by Ian | Jun 3, 2020 |
Massive crowd watching speakers at BLM event in Keene.
Finally, average people are showing concern for police violence! It only took thousands of innocent bodies piled up over many years and countless millions of peaceful people arrested for victimless crimes before enough people got mad enough to do something. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware of the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis cops who brazenly choked him to death for several minutes while being recorded on video as Floyd tried to plead with the gang of killers and alert them that he could not breathe.
Floyd’s death wasn’t the first such death at the hands of police across the United States.
However, what happened to Floyd was the spark that lit a flame – literally, with large numbers of people coming out from their homes to join in protests demanding police accountability and railing against police violence, which is used more often against blacks, but affects all of the human race. The protestors even torched the Minneapolis third precinct station after police abandoned the property after days of protests outside, which was an amazing victory and was refreshing to see the people’s understandable anger targeted where it was actually deserved.
KPD’s Cristina Paterno and Cheshire Sheriff Eli Rivera hear you, but will they listen and change?
Sadly, some protests have also been sullied by violence committed against people and the destruction of private property in many cities. The destruction of innocent-owned private property has been significant and tragic. However, New Hampshire has thankfully avoided these losses, likely because people here are much more free to defend their property from attackers, with weapons if necessary. The people who are targeting private property are unwelcome among the peaceful protestors and are likely a mix of police acting as agents-provocateur and opportunists who are looking to destroy and/or steal.
Today in Keene, several hundred people gathered in Central Square at 4pm today for a Black Lives Matter protest that rivaled the BLM event from Manchester, NH on Saturday. After nearly fifteen years in Keene, I’ve never seen anything this big in Central Square, ever. Today’s event was probably 4-5 times larger than the biggest 420 rallies in Central Square more than a decade ago.
Large crowd in Keene kneels, fist up.
The honking from drivers was nearly non-stop including multiple large trucks and tractor trailers laying on their horns to cheers from the excited crowd. Keene’s police chief Steven Russo and Cheshire County’s sheriff Eli Rivera were both present in the heart of the park holding signs saying, “We hear you” and taking pictures with people. To their credit, this was a smart move. By physically joining the protestors, the police acting like humans can diffuse anger and deescalate tensions. However, talk is cheap, and “hearing” isn’t the same as “listening”, and it’s certainly not actually changing their behavior.
Will the Keene police stop arresting peaceful people for victimless crimes? It’s the insane war on drugs and other prohibitions that have resulted in people of all shapes and sizes and colors being attacked, imprisoned, and murdered by police nationwide for decades. Keene’s police have made a myriad of drug busts and assisted the DEA in raiding a popular local head shop on Main Street several years ago. A stroll through past posts at Keene Cop Block shows just a fraction of the lives the local police have ruined in the name of their authoritarian prohibitions. Are they going to now see how they harmed their brothers and sisters, issue an apology, change their ways and send back the BEARCAT armored tank to its manufacturer?
I sure hope so, for their sake, but then again, I’m an optimist.
by Ian | May 23, 2020 |
On May 22nd 2010, someone spent 10,000 Bitcoin (BTC) to purchase two pizzas. This historic first-real-life-usage-of-bitcoin has since been celebrated as “Bitcoin Pizza Day” and here in Keene we celebrated Bitcoin Pizza Day for the fourth year in a row at Little Zoe’s Pizza in Keene. Little Zoe’s has been accepting cryptocurrencies for years and the weather was perfect for a gathering of those who not only were interested in crypto, but also willing to potentially violate “HIS EXCELLENCY” Chris Sununu’s “executive orders”.
As has been the case for years in Keene, more than several crypto-enthusiasts gathered for Bitcoin Pizza Day, though one did have a mask.
We continue regular meetups, every six days. The next one is Wednesday at 4pm at Thirsty Owl whose porch is so popular, reservations are recommended. So, if you plan to attend, please make sure to RSVP.
Bitcoin Pizza Day 2020 at Little Zoe’s in Keene
by Ian | May 22, 2020 |
Best protestor at the first big right to assemble protest; “FEAR IS THE REAL VIRUS”
The last couple of months have been disappointing, even for an optimist like me. As a tremendous overreaction to a virus, a medical authoritarian state has arisen across the planet. Some government gangs have gone farther than others with this COVID crackdown, but it’s been common in most places across the United States to see restaurants, bars, and various other businesses partially or fully shut down in response to the “orders” of men and women calling themselves “governors”.
As one might expect, with only the ability to provide take-out or delivered food, many restaurants closed temporarily rather than offer those limited services. Some have since shuttered permanently including several local eateries, one of which had been in business over two decades here in Keene, the popular Elm City Bagels.
Even the local newspaper, the Keene Sentinel, is asking for donations. They were already losing subscribers over the last two decades, but when a traditionally advertiser-supported media company starts asking for direct reader support, you know they are seeing some really tough times. Newspapers across the country are slashing jobs as advertisers are disappearing.
It’s not just newspapers, but radio and television are also suffering from a major advertiser downturn. I spend my mornings calling talk radio stations across the country to pitch my show to them, and many are seeing large drops in ad revenue. Radio companies have been laying off employees and asking others to take pay cuts. The next step will be some stations going out of business entirely and selling their assets for pennies on the dollar.
These are just a few examples of how business is taking it on the chin economically, which leads to personal destruction in the lives of the owners and employees. Those who advocate for the forced shutdowns say things like “if it just saves one life”. What about the lives of those people who have already committed suicide due to their life drastically changing for the worse? How about the people who are being physically beaten by government agents in places like New York City or Uganda, just for leaving their homes?
Masked Concord Gang Members Threaten Parents, Kids at Playground
How many people would have quarantined themselves if it weren’t “required”? Are these tyrannical governors’ “emergency orders” even legal? Arguably, even under the state system, they are not, but that’s not going to persuade a cop from ceasing an arrest. Sure, you can challenge the arrest in court later, if you survive it and can afford the attorneys. Legal or not, some states are enforcing their orders with violence. The New Hampshire government gang has been mostly hands-off regarding police enforcement, though they are still trying to intimidate in some cases.
We can’t be sure how many people would choose to put these state “guidelines” into place if they didn’t think they were mandatory. I spoke with a local business owner recently about the idea that the governor’s “orders” are actually just suggestions. I even had an attorney who was interested in taking the case if the owner opened up in spite of the governor’s orders. Despite having an attorney’s interest, the owner was not willing to have to face down the government gang.
They government people can be a scary bunch, and everyone knows that they have the power to ruin your life and business if they want. As we’ve seen with the salon owners and barbers who’ve bravely stood up against “the state” people across the country, most of them roll over and submit once their “license” gets pulled and they are then facing hundreds of dollars a day in fines. Why would they pay the fines? Obedience to the system. Certainly, they know on some level that if they don’t pay – men with guns calling themselves “the police” will show up and stop them from opening their business.
Whether people obey because they actually agree with the lockdowns and are afraid of catching the virus, or whether they obey because they are afraid of the state gang members’ retribution, the common element is fear.
Fear is the opposite of love. It is a killer. Fear kills dreams and opportunities. It kills fun and enthusiasm. Fear kills inspiration and hope. I could surely continue this list, but in this bizarre world we’ve found ourselves in, fear is killing the economy and freedom and the people calling themselves “the state” or “the federal government” are feeding on the fear and destruction. Many people are begging the state people to rule them and to rule harder – with an iron fist – if it just saves one life.
Did New Hampshire people choose death over freedom?
It’s been particularly disappointing to witness the effects of fear here in the supposed “Live Free or Die” state. Sure, there have been some great protests with hundreds attending at the state house, but we haven’t had much in the way of resistance against this tyranny from businesses, the activity of which is what gives life to the economy. Though one NH salon owner has this week filed a lawsuit against “HIS EXCELLENCY” governor Chris Sununu’s office, even this “pushback” still acknowledges that the state is in charge. Suing works within their system, acknowledging its legitimacy. It’s asking one tentacle of the monsterous state to stop the other one from choking you to death.
The salon owner suing the governor’s office isn’t wrong for doing so. She believes it’s her only option. The state reopening “guidance”, which confusingly are also termed “orders” to make them sound mandatory, are strangling her salon and will put her under. To simply reopen her business in whatever way she wants, ignoring the guidelines that would harm her, is to her not even an option. However, that is the solution to this medical authoritarian tyranny: ignore the state, damn the consequences, and open your doors, business owners!
Belief in and obedience to the idea of “the state” is what has gotten us to this point in the first place. Whenever the first “business license” was created by the state gang, freedom-loving business owners should have pushed back and refused to get one. No one should have to beg for permission to offer a product or service in a free market. Sadly, for whatever reason, they got the licenses and subjected themselves to the arbitrary rule of the state gang, consenting to the idea of a regulated marketplace. Now, when the state gang says jump, they do what they are told, or men with guns will destroy their livelihood.
If enough business owners opened up, and it wouldn’t even need to be a majority of them, maybe just ten percent – the state could not stop them all. If they refused to pay the fines, their freedom-loving customers would support them, surely. If the arrests come, let them. If the state gang wants to show the people how violent they are, let’s show people the violence clearly on video. We don’t need the idea of “the state” or coercive government. It’s important to realize, “the state” is just an idea. One in which people believe so strongly they’re willing to kill for it, if necessary, but ultimately a mass delusion. The idea of the state doesn’t make life better. The state destroys life and feed off of productivity. The state propagates fear and war. If people are afraid, the state’s power grows. War is the health of the state, and surprise! The government goons and its lapdog media are talking about the COVID thing like it’s a war.
Order your “The Real Virus is Fear” Shirt from CustomInk. We don’t make anything on this – just wanted to share the design with you.
The federal gang are also printing money at record levels, already multiple trillions added to the debt and likely more on the way, worse than any war in U.S. history. While it looks on the surface like they are helping – free money is arriving in bank accounts – there is a cost to this, and it’s called inflation and possibly hyperinflation.
The state cultists want to remind you of why you need them. But you really don’t. If you do want the state in your life, bend over, cause they’re gonna give it all to you as hard and fast as they can get away with. Just like they did after 9/11, but worse this time.
Though I will continue to attend them, protests are just begging. Free people refuse to obey. Open up. Stop asking permission. Do the right thing, before it’s too late.
Oh, and if you love liberty, get to New Hampshire ASAP and help us. If now isn’t the time to migrate for liberty, when will it be time?
P.S. I found a slick website that lets you custom design t-shirts and print only one if you need, or a bunch at a discount. A local group of freedom-lovers ordered several and so I wanted to share the link to the design we made for dual-sided “The Real Virus is Fear” t-shirts. You can put the logo on whatever you want, or make your own that looks completely different. I don’t make any money if you buy through this link – I just wanted to share the design with you in case you want one.
by Ian | May 16, 2020 |
CVM Inside Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester
Recently due to the ridiculous and tyrannical COVID crackdown on freedom that we’ve seen globally over the last two months, Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester closed its doors and the area’s longest-running Cryptocurrency Vending Machine (CVM) had to be moved to the other Murphy’s location in Bedford. Now, a month later, the CVM is back at Murphy’s Taproom in downtown Manchester at 494 Elm St as they prepare to reopen on Monday to their regular hours of 11:30am-Midnight, seven-days-a-week!
Originally installed back in 2016, the General Bytes brand CVM has been offering Bitcoin (BTC), DASH, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and most recently Monero (XMR) to the community at competitive rates, with unparalleled privacy. Since then, the area has seen close to a dozen competing CVMs spring up, many of which are severely limited on the amount available to purchase and invasive of users’ privacy.
Given the economic ruin being imposed by the federal and state government gangs, now may be a really good time to start learning about and acquiring cryptocurrency. The CVM in Manchester makes acquiring crypto as simple as putting cash in a vending machine. If you’re new to crypto, install some wallet software like Edge Wallet or Exodus Wallet and drop by Murphy’s Taproom any day to purchase some cryptocurrency.
by Ian | May 2, 2020 |
Hundreds gathered today, May 2nd, in the name of freedom on the steps of the NH state house.
Several hundred protestors descended once again today on the grounds of the state house in Concord, New Hampshire to protest the tyrannical behavior from the New Hampshire criminal gang known as “government” and their governor-king Chris Sununu. The same thing happened two weeks previous, where hundreds gathered despite near-freezing temperatures and rain. Today’s freedom rally was warm and sunny and again hundreds attended, perhaps even more than last time.
Police again ignored the event, preferring – as bullies would do – to target and threaten peaceful parents and children on area playgrounds instead.
As before there were speeches and signs, but this time the crowd started by Main Street and ended the event by amassing in front of and on the state house steps where a myriad of photos were taken, including the one I snapped that you can see on this post. Video is expected tonight from Vincent Moore of Shire Free Media. I’ll post that when I get it. Meanwhile, you can see his video from two weeks ago here.
Today’s rally was a huge success, though it wasn’t perfect. There were a lot of Trump supporters there, apparently still under the deluded belief that Trump somehow supports freedom. That said, the rally was an excellent example of mass civil disobedience and noncooperation and many minds were open to the idea of New Hampshire declaring independence, which is the flyer I passed out to most of the crowd.
My “ASSEMBLY IS A HUMAN RIGHT” / “FREE HUGS” sign netted me six hugs, five from ladies, one from a guy.
Will the protestors take the next rally to the home of “HIS EXCELLENCY”? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest.