Merry Christmas! Download your “COVID Carols” Songsheet!

Captain Kickass' "COVID Carols"

Captain Kickass’ “COVID Carols” – Click for Printable PDF.

Back in 2011, during Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree, a talented parody writer living in Keene at the time, Richard Onley, created some amazing “Chronic Carols“. They were funny and poignant parodies of classic Christmas carols, like “Drug War Cops are Raiding the School” – set to the tune of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town. We had lots of fun forming the Shire Choir and held a series of performances both inside and outside state liquor stores.

The point of the Chronic Carols was to protest the insane war on drugs and do it in a creative and fun way, as singing is much more likely to bring people together or get people to listen to new ideas than say, chanting. Chanting can come across as mindless and angry whereas singing is harmonious. Singing is a virtually unassailable activity as a protest and the American civil rights movement had a lot of success with song, as did the “Singing Revolution” in Estonia.

Fast forward to the present situation where the war on drugs has lightened up a little – at least on cannabis – but now the war is coming against people who just want to breath free, associate with others, hug, or smile at another person. The madness of prohibition has changed into an insane medical authoritarian state. If there was ever a time for the Shire Choir to come back, it’s now.

Actually, the Shire Choir has already come back this year. It was when we visited the NH Attorney General’s house on Thanksgiving and performed the original Chronic Carols, since the war on drugs the AG is behind is still harming innocent, peaceful drug users and dealers. It was fun, but it was clear we needed some current material that could be sung in more places.

Thankfully, Captain Kickass – a longtime professional parody writer who happens to live in Keene – stepped up and cranked out four “COVID Carols” in just a matter of days. The tunes parodied include “Do you hear what I hear?”, which has become “Do you fear what I fear?”, “Merry Little Christmas” is now “Sterile Little Christmas”, “Joy to the World” as “Close down the World”, and “Little Drummer Boy” replaced by “Little Lockdown Boy”. Johnson Rice provided some talented graphic design to put the Captain’s creative lyrics to classic Christmas carols onto a dual-sided color songsheet that you can easily print out and share. Though we have the Shire Choir here in New Hampshire, these songs are intended for the entire world. You can form your own choir and sing anywhere this COVID madness and tyranny has struck.

We have found ourselves in a world now where the Centers for Disease Control is telling people not to sing and local government gangs are telling business owners they aren’t allowed to host karaoke and then fining them if they do. Seriously, that’s really happening.

Don’t let yourself be silenced by the state or social pressure. Sing loud, proud, and hopefully in unison with others. Download and print your own “COVID Carols” songsheet PDF now! Please do share it anywhere you like. It’s our gift to you that hopefully will brighten your spirits on what is an otherwise depressing year and holiday season. It’s darkest before the light – don’t lose hope and please make it your New Year’s resolution to join the liberty migration to New Hampshire in 2021!

New Declaration of Independence for NH Read, Signed, & Delivered in Concord by Crowd of Revolutionaries

Crowd of Revolutionaries Gathers to Read and Sign the new Declaration of Independence

Crowd of Revolutionaries Gathered Monday to Read and Sign the new Declaration of Independence for 2020.

Hey New Hampshire government gang: Merry Christmas… YOU’RE FIRED!

In Concord on Monday December 21st of 2020 at ten a.m., a group of over one hundred people from across New Hampshire gathered at the now-closed state house steps to invoke their Right of Revolution as specified in Article Ten of the Bill of Rights of the NH Constitution. It states:

Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

Dan Richard of the New Hampshire Committee of Safety led the event and read aloud a new Declaration of Independence, which you can download a PDF of here. Richard says this is the first time the Right of Revolution has been invoked and that the document serves as a termination of “the state” and its various office holders.

Dan Richard of the NH Committee of Safety

Dan Richard of the NH Committee of Safety at

The new Declaration cites various tyrannies, including the unconstitutional “emergency powers” statute that led to the over seventy-five emergency orders issued this year by King Sununu that has trashed the New Hampshire economy and freedoms here generally. Plus, the now-hidden nature of the state gang’s activities makes them completely unaccountable, violating Article Eight of the NH Constitution’s Bill of Rights which requires its government to be open and accountable. Further, the new Declaration claims the voting system was illegally and unconstitutionally manipulated out-of-view from the people and calls the entire election fraudulent as a result.

It calls out the state bureaucracy’s endless harassment of the people as well as the “standing armies of enforcement agents” enacting the tyranny, and the now-secret courts. The new Declaration states that effective means for redress of grievances have been abolished and that, “Our form of government, has become a complete system of tyranny. The Same party is the legislator, the accuser, the judge, and the executioner by declaring themselves invested with power to legislate in secret in all cases whatsoever.”

Citing NH’s Article Ten, the new Declaration dissolves all political connections between the state and the citizenry, absolving us of any allegiance to “the state”.

The crowd of revolutionaries then shouted “YOU’RE FIRED!” in unison and signed the new Declaration of Independence for New Hampshire.

Afterwards, a copy was delivered to the Secretary of State’s office and the Attorney General’s office. It was subsequently served on “governor” Chris Sununu hiding in his home on Christmas Eve. Here’s video of Monday’s visit to the state house and AG’s office including nearly all of the reading of the new Declaration of Independence. I missed the first few paragraphs due to a dead camera battery:

Kudos to the heroic folks who came out to end the failed experiment of the New Hampshire government.

VIDEO: Police Threaten Peaceful Protestors at NH Governor’s House with Arrest for Chanting & Speaking

After multiple weeks of peaceful protests outside the home of the NH governor, “HIS EXCELLENCY”, Chris Sununu, the number of state police suddenly more than tripled. Unfortunately, the number of protestors was also down from around one hundred to a couple dozen. Likely due to the numbers, the predatory uniformed agents pounced. Video here:

Though previous protests were louder and larger, it was this one where they openly threatened anyone with arrest. First, they targeted Sununu’s 2020 primary opponent, Nobody, with a threat of a “disorderly conduct” arrest for speaking through a PA system. The cops claimed a neighbor complained about the noise and so they say NH RSA 644:2 III applies.

Since only Nobody was threatened with arrest, other speakers continued to use the PA system. None of the subsequent speakers were threatened. However, after most of the group participated in a relatively quiet chant of “Live Free or Die! We will not comply!”, several of the armed goons came and threatened the entire group with “disorderly conduct” specifically for the chanting, again claiming a neighbor complained.

While the state agents might have a case regarding the amplified sound, they would probably have a tougher time convicting an entire group of peaceful protestors for simply joining their voices together in the one place they can reach the “governor” with his office, the State House, completely closed “due to COVID”.

That said, no one felt like getting arrested this time and putting the police’s case to the test. Rumor now has it the town of Newfields, where Sununu resides, is considering a ban on residential picketing. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest.

After this protest, we made a second stop to see if the NH Attorney General, Gordon MacDonald, was home and sang some “Chronic Carols“. Video to come!

VIDEO: Another Week, Another Mask Freedom Protest at the NH Governor’s House

This past weekend there were actually two gatherings of mask-freedom activists at New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu’s house at 71 Hemlock Ct. in Newfields, NH. The first was on Saturday when a small group paid a surprise visit to Sununu’s home. Within minutes, the police arrived and Sununu and his wife and kids left in separate cars.

The following day dozens more people showed up again at 2pm with signs, cameras, and a PA system to let their grievances be known. State police were on the scene as expected, but it didn’t appear the Sununus were at home. Here’s video of the rally from Vincent Moore of Shire Free Media:

Kudos to the Union Leader for sending out a reporter as well. Here is their story on the event.

VIDEO: Thanksgiving Day Protest at New Hampshire Attorney General’s House

NH Attorney General Gordon MacDonald

Soulless Bureaucrat Gordon MacDonald

Liberty-loving protestors descended on the home of NH Attorney General Gordon MacDonald – 128 Dickey Hill Rd in Deering, NH – on Thanksgiving Day to express their outrage that the state gang is threatening peaceful business owners. Local businesses across New Hampshire are being issued fines as high as $2,000 for violating the “emergency orders” of “HIS EXCELLENCY” governor Chris Sununu.

A hundred protestors went to Sununu’s house last weekend, but the protest at MacDonald’s house was organized in secret. As a result, police were not waiting on-site as they were at Sununu’s. However, it didn’t take long for the cops to be called by MacDonald’s attorney wife, Jennifer A Eber.

To the credit of Hillsboro police, they were respectful and on their best behavior. One of them even laughed at a joke that Nobody cracked and was generally quite friendly. Though he did try to get us to move our cars from the side of the road, he backed down when we pointed out we knew what an easement was.

Eber was not happy, demanding we be removed from “her property”. The attorney couple owns three large wooded lots across the street from their home, so Eber mistakenly believed that would protect them from such a protest. However, she didn’t realize the very same state gang that puts food on her table also has rules for “public ways” that allow us to engage in protests just like this. Apparently she doesn’t like it when people bring the destructive consequences of her husband’s actions home for her to experience.

As long as her husband keeps ruining peaceful people’s lives, and invading their businesses and homes with his bureaucracy, threats, and fines, she can expect we’ll continue to remind her about it. Here’s the video from yesterday’s protest:

It was cold and raining lightly in the beginning. We stayed for over an hour before the rain got quite heavy. Since the CDC has now told people they shouldn’t do caroling, we decided to bring back the Shire Choir and sang a few “Chronic Carols” before packing up and heading to a nearby activist Thanksgiving.

Special thanks to Andy from YouTube channel “Go Within to Get Out“, who was at his very first protest ever with us! He provided some of the footage used in this video.

VIDEO: Activists Protest at NH Governor’s House for First Time Ever

Protestors in front of NH governor's home.

Protestors in front of NH governor’s home for the first time ever.

As originally announced here at Free Keene, approximately one hundred people gathered Sunday afternoon at New Hampshire’s “governor” Chris Sununu’s house at 71 Hemlock Ct. in Newfields, NH. Many had been pushed over their limit by his recent statewide mask mandate, but it wasn’t just about him trying to tell people what to wear, it was also about ruining businesses and destroying jobs and lives with his “emergency orders”.

Sununu’s edicts have invaded our homes and businesses, so now we’re invading his. It’s been a long time coming and today was a lot of fun as we joined together from across NH. Sununu’s gubernatorial primary challenger, Nobody, was in attendance and purchased hundreds of dollars worth of pizza for the crowd on the cold, late-fall afternoon. Ten-year-old Lucas, who earlier had been calling out Sununu on a megaphone, grabbed a pizza and attempted to walk it up the driveway to offer it to the multiple state police officers that had been assigned to protect “HIS EXCELLENCY”. They told him to leave the property, as is shown in this highlights video by Vincent Moore from Shire Free Media:

Also, when the Domino’s driver pulled up, he had on a mask but removed it and smiled as he received plenty of cash tips from the excited attendees. It was a great day for us, but probably not for Sununu as he hid inside his home like the cowardly, sniveling politician he is.

Despite sending out a press release to mainstream media, only one reporter showed up from Seacoast Online and she published a pretty fairly written story.

For more longform coverage, check out the full two hour livestream from Breaking the Flaw here: (more…)