The Verge Runs Feature-Length Story About The Crypto Six

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The Verge

Thanks to Russell Brandom at the Verge for this amazing feature-length coverage of the federal attack on the Crypto Six.

The attack on the Crypto Six is more evidence that the libertarian migration to New Hampshire is a clear threat to the status quo. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. We’re solidly in the “fight you” phase. The Verge feature will hopefully raise awareness of the ongoing attack on liberty-loving activists here in New Hampshire and bring even more people to the front lines of peaceful activism here. It even mentions secession!

Brandom’s piece covers a lot and mentions the Free State Project, Anypay, Goldback, Free Talk Live, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Free Keene, and confirms Keene’s status as the Crypto Mecca. The article is very well-written and in-depth with some excellent photography.

Please do read it here at the Verge and share it on your favorite social media.

Free Keene Videos Now Exclusively Available on Odysee (LBRY)

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For years, Free Keene has been reporting on the uncensorable, decentralized, blockchain-based, media-sharing protocol, LBRY, and recommending it as an alternative to big tech platforms like YouTube. Our videos from YouTube have been mirrored there since 2018 via their awesome “YouTube Partner Program“, which easily allows anyone with a YouTube channel to import their channel’s content onto LBRY, and their new front-end video-sharing site, Odysee. On more than one occasion, our content being on Odysee/LBRY has allowed it to stay online when YouTube deleted it.

Though our YouTube is still online after receiving a bullshit content “strike” on a 10+ year old video, it could be taken down completely at any time. As a result, the time has come to finally migrate fully to exclusively posting our full video content on Odysee / LBRY. Starting today, the only videos that are posted to the Free Keene YouTube channel will be promo videos for the full versions which will exclusively be available on our Odysee channel.

How can you help? If you haven’t yet, please create an account on Odysee and follow our channel there. We have over 20,000 followers on YouTube but just over 300 on Odysee, so your assistance there would be appreciated. Of course, share your favorite Free Keene videos from our Odysee channel instead of YouTube. Our full catalog is on Odysee. Finally, if you really want to support the LBRY network that backs Odysee, you should go ahead and download the app for your desktop/laptop. Then, every video you watch of ours there, you’ll become a seed for on the network, which helps ensure our videos stay readily available online. Please visit, which will take you right to our Odysee channel. Thank you!

Last interview prior to the raid: Savage Truth 603

A few weeks before the coordinated, unnecessarily destructive, expensive raids on the Crypto Six, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Skylar Bennett aka Savage Truth 603. We talked about cryptocurrency and the awesome New Hampshire Goldbacks:

Thank you to all the great bloggers here at Free Keene who continued cranking out the content while I was being held in jail for 69 days. Also thank you to everyone who is supporting the Crypto Six. Please don’t forget that Nobody is still behind bars after being denied bail. You can write to him at the address you can find on

Crypto6’s Aria DiMezzo Speaks Out On Oppressive US Government & Its Attempt To Ban Bitcoin

Aria DiMezzo, one of the Crypto6 raided on March 16, 2021 over selling of Bitcoin and co-host of the nationally syndicated radio show Free Talk Live speaks out on the US government’s attempt to oppress the worlds population through draconian attacks on financial freedom. Aria spoke at this years Porcupine Freedom Festival at Rogers Campground in Lancaster NH. It’s not just those selling Bitcoin that have something to fear, but all of us.

First they came for the socialists, and I DID speak out—
Even though I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I DID speak out—
Even though I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I DID speak out—
Even though I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and I realized speaking out wasn’t enough.

Migrate to the shire– because alone- and spread out we’re all helpless. Talk is cheap. However together we’re a force to be reckoned with and that’s the real reason the FBI is on the attack. The FBI is very afraid. Undoubtedly the FBI can attack a few free staters, but they’ve already ultimately lost the war whether they realize it yet or not. Win or lose any particular case in court and it does not matter. The publicity draws in far more people and with each new mover we inch closer to achieving our long term goal of freedom and liberty in our lifetime.

I also want to put out a special thank you to the FBI for without them we would not have been able to generate the amount of publicity this case has brought nor attracted a new generation of activist to the migration. For the first time in the history of the migration movement the Porcupine Freedom Festival sold out almost doubling that of any prior year.

Direct IPFS link to video:

Ross Ulbricht Speaks Truth to Power

For the first time since being caged, Ross Ulbricht — no stranger to readers of — candidly, and powerfully spoke out. In this 25-minute audio recording he:

  • details his motivation for creating the Silk Road and his subsequent character assassination and caging
  • implores his captors to act not with contempt but compassion
  • shares his excitement about the liberating impact of decentralized cryptocurrency for individuals & humanity


Right Wing Crazies & Libertarians Join In On Socialist Rally To Defund The Police With Hilarious Results

Defund the police rally in Keene, NH

A socialist led organization the NH Youth Movement has been rallying its troops across NH this past week in an effort to get cities and towns to defund their police forces. However the rally that was planned for Keene didn’t go quite as the organizers expected.

While there isn’t a significant socialist presence in New Hampshire there are plenty of socialists in surrounding states that from time to time muster up the occasional rally in NH through the busing in of left wing extremists. This is particularly easy to do in Cheshire with the county neighboring Vermont and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts being right next door plus students from out of town attending Keene State College.

A few days before the rally was to occur the Keene City Republican Committee Chair Anne L. Farrington got wind of the socialists organizing of a protest and rallied her opposition country-folk to attend a counter protest for the same time and date.

“We want to show our support for law enforcement by coming out in strength to Back the Badge! The rally will be in Central Square tomorrow from 5:30pm-8:00pm. Please join us and bring friends who support our police!”

– Anne L. Farrington

This attempt at undermining the NH Youth Movement’s protest turned out to be as hilarious as one might have anticipated. Not so much because there were people shouting back and forth, but in that it appeared that the rally attracted all of one intentional NH Youth Movement member and another five or so socialists who just happened upon the Republican’s counter-protest.

To make for an entertaining afternoon a handful of libertarians got together to join in on the fun making a few signs in advance of the event, saying things both opposing sides would theoretically agree with and disagree with at the same time, like “Defund the pigs & end socialism”. Is it a socialist protest? Is it a right wing protest? Who knows, but certainly the passerbys didn’t quite follow what was going on with all the shouting from every side and direction. Both from protesters and from passing cars alike.

After numerous conversations with the right-wing nut jobs and left wing extremists it turned out that each side had a lot in common. Both the republicans and the socialists were in favor of socialist programs, but the agenda for which programs to fund and defund were different. The young socialists wanted to see free college tuition and police dollars redistributed to other social programs like housing the homeless. The counter protesters expressed a desire to continue funding social security and the police state.

What both the left and right failed to grasp was that the money doesn’t exist to fund all of these programs. The use of violence and the state to take money from the populous only works up to a point before that theft becomes so great that it undermines the revenues that can be generated. This leads to a failure of the programs both sides are trying to fund through theft.

Now this doesn’t mean that all parties can’t get what they want, but the means by which those funds are raised must not be through the violence that is the state. The overhead of state mandated programs is significant, the inefficiencies great, and the ever increasing amounts undermining to the objectives of both sides.

When the state gets involved a significant portion of the revenues generated are eaten up by the extraction of those funds from the populous and the overhead of management- not to mention corruption. When people are left to decide for themselves by comparison individuals pick the least expensive options which deliver the maximum benefit thus reducing costs and making such services affordable. Between competing offerings individuals can afford to pay for college when competition is left to run its course, government isn’t handing out ‘free’ money, and security (policing) doesn’t cost six figures per employee. Lets end all of the social welfare programs: Police, education, health care, social security, corporate welfare, and so on, and then hand back the financial resources to the people by eliminating the taxes that make these programs perform poorly as only then will those dollars stolen be best and most efficiently utilized.

Check out the entertaining video with left wing extremists, libertarians, and right wingers all competing for air time in or surrounding the public square.