30 Garret explains how the Geheime Staatspolizei have invaded our communities— and already starting swiping people’s stuff that doesn’t belong to them!
4. 03:22 The secretary/legal-para of Tom Mullins contemplates crime
5. 04:23 Accurate memories condemnation
6. 05:02 Justus Edward Burke arrests Ian for standing up
7. 05:17 Justus Edward Burke commits the crime of false report to law enforcement against Ademo
8. 05:53 Garbage arrests at MPD’s Chalking 8 incident brief, Free Stater gang affiliation (more…)

Sentinel Speaks on Latest Paperwork Shufflings


Jon Meyer

Robin Hood of Keene has yet again found itself the front page story (here’s the online version) of another daily edition of the local Sentinel. This entry is much less abrasive than others past from our friends and foes at the information clearinghouse on West Street. Kyle Jarvis presents a straightforward analysis of some of the constitutional issues at hand, having read both the city’s hired-gun memorandum and free speech attorney Jon Meyer’s solid response. Recently, five of the six individuals named in the lawsuit opted for the generously offered legal services of Jon Meyer, a veteran advocate for civil rights who has won cases before both the state and imperial supreme court.

Yesterday at Free Keene was posted copies of the memorandums recently filed, which points out the ridiculous new element being levied against Robin Hood and friends by the city of Keene. A new low has been reached by the city as they are now introducing conspiracy theorizing into the case by alleging “civil conspiracy“. According to the city, the goal of Robin Hooding is not to reduce the number of penalties imposed upon the good people of Keene, but to mullens_conspiracypsychologically manipulate parking enforcers into quitting their jobs, amounting to a secret conspiracy. Our principled attorney obliterates this assertion in his critical response, highlighting how the city is without standing, and seeking legal relief in contradiction of previous precedents. We shall see if the judge is amused by such cliché, deluded ramblings as conspiracy theories being introduced into the court by the jester and his legal cortege. (more…)

City Accuses Robin Hooders of “Civil Conspiracy”

Robin Hood of KeeneThey just don’t know when to quit.  They only know how to escalate.  In a motion to amend the city’s original filed petition in the Robin Hood case, the city’s hired-gun (at who knows what cost to taxpayers) private attorneys have asked the judge to accept new language alleging that Robin Hooders are engaging in a “civil conspiracy” against the city and their parking enforcers.

What’s a “civil conspiracy”?  The city attorneys’ filing claims:

“A civil conspiracy is a combination of two or more persons by concerted action to accomplish an unlawful purpose, or to accomplish some purpose not in itself unlawful by unlawful means.”

What were the unlawful purposes or means?  They claim in the amended petition that the unlawful purpose was to cause “tortious interference” with the city’s employment contracts with the Parking Enforcement Officers.

But, the city already admitted in their initial following that they could not use the existing laws against the Robin Hooders – acknowledging that nothing we have done and are doing is illegal.  So is our behavior unlawful or not?  They can’t seem to decide.  Not like the private attorneys care – they just want more billable hours to the city, which will of course be paid by taxpayers.

Essentially their argument is that basic constitutional activity, (speaking to and recording bureaucrats), should be banned because some employee’s feelings might get hurt.

Attorney Jon MeyerHere’s what our heroic, pro-bono, free-speech-loving attorney Jon Meyer has to say to that nonsense:  One day before the city’s filing, Jon filed his masterful response to their “Memorandum of Law“.  In his response, Meyer tears up the city attorneys’ memo, standing on constitutional grounds as well as case law. He cites the First Amendment of the US constitution as well as Articles 8 and 22 of the NH constitution as well as various cases including Schenck, where the US Supreme Court found floating buffer zones, like the city wants on their parking enforcers, as unconstitutional.  It’s worth a read.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the Robin Hood saga.  Meanwhile, on the streets of Keene, Robin Hooding continues unabated, while the city has pulled 1/3 of their enforcers off the street.  Alan Givetz is apparently on desk duty and has been for weeks.



Defense Rests at Bradley Manning Military Tribunal

bradleymanning_x0aEarlier today, the defense team headed by David Coombs to represent Bradley Manning rested after a presentation of nine witnesses from forty-six originally nominated. Some of the trial proceedings were held in secret during the government’s interrogatories. Bradley Manning will not be taking the stand in his defense. Al-Jazeera English has the story on the latest from the trial scheduled to conclude August 23, in addition to more detailed reports from the Bradley Manning Support Network.