Over Ten People Exercise Right to Assemble at NH State House in Violation of Governor’s Order

Right to Assemble Event

Over a Dozen Heroically Attended the Right to Assemble Event Today, April 1st in Concord

Donning masks from “V for Vendetta”, more than a dozen activists gathered at the New Hampshire state house in Concord today in violation of “HIS EXCELLENCY” governor Chris Sununu’s “order” banning assembly of over ten people. Not only did the police who passed by the event today use their discretion and ignore the event, one Concord police officer even waved to the group, suggesting that he also supported the human right to assemble. While responses from passing motorists varied, the majority were positive, including thumbs-ups, honks, and waves. Negative responses included middle fingers, shaking heads, a thumbs-down, and verbal “quarantine shaming”. Of course, any protest for any topic always elicits negative responses and this one was not unusual.

Curiously, the only media who bothered to attend was an independent videographer who interviewed me and NH republican primary challenger to the incumbent governor Sununu, “Nobody“. After standing by Main Street for over an hour holding signs like, “Social Distancing is Fear, Not Love” and “Assembly is a Human Right”, we took a group photo by the statue of General John Stark. Stark is known for creating the saying from which New Hampshire selected its state motto:

Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst Of Evils.


Stark is likely rolling in his grave now with Sununu following obediently along with other tyrannical state governors and issuing approximately two dozen emergency orders in the last few weeks, destroying the freedom to do business and the freedom to assemble. While Sununu has not gone as far as some of his counterparts, he is nonetheless presiding over a tremendous increase in authoritarianism as well as economic destruction.

Right to Assemble - Street Protest

Protestors hold signs and socialize next to Concord’s Main Street.

Thankfully, Sununu won’t be unchallenged in this year’s election. “Nobody” of Keene has thrown his hat into the ring as Sununu’s thus-far lone republican primary challenger for governor. Here’s a recent Boston Globe story that features Nobody and mentioned today’s event at the state house.

Activists joined Nobody from across New Hampshire and even as far away as Western Massachusetts to hold signs and violate “social distancing” rules that are driving people nationwide to suicide from lack of human contact and job losses. Recent news has shown suicide hotline calls are well above normal levels in many places across the United States.

There may indeed be a nasty virus out there. How much worse it is than the flu, which kills tens of thousands in the United States each year, remains to be seen. Fearmongering media and politicians benefit when they ramp up fear in the population. However, the decision on how to handle possible risks in life should be up to the individual, not lying, power-seeking politicians and bureaucrats. Freedom is better than safety or the illusion of safety, especially when the cost is your liberty. Once the government goons take more freedom, don’t expect to ever get it back.

That said, many motorists in Concord seem to be on the side of freedom, and there were a surprising amount of people on the roads, getting life done. Kudos to the police for ignoring the peaceful event. The next Nobody-led assembly event in Concord is the annual 4:20 cannabis smoke out on 4/20, and for the only time – in 2020. Hope to see you there! Nobody’s campaign website is ElectNobody.com.

NH Gubernatorial Candidate “Nobody” Testifies at State House Hearings on Kratom, Medicaid

This week NH 2020 republican candidate for governor, “Nobody” paid another visit to the state house and testified on a couple of bills. One, SB754, would add dental coverage to Medicaid and the other, SB758, was going to be a ban on Kratom. At least, until the bill’s sponsor saw the huge crowd that had turned out to oppose prohibition and put in an amendment to the bill that changed it into a regulation bill instead.

Here’s Nobody’s testimony on the Kratom regulation bill:

Here’s Nobody’s testimony on the dental Medicaid bill:

Kratom Ban Bill Opposed by Standing-Room-Only Crowd at NH State House – Full Video

A standing-room-only crowd showed up to the NH state house on Tuesday to testify against a bill that would ban Kratom, SM758, only to discover that at the senator who submitted the bill changed it at the last minute into a bill that would instead regulate Kratom. It was a sneaky move on the senator’s part, as it flipped the energy in the room. Most of the average folks who’d taken time off to come out and speak against the potential prohibition of Kratom were then relieved that it was now a regulatory bill, without understanding that regulations are also bad for freedom and will hurt the industry.

Luckily, NH 2020 candidate for governor, “Nobody” and I were both there to testify against both the prohibition and regulation concepts. Here’s the full hearing video:

If you’re not familiar, Kratom is a plant in the coffee family that has helped people break additions to opiates and has helped others with pain relief, while for others it helps them with productivity.

Video Premiere: NH gubernatorial candidate “Nobody” gets his machete back from police after illegal arrest.

Last year, Bedford police targeted 2020 Republican candidate for governor of New Hampshire, “Nobody” for felon-in-possession of a weapon charges over a machete they found with other garden tools in the trunk of his car. This, despite the fact that a machete does not qualify as a weapon in New Hampshire unless used, intended, or threatened as such.

After charging him and dropping the charge, not once, but twice, Nobody, who at the time was called by his given name Rich Paul, was finally able to get the robed man at Hillsborough Superior Court North in Manchester to order the police to allow Nobody to pick up his machete.

This video includes the full hearing for the return of the machete and our visit to the police department in Bedford to retrieve it:

Last night at midnight Eastern on the Free Keene YouTube channel, we’re did our first-ever video premiere. Dozens of people including me and Nobody were watching and a bunch of people joined in the live chat, which you can still see on the playback page.

Assault & Battery by Keene Conservation Commission Member Captured on Video by Journalist

Conservation Commission Member Attacks Ridley

Unidentified Conservation Commission Member Attacks Ridley – Can you ID this man?

An as-yet unidentified member of the “City of Keene” Conservation Commission has been recorded on video assaulting and battering Dave Ridley of RidleyReport.com. In a recent series of videos recorded in Keene, Ridley visits a meeting of the Conservation Committee in City Hall. As is his typical “ambush” style, Ridley waits outside the meeting location with his video camera and some completely legitimate questions at-the-ready for any member of the commission or any other government bureaucrat.

While one commission member, former Keene police chief Arthur Walker, is quite willing to converse with the “poor man’s TV station” newsman, a couple of others violate Ridley’s personal space and one grabs his camera – a clear case of assault and battery. Ridley forgives the first man who touches him after the man says he’s sorry, but the other guy who assaults and batters him is unrepentant and Ridley calls him a goon. The white-bearded commission member tells Ridley to look in a mirror, suggesting Ridley is the goon for simply asking basic questions of the attacker who is serving in a supposedly public position. See the crime here on video for yourself:

Here’s the full list of the members of the Keene Conservation Commission. Does anyone know who the man is? Based on internet photos, I believe the assailant is one of the first three on this list:

Kenneth Bergman
Thomas P. Haynes, Alternate
Steven Bill, Alternate

Alexander Von Plinsky, IV, Chair
Eloise Clark, Vice Chair
Mayor George Hansel
Brian Reilly
Art Walker
Andrew Madison

If you know which of these people is “goon guy”, please post in the comments. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on this developing situation.