24/7 Protest in Lebanon Against Vaccine Mandates for Nurses

If you drive to the wrong location in New Hampshire, you may still end up at a protest. Nikki, (a nurse from Massachusetts,) and I intended to drive to the vaccine protest going on in Concord, but we drove to the wrong Dartmouth-Hitchcock location, the one in Lebanon. There is a larger gathering going on certain days at the Concord location, so at first we thought, “Where is everybody?” There was a group of just three guys on the side of the road by the entrance to the hospital with signs saying things like “No forced shots”. We went up to them with our camera and found out that the organizer of this protest and his wife had only left for a bit and would be back, and that the organizer had been sleeping in his military-style truck on the side of the road every night just to keep the protest going. We had accidentally found a second protest, and it was a 24/7 protest!

The organizer and his wife, a nurse named Nicole, returned and I interviewed her about her opinions on Dartmouth-Hitchcock mandating COVID vaccines for all of their staff. Their protest is getting a lot of attention from people driving past, and even getting conversations started. A group of teenagers whose parents flipped the protesters the bird as they drove by later returned without their parents to ask questions. They have sueDHMC.com on a huge sign that is visible from the road. Keep up the great work, protesters! Here’s the video:

Rochelle Kelley Found Not Guilty for COVID Playground Arrest – Full Trial Video

Heroic mom Rochelle Kelley went to trial today and faced up to a year in jail after her arrest for daring to bring her kids to a Concord, NH playground in April of 2020 while the playground was closed due to “governor’s orders”. The courtroom was full of supporters and after the pathetic cops testified, the robed man actually found her not guilty! This is the full trial video, only available here on our Odysee channel:

Free Keene Videos Now Exclusively Available on Odysee (LBRY)

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For years, Free Keene has been reporting on the uncensorable, decentralized, blockchain-based, media-sharing protocol, LBRY, and recommending it as an alternative to big tech platforms like YouTube. Our videos from YouTube have been mirrored there since 2018 via their awesome “YouTube Partner Program“, which easily allows anyone with a YouTube channel to import their channel’s content onto LBRY, and their new front-end video-sharing site, Odysee. On more than one occasion, our content being on Odysee/LBRY has allowed it to stay online when YouTube deleted it.

Though our YouTube is still online after receiving a bullshit content “strike” on a 10+ year old video, it could be taken down completely at any time. As a result, the time has come to finally migrate fully to exclusively posting our full video content on Odysee / LBRY. Starting today, the only videos that are posted to the Free Keene YouTube channel will be promo videos for the full versions which will exclusively be available on our Odysee channel.

How can you help? If you haven’t yet, please create an account on Odysee and follow our channel there. We have over 20,000 followers on YouTube but just over 300 on Odysee, so your assistance there would be appreciated. Of course, share your favorite Free Keene videos from our Odysee channel instead of YouTube. Our full catalog is on Odysee. Finally, if you really want to support the LBRY network that backs Odysee, you should go ahead and download the LBRY.com app for your desktop/laptop. Then, every video you watch of ours there, you’ll become a seed for on the network, which helps ensure our videos stay readily available online. Please visit video.freekeene.com, which will take you right to our Odysee channel. Thank you!

Last interview prior to the raid: Savage Truth 603

A few weeks before the coordinated, unnecessarily destructive, expensive raids on the Crypto Six, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Skylar Bennett aka Savage Truth 603. We talked about cryptocurrency and the awesome New Hampshire Goldbacks:

Thank you to all the great bloggers here at Free Keene who continued cranking out the content while I was being held in jail for 69 days. Also thank you to everyone who is supporting the Crypto Six. Please don’t forget that Nobody is still behind bars after being denied bail. You can write to him at the address you can find on TheCryptoSix.com.

Ross Ulbricht Speaks Truth to Power

For the first time since being caged, Ross Ulbricht — no stranger to readers of FreeKeene.com — candidly, and powerfully spoke out. In this 25-minute audio recording he:

  • details his motivation for creating the Silk Road and his subsequent character assassination and caging
  • implores his captors to act not with contempt but compassion
  • shares his excitement about the liberating impact of decentralized cryptocurrency for individuals & humanity


VIDEO: Mask-Free Flash Mob Visits Monadnock Co-Op, Encountering Angry Double-Masked Men, Keene Police

This weekend a couple dozen free-faced activists gathered from across New Hampshire at the Monadnock Co-Op in Downtown Keene for a “mask-free flash mob” event. Approximately a dozen of those gathered entered the store and attempted to shop. Why the Co-Op? Organizer Frank “Footloose” Staples said that it was due to the large number of reports of store staff and customers being very unfriendly to people with medical exemptions from wearing masks. One woman even wrote a letter to the editor of the Keene Sentinel about her difficult experience at the Co-Op.

True to form, some customers were downright hostile, including a younger man – wearing two masks – who told a young woman with a baby to “get the hell out of here”, then yelled something similar at me outside the store, despite the fact that I had not gone inside, as I am not a shopper of the Co-Op. I do understand the perspective of those who participated in the shopping: Since the store is open to the public, it should to serve people with medical exemptions. It’s certainly their right to refuse service to people for whatever reasons they want, but if a medical condition is a reason to refuse service, then they should take down their “Everyone Welcome” marquee and become a private club, open only to members.

Another noteworthy character who makes multiple appearances in the video is the self-described “Blue Collar Brawler”. The elderly, double-masked man has words with everyone he comes across, wishing them death and calling the free-faced people “asshole”, and “stupid”. He even loads up his hand with a roll of quarters to white knight for a masked woman who herself is shouting at an unmasked older man in one of the store aisles. It’s a wild video:

YouTubers Breaking the Flaw and Savage Truth 603 were both among the free-faced shoppers. I cut their videos into my footage and uploaded an overview of the entire event to the Free Keene LBRY. Due to the Free Keene YouTube account being frozen, the video is not available at this time on YouTube. Please watch and share the LBRY video and follow our channel there.

To the Co-Op’s credit, the DID allow all the unmasked shoppers to make their purchases, though there were a large number of them. Individuals who attempted to shop at this store prior to this event had reported being made to feel very uncomfortable and even being refused service. I recommend taking your business elsewhere and shopping at places who respect the freedom to choose.

Update 2021-12-15 – the “Blue Collar Brawler” is Tim Congdon of 28 Lee St. in Keene