Speaking on NH Independence at the “Stop the Steal” Rally in Concord, NH

Peaceful secession from the United States is something I’ve promoted this year at mask freedom rallies, Black Lives Matter, and now “Stop the Steal”. I had attended such a rally last weekend, which is heavily attended by Trump supporters, with the intention of handing out flyers for the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence.

I successfully handed out flyers to the bulk of the crowd and they were near-universally well-received. Then I was given the opportunity to speak. Though I was surrounded by pro-America speakers, I reminded the large crowd that even if Trump somehow wins, he won’t stop the government from stealing, that the federal gang is evil, and taxes are theft.

America has failed, I told them. I was not booed off the stage. They surely know it’s true. The point was to plant the seed that it’s time New Hampshire secedes again and says goodbye, peacefully, the United States of America.

It’s long past time, actually. But it’s still not too late. New Hampshire Independence NOW!

Here’s video of my full speech and some highlights from the other speakers at the rally:

State vs Federal Citizenship and Changing Parties to Libertarian

Great news! As of 2016’s election, the Libertarian Party of NH regained ballot status equal to the Rs and Ds for the first time in two decades! I’d previously been registered as a Democrat for the purposes of running for office but this year I made the switch to Libertarian, since it was the first time I’ve been able to do that since moving here in 2006.

That’s the short version of the story. There’s more, however. In addition to re-registering to vote as a Libertarian, I also modified the voter registration form to reflect my “state citizen” status and put the Keene City Clerk and Secretary of State of NH offices on notice of that.

What is a “state citizen”, you ask? Good question. Here’s my understanding, which the clerk and S.O.S. didn’t contradict. I present to you the notice I sent to the clerk and S.O.S. and the video of my visit to the clerk’s office to change my voter registration and notice them of my state citizen status, under duress. Below the video, I’ll discuss in more detail.

First, beware that there are a lot of “paytriots” out there who will sell you information purported to get you out of the state system if you just file the right papers in the right order in the right places. It’s all a bunch of crap, from what I can tell. If you try their methods and they don’t work, they’ll just claim you did something wrong. You didn’t study enough, didn’t buy the advanced course, etc. (more…)

“Fuck You, Feds!” – Pro Independence Manchester NH Senate Candidate at 420 Rally

Carla Gericke, recently profiled along with me in a detailed piece by NHPR, made an appearance with me and other liberty activists yesterday at the annual Concord, NH 420 rally.

Carla’s the former president of the Free State Project and the current president of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence, an outreach group that promotes New Hampshire’s peaceful exit from the United States. She didn’t hold back in her short-but-sweet speech at the 420 celebration at the state house steps, telling the federal government, “Fuck you”, as she announced her second attempt at running as a “pro-gun, anti-war” republican for the Manchester NH senate seat against a longtime incumbent democrat.

In the video, I also included the full video of her longer speech from 2017, since last year’s coverage only included highlights and I dropped the ball on finishing production of the full speeches. Here are both of Carla’s excellent speeches from 2018 and 2017’s 420 rallies at the Concord state house:

She looks great, by the way – you can really see a positive change in her between the two rallies. She told me she’s been off alcohol completely for six months – congrats!

More video is coming from other speakers at the rally, including the triumphant return of Rich Paul to the rally he created, so do subscribe to the Free Keene Youtube channel for the latest.

The New Secessionists Declare Independence!

This Independence Day, I am pushing the meme of New Hampshire Independence. It is its own country of 1,331,000 people with a unique set of cultural, economic, and philosophical values. It’s about time you and I start referring to NH as a country. Forget “draining the swamp” — Leave the swamp!

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