Dear Jazzy Girl, My Best Friend and Companion

Jazzy - Always Smiling

Jazzy – Always Smiling

Dear Jazzy Girl, my best friend and companion,

We figure you were about sixteen-and-a-half when you passed away on Monday. I don’t need to tell you about the immense number of people whose lives you touched over those years. You were there and you had that experience, conscious for every moment, until your final day. What you may not know, is the impact you had on the world – because you were good. I wanted to tell you why you were so special.

Did you know we may never have met if it weren’t for the sad death of a puppy? My partner Jackie and I adopted a very young Pit Bull mix puppy from the Humane Society in Florida, where you’re from as well. She was only a couple of weeks old and surely she’d have been as sweet as you, as being a Pit Bull doesn’t mean she’d have been a bad dog. But tragically she died within a couple of weeks. Turns out her whole litter was missing organs, purportedly due to inbreeding, and she was the last of them to die. It was sad, but that door closing quickly led to you being brought into my life.

I’m not a dog expert. Maybe some dogs are really born bad, but I’d be willing to be that a bad dog is usually thanks to a bad owner. Not necessarily that the owner is purposefully abusive, but perhaps just ignorant, not realizing the consequences their actions or inaction might have on their dog. Perhaps they also underestimate animal intelligence. I always presumed you understood me and that you were smart. You never disappointed me.

Young Jazzy

Photo from September 2004 – you were about six months old.

When I got you in 2004 I did some research into dog training methods. I came across the “no free lunch” method and it felt right. Dogs need to be in a hierarchy – they are a pack animal. The “no free lunch” method is all about establishing the dog’s position as beneath the humans and rewarding it with love for its good behavior. Unlike independent-minded humans, a dog needs to be able to find its place and be comfortable there. In your case, you were directly beneath humans and on top of the pack of dogs, ever the alpha.

“No Free Lunch” is simple and effective. Anytime you wanted something, you had to give me something first. When you sat, I said “good sit”, and praised you. I gave you love and attention – not food, as some do when attempting to train their dog. So, any opportunity I had, I’d employ “no free lunch”. If you wanted to go outside, I’d ask you to sit first. Same thing when we’d come back inside the house. If we were playing with a toy or something, I might ask you to sit before giving it back to you. We quickly expanded to a multitude of things you could do in order to get what you wanted.

I figured you were smart, so anything you did that I named with “good” in front of it, I presumed you remembered the word and its associated act the very first time I spoke it. I don’t think you ever disappointed that expectation. Of course, just because I said “no free lunch” is simple doesn’t mean its always easy. You definitely pushed the envelope to see what you could get away with. You’d act like you didn’t know what I’d said, doing the wrong thing, on purpose. I remember the times when I’d already successfully taught you several commands and you’d run through your whole inventory of tricks – EXCEPT the one I asked you to do, expecting I was going to give you what you wanted. You were frequently testing me. Training a dog with the “no free lunch” method, in my experience, requires significant discipline on the part of the trainer. You were trying to beat me at the game and I had to hold firm on not giving you the thing you wanted, no matter how adorable you were.

Eventually, you were performing multiple tricks on command in order to do special things, like receive a meal. You could sit, stand, roll over, wait, come, lay down, roll over, bow, give kisses, speak, shake right, shake left, look, back up, and probably some more I don’t recall off the top of my head. At some point, you realized that you were well fed and you weren’t going to run out of food, so we moved to an open bowl where we just kept adding to it daily and you decided how much to eat and when.

Renee Spinella and Jazzy on the Rainbow Bench!

Renee Spinella and Jazzy on the UCC Rainbow Bench!

You were indeed quite beautiful. You regularly received compliments from total strangers who frequently commented that you had an unusually expressive face and raved about how pretty you were. You had collected a large number of fans including neighbors, libertarian activists, people in the area lucky enough to encounter you, and even people on the internet who watched you on the Free Talk Live Jazzycam during our nightly radio shows. You mostly slept through the shows, but hey, talk radio’s not for everyone. Free Keene blogger Garret Ean even named you Keene’s #1 Dog Activist and you deserved it. You were regularly my secret weapon to get hundreds of Keene State College students every year to accept CopBlock know-your-rights flyers. You participated in and helped bring attention the United Church of Christ’s rainbow bench situation, were a regular attendee of the Porcupine Freedom Festival and Forkfest, the official greeter at Keenevention, and of course were at my side through countless instances of freedom activism and beyond.

Even more impressive was that bulk of your amazing activism & outreach career came in your senior years, since you didn’t move back in with me until you were 10. When Jackie and I broke up in 2006, after being with you and training you for those first two years, I chose to let you go. They say if you love something, let it go. I love you and I loved her, and I’d always rather a breakup go as smoothly as as possible, so I made the choice to let Jackie have you. As it turned out, she was unable to take care of you immediately, so we got to spend another six months together, until Jackie was finally ready, then I sadly gave you to her. That happened to be right around the time when I moved to New Hampshire as part of the NH Freedom Migration. (more…)

The Real Virus is Fear… and the Belief in “The State”

Best protestor at the first big right to assemble protest; "FEAR IS THE REAL VIRUS"

Best protestor at the first big right to assemble protest; “FEAR IS THE REAL VIRUS”

The last couple of months have been disappointing, even for an optimist like me. As a tremendous overreaction to a virus, a medical authoritarian state has arisen across the planet. Some government gangs have gone farther than others with this COVID crackdown, but it’s been common in most places across the United States to see restaurants, bars, and various other businesses partially or fully shut down in response to the “orders” of men and women calling themselves “governors”.

As one might expect, with only the ability to provide take-out or delivered food, many restaurants closed temporarily rather than offer those limited services. Some have since shuttered permanently including several local eateries, one of which had been in business over two decades here in Keene, the popular Elm City Bagels.

Even the local newspaper, the Keene Sentinel, is asking for donations. They were already losing subscribers over the last two decades, but when a traditionally advertiser-supported media company starts asking for direct reader support, you know they are seeing some really tough times. Newspapers across the country are slashing jobs as advertisers are disappearing.

It’s not just newspapers, but radio and television are also suffering from a major advertiser downturn. I spend my mornings calling talk radio stations across the country to pitch my show to them, and many are seeing large drops in ad revenue. Radio companies have been laying off employees and asking others to take pay cuts. The next step will be some stations going out of business entirely and selling their assets for pennies on the dollar.

These are just a few examples of how business is taking it on the chin economically, which leads to personal destruction in the lives of the owners and employees. Those who advocate for the forced shutdowns say things like “if it just saves one life”. What about the lives of those people who have already committed suicide due to their life drastically changing for the worse? How about the people who are being physically beaten by government agents in places like New York City or Uganda, just for leaving their homes?

Masked Concord Gang Members Threaten Parents, Kids at Playground

Masked Concord Gang Members Threaten Parents, Kids at Playground

How many people would have quarantined themselves if it weren’t “required”? Are these tyrannical governors’ “emergency orders” even legal? Arguably, even under the state system, they are not, but that’s not going to persuade a cop from ceasing an arrest. Sure, you can challenge the arrest in court later, if you survive it and can afford the attorneys. Legal or not, some states are enforcing their orders with violence. The New Hampshire government gang has been mostly hands-off regarding police enforcement, though they are still trying to intimidate in some cases.

We can’t be sure how many people would choose to put these state “guidelines” into place if they didn’t think they were mandatory. I spoke with a local business owner recently about the idea that the governor’s “orders” are actually just suggestions. I even had an attorney who was interested in taking the case if the owner opened up in spite of the governor’s orders. Despite having an attorney’s interest, the owner was not willing to have to face down the government gang.

They government people can be a scary bunch, and everyone knows that they have the power to ruin your life and business if they want. As we’ve seen with the salon owners and barbers who’ve bravely stood up against “the state” people across the country, most of them roll over and submit once their “license” gets pulled and they are then facing hundreds of dollars a day in fines. Why would they pay the fines? Obedience to the system. Certainly, they know on some level that if they don’t pay – men with guns calling themselves “the police” will show up and stop them from opening their business.

Whether people obey because they actually agree with the lockdowns and are afraid of catching the virus, or whether they obey because they are afraid of the state gang members’ retribution, the common element is fear.

Fear is the opposite of love. It is a killer. Fear kills dreams and opportunities. It kills fun and enthusiasm. Fear kills inspiration and hope. I could surely continue this list, but in this bizarre world we’ve found ourselves in, fear is killing the economy and freedom and the people calling themselves “the state” or “the federal government” are feeding on the fear and destruction. Many people are begging the state people to rule them and to rule harder – with an iron fist – if it just saves one life.

Did New Hampshire people choose death over freedom?

Did New Hampshire people choose death over freedom?

It’s been particularly disappointing to witness the effects of fear here in the supposed “Live Free or Die” state. Sure, there have been some great protests with hundreds attending at the state house, but we haven’t had much in the way of resistance against this tyranny from businesses, the activity of which is what gives life to the economy. Though one NH salon owner has this week filed a lawsuit against “HIS EXCELLENCY” governor Chris Sununu’s office, even this “pushback” still acknowledges that the state is in charge. Suing works within their system, acknowledging its legitimacy. It’s asking one tentacle of the monsterous state to stop the other one from choking you to death.

The salon owner suing the governor’s office isn’t wrong for doing so. She believes it’s her only option. The state reopening “guidance”, which confusingly are also termed “orders” to make them sound mandatory, are strangling her salon and will put her under. To simply reopen her business in whatever way she wants, ignoring the guidelines that would harm her, is to her not even an option. However, that is the solution to this medical authoritarian tyranny: ignore the state, damn the consequences, and open your doors, business owners!

Belief in and obedience to the idea of “the state” is what has gotten us to this point in the first place. Whenever the first “business license” was created by the state gang, freedom-loving business owners should have pushed back and refused to get one. No one should have to beg for permission to offer a product or service in a free market. Sadly, for whatever reason, they got the licenses and subjected themselves to the arbitrary rule of the state gang, consenting to the idea of a regulated marketplace. Now, when the state gang says jump, they do what they are told, or men with guns will destroy their livelihood.

If enough business owners opened up, and it wouldn’t even need to be a majority of them, maybe just ten percent – the state could not stop them all. If they refused to pay the fines, their freedom-loving customers would support them, surely. If the arrests come, let them. If the state gang wants to show the people how violent they are, let’s show people the violence clearly on video. We don’t need the idea of “the state” or coercive government. It’s important to realize, “the state” is just an idea. One in which people believe so strongly they’re willing to kill for it, if necessary, but ultimately a mass delusion. The idea of the state doesn’t make life better. The state destroys life and feed off of productivity. The state propagates fear and war. If people are afraid, the state’s power grows. War is the health of the state, and surprise! The government goons and its lapdog media are talking about the COVID thing like it’s a war.

Order your "The Real Virus is Fear" Shirt

Order your “The Real Virus is Fear” Shirt from CustomInk. We don’t make anything on this – just wanted to share the design with you.

The federal gang are also printing money at record levels, already multiple trillions added to the debt and likely more on the way, worse than any war in U.S. history. While it looks on the surface like they are helping – free money is arriving in bank accounts – there is a cost to this, and it’s called inflation and possibly hyperinflation.

The state cultists want to remind you of why you need them. But you really don’t. If you do want the state in your life, bend over, cause they’re gonna give it all to you as hard and fast as they can get away with. Just like they did after 9/11, but worse this time.

Though I will continue to attend them, protests are just begging. Free people refuse to obey. Open up. Stop asking permission. Do the right thing, before it’s too late.

Oh, and if you love liberty, get to New Hampshire ASAP and help us. If now isn’t the time to migrate for liberty, when will it be time?

P.S. I found a slick website that lets you custom design t-shirts and print only one if you need, or a bunch at a discount. A local group of freedom-lovers ordered several and so I wanted to share the link to the design we made for dual-sided “The Real Virus is Fear” t-shirts. You can put the logo on whatever you want, or make your own that looks completely different. I don’t make any money if you buy through this link – I just wanted to share the design with you in case you want one.

The Right to Assemble Not Erased By Government “Emergency” – Libertarians to Continue Meeting in Keene Sundays at 5pm

Social Sunday

New Hampshire’s Longest Running Regular Libertarian Social Meetup

The last couple of weeks have been nuts. We’ve seen authoritarianism rising globally at a rapid clip, using health as the excuse and scaring people into total obedience and isolation. It’s tragic. In New Hampshire and several other states, restaurants and bars have been told they aren’t allowed to serve customers inside their establishments with the exception of take out and delivery. Other businesses are having people work from home and “social distancing” has been put in place as the new normal. In other cases, like California, total lockdowns are now in place. In NH, an “emergency order” was issued by the state governor, Chris Sununu, who – no joke – is actually referred to as “HIS EXCELLENCY” in the order which purportedly bans any gathering of over fifty people.

It’s an outrageous order and contrary to a basic right of humans, which is the right to assemble. It’s also a violation of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In order for many humans to be happy, they need to be around other people. We are a social animal. Now the people calling themselves “the state” or “the government” have decided to threaten everyone with violence if they don’t do as they are told and OBEY – for their own good, of course.

Normally, libertarians are skeptical of the things they are told by government goons, however we’ve seen yet another schism in the movement in the last few weeks over this Coronavirus scare. Apparently if an authoritarian puts on a lab coat then many libertarians will fall under their spell.

I don’t know if Coronavirus is the threat the government and media are making it out to be. I do know this, however:

1. Politicians and bureaucrats lie. There’s no reason to believe they are telling the truth now. There is a long history of governments manufacturing a crisis and spreading fear in order to attain more power. We saw this in a big way prior to Coronavirus in the hysterical paranoia fostered by the state after 9/11. As a result we saw the rise of “Homeland Security” and the further elimination of freedom. The response to Coronavirus is even worse. In some cases like San Francisco people are under total lockdowns. They also use the term “lockdown” in prison.

2. Media benefits when it propagates fear. “If it bleeds, it leads!” News is a business. They have advertisers, so the more people they can get to tune in, the more valuable the ad space. If people are in a state of fear, they are more likely to hang on through that next commercial break. Plus, mainstream news sources depend on government for its press releases and usually incorporate them, verbatim, into their on-air copy. Though in theory their job is to expose political corruption, if they are too good at this, the state agents will not talk to them any longer and then they won’t get “the scoop”, so any critique of government from mainstream media is usually highly limited.

3. Whenever government takes more freedoms, it doesn’t cede that ground back to liberty after the “crisis” has ended.

Keene Bitcoin Network

Keene Bitcoin Meetup

Government gangsters say it and the media propagates it. As a result, people are scared to death of another iteration of the flu that as of this writing, has infected just over 250,000 people globally – according to numbers provided BY THE STATE. Some libertarians believe the governments are downplaying the numbers to keep people calm. Others believe the state agents are inflating the numbers to scare people more. Who knows what the truth is.

I do know this, people are obedient and more than willing to do what they are ordered by people wearing fancy hats, uniforms, and lab coats. They are easily frightened into giving up their freedoms, all for the promise that they’ll be able to continue to suck air.

However, what is the point of living if you can’t make your own choices?

Thankfully, not everyone is living in fear. There are occasional breaks in the fear porn news to reveal that many younger people are still getting together. In New Hampshire some heroic folks have filed a lawsuit against the “State of New Hampshire” over the governor’s unconstitutional and anti-freedom executive order.

If people across New Hampshire don’t stand up and take back their liberties, then we no longer deserve the “live free or die” slogan. To that end, in spite of Sununu’s order, the longest-running weekly social gathering of libertarians in New Hampshire, “Social Sundays” will continue. Previously held at Local Burger on Main St, it has moved to the Bitcoin Embassy NH located at 661 Marlboro St. in Keene. The new start time is now 5pm. Attend at your own risk and bring your own food and drink. If the event gets to over 51 people a special prize will be awarded. No cops allowed.

BREAKING: Cantwell Denied Bail, Called Danger to Community Due to Computer Secrecy Knowledge


First they came for the racist assholes…

Christopher Cantwell is not a nice guy. In fact, he used to carry a business card around that had this tagline on it: “Anarchist Atheist Asshole”. At least, that was back when he was a libertarian anarchist. Now he’s become the very thing that he then hated – a total statist. Several years ago, Cantwell changed from being a crass libertarian comedian – who never showed any racist beliefs – into a racist podcast host that then made a splash of publicity when VICE focused on him after his participation in the Charlottesville conflicts.

Along the way, whether as part of the libertarian migration to New Hampshire or later as part of a group of despicable NAZIs and other assorted white nationalist types, Cantwell has always been a polarizing figure and has caused schisms and drama withing whatever movement he put himself. This is one of the factors that leads people to believe that Cantwell himself is a federal agent. Having spent many hours with him over the years, I don’t believe he is a federal agent.

One thing’s for sure, Cantwell did do a lot of talking to federal agents in the last few years, and he allegedly even admitted to them having sent the messages he’s now been charged with sending via the Telegram chat app. The FBI raided his house last month on two felony charges, one of “Exortionate Interstate Communications” and one of “Threatening Interstate Communications”. Here’s the two-page indictment. In it, Cantwell is accused of sending the following message to someone over Telegram: “So if you don’t want me to come and fuck your wife in front of your kids, then you should make yourself scarce Give me Vic, it’s your only out.”

The feds are arguing that this is a rape threat. Beyond the fact that Cantwell didn’t say he would rape the woman, a little background and context is important to know. According to testimony at the detention hearing in federal court in Concord NH, the as-yet unrevealed “victim” in this case never complained to the feds about the message, but he did post it publicly online where a federal agent on the West Coast spotted it. The supposed victim is allegedly a member of an internet hate group called “Bowl Patrol”. The group is named as such because they worship the sicko church shooter Dylan Roof and he apparently had a bowl haircut. A Manchester police officer who works closely with the FBI testified that the “Bowl Patrol” was targeting Cantwell’s podcast phone lines with awful calls and allegedly hacked Cantwell’s website. That led Cantwell to attempt to discover their identities and to the chat where he threatened to have sex with the man’s wife if he didn’t give up the identity of the “Bowl Patrol” leader, “Vic”.

Chris in Simpler Times, Acting as Security for the Hallowkeene Dance Party in 2014.

Cantwell’s racist views are despicable, but the “Bowl Patrol” people may be worse, if that’s possible. Either way, it’s just white hate group members fighting with each other. If they are busy infighting, they can’t be out doing publicly awful things. Rather than just let the white supremacists have their internet spats, the FBI used the fact that Cantwell trash-talked someone on the internet – free speech – to charge him with felonies for which he faces up to 25 years in prison.

That’s twenty-five years for the level of trash-talking that goes on all across the internet, every day. Cantwell’s persecution here is an attack against freedom of speech and also served as an excuse to take his computers, flash drives, guns, and drugs. There’s no doubt that he has a ton of bad karma out there waiting for him for the things he’s said and done, but that doesn’t mean he belongs in prison. Yes, he’s a rude guy with a big mouth and terrible, disgusting ideas, and that’s why he’s a perfect target for a government attack on freedom of speech.

In Pastor Martin Niemoller’s famous poem from 1946, Niemoller wrote:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

In 2020, first they came for the “Crying NAZI”. I don’t agree with what he says, but I will defend his right to say it. Cantwell is a target because not only does he have views that good people will detest, he’s also detested by people who hold similar views to his. Not one single supporter was at his bail hearing. He may still have a small fan club on the internet, but according to the federal government, he doesn’t have much money in the bank.

However, Cantwell does know about cryptocurrency and internet privacy tools like Signal and Telegram. The agent who testified, Brett Fernald, explained that Cantwell used bitcoin and that bitcoin could be used to hide money and was anonymous. Though that’s not true – bitcoin is completely trackable. It’s Monero that’s a privacy coin. Anyway, according to the robed woman called a “magistrate judge”, Andrea K Johnstone, in a nine-page detention order, Cantwell’s computer knowledge is one reason he can’t be allowed out of a cage even with severe restrictions like gps tracking and even being disallowed from the internet, to which the defense was readily willing to agree.

The feds also argued at the hearing that Cantwell can’t be relied on to make it to court and cited the fact that he was drunk while on bail in Virginia, despite the fact that he never missed a single court appearance. When Cantwell was informed he was wanted on a warrant for his actions in Charlottesville in 2017 he took a week to turn himself in. Cantwell’s public defender pointed out that he wanted to acquire an attorney before turning himself in, which he did do. However because Cantwell didn’t IMMEDIATELY turn himself in, the prosecutors submitted that was a reason he wouldn’t show up to court.

Political Prisoner, Christopher Cantwell

Political Prisoner, Christopher Cantwell

Though Cantwell says he was acting in self-defense in the Charlottesville fights, he took a plea deal on assault and battery charges and that was brought up as evidence of why he’s a supposed danger to the community. That’s despite the fact that Chris has since kept to himself and his apartment in Keene since 2017 and that prior to that he was not known for any violent acts.

Further, they made him out to be meth-crazed lunatic. He may be a lunatic in his beliefs, and who knows what role his meth use several years ago had in forming his current racist mindset, but he’s been off the meth for a long time. A drug screening when he was arrested in January only showed cannabis use, according to the evidence in the case.

During the hearing, Johnstone, overruled every one of the defense’s objections and in her detention order agreed with the prosecution’s ridiculous assertions that Cantwell is somehow a danger to the community. In the order, She cited also his legal possession of over a dozen various guns, including one found inside an unlocked case magnetically attached underneath his car. Johnstone even parrots the prosecution’s point that somehow this was a danger to the school across the street from his apartment.

The guns, alleged threats, drugs, bail violation, plea deals to violent crimes, were all cited by Johnstone as factors, but most critically it seemed that it was Cantwell’s knowledge about internet secrecy techniques that is really keeping him behind bars. Johnstone wrote, citing another case on the matter, US v Savader:

given the defendant’s demonstrated facility with computer technology, it would be all but impossible to fashion terms and conditions that would eliminate defendant’s access to… certain electronic files that could be used to threaten victims

Now the case moves to trial, ostensibly set for April. The federal government has already spent likely tens of thousands of dollars on the court hearings alone, not to mention who knows how much more money on investigating Cantwell over years. After all that money and effort, some internet trash-talk between despicable people is all they have to go after him on. If Cantwell is convicted here, he’ll be a proverbial canary in the coal mine. The federal government would like to get a conviction here so there’s a precedent set for prosecuting people who say ugly things. Who will be targeted next? Maybe some trash-talking teens on an Xbox or Playstation online video game?

If you’d like an in-depth discussion of my experience attending the detention hearings, please listen to this episode of Free Talk Live. This link will start you where the topic comes up. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on Chris Cantwell, political prisoner. #FreeCantwell

NH’s Top Crypto Payments Platform Suspends Bitcoin (BTC), Calling it “Worthless for Payments”

Anypay Logo

Anypay Disables BTC Payments

As Bitcoin (BTC) is once again making headlines for crossing the $10,000 price point, the world’s premiere multi-cryptocurrency, real-life payments platform Anypay has announced they are disabling BTC from their system. Based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Anypay’s co-founder Steven Zeiler said in an announcement today that BTC was “worthless for payments”, now that transactions can be easily canceled.

Originally, when Bitcoin (BTC) launched in 2009, and for several years into its life, one of the major selling points that set it apart from other electronic payments like credit cards was that Bitcoin transactions were irreversible. Once the buyer hit send, there was no way for the buyer to undo it. There was no “authority” like a credit card company or bank that the buyer could contact to have them reverse the transaction. Business owners are very familiar with the concept of the dreaded “chargeback”, where a dishonest customer can use the credit card company’s ability to undo transactions to scam a merchant and receive money back AND keep the product. Chargebacks were impossible under Bitcoin (BTC) and this was a major reason why businesses wanted to accept BTC.

However, midway through its first decade, after its anonymous founder Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared and development was taken over by others who did not share Satoshi’s vision, the newer programmers introduced a “feature” called “Replace By Fee” or RBF. The purported reason for this was to allow a sender – after they’d already sent a transaction – to update the associated fee and help it get through the network faster. However, this also allowed them to cancel the transaction entirely, as long as the transaction had not yet received its first confirmation. This RBF “feature” broke one of the fundamental tenets of the original vision of Bitcoin – irreversible transactions.

Satoshi Nakamoto, Anonymous Creator of Bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto, Anonymous Creator of Bitcoin

For a while, this cancellation “feature” was only accessible through the “full node” Bitcoin Core software, which meant it was relatively tough to use in a real life payments situation. However, as shown by this video here, now more mobile wallets are incorporating the “feature”, which means that accepting Bitcoin (BTC) at point-of-sale is now highly dangerous and increases the risk of fraud. Hence, Anypay has announced they are no longer going to allow Bitcoin (BTC) payments on their platform.

In a video posted today, Zeiler announces that BTC has been disabled on the Anypay Cash Register app until further notice, as he’s had a “final revelation that it’s worthless for payments”. This, after having seen the new video that shows how easy it is now to commit fraud against real-life payment systems using BTC.

While some BTC-only fanatics will be disappointed by the news, the reality is most people don’t use BTC for payments via Anypay’s platform anyway, given BTC’s ridiculously high fees compared to other, more useful cryptos that were designed for payments like Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and DASH or even Bitcoin SV (BSV), which Anypay is now supporting. Plus, when paying with BCH or DASH on Anypay at a real-life business one will usually receive 10% back instantly thanks to Anypay’s “Bitcoin Cash-Back” and “DASH-Back” programs.

I think Anypay has made the right choice here to protect merchants from potential fraud. It’s too bad the Bitcoin (BTC) programmers forced Anypay’s hand, by making BTC less useful over time. Once upon a time Bitcoin was useful for payments, as it was originally intended. Sadly, those days are long gone. Bitcoin (BTC) may still be the king crypto, but if it’s not useful for payments, is it really a currency?

Is Keene Mayor Kendall Lane a Racist? – Shocking Video

Last year, you may recall that on Christmas Eve the Keene, NH city manager called an owner of the then-not-yet-opened-for-business “Pho Keene Great” to deliver threats over their name, calling it “offensive and non appropriate”. The story went viral, much to the city gang’s dismay, and they backed down, granted Pho Keene Great their sign permit and allowed them to open their doors.

One year later from their threats against a local Asian cuisine restaurant, I’ve got a Christmas gift for the City of Keene gang – the video they didn’t want you to see where multi-term mayor Kendall Lane reveals his racist view about New Hampshire’s low crime rate:

The clip is from a just-released documentary called “Young Guns“, from a Keene State College student, Reece Dunn who was visiting from the UK. Anonymous sources inside the college informed me that when this video premiered at the Monadnock Film Festival in 2018, there was immediate action from the people calling themselves “the City of Keene” to squash it inside the college. However, the college couldn’t do much as Dunn had already left and returned back to the UK. Dunn ultimately decided to release his student film publicly on YouTube this holiday season. The short documentary is about a young man from a total gun prohibition state exploring a place where there is very little restriction on gun ownership.

In the process, Dunn ended up talking to Lane about growing up with the New Hampshire gun culture and ultimately asks Lane why New Hampshire’s violent crime rate is so low. Lane says, “I have theories about why New Hampshire is particularly safe…” then pauses a while before stuttering and stumbling and then finally says, “part of the reason New Hampshire is so safe is because quite honestly it, the state is 98% white. The state is very homogeneous. There’s not a lot of diversity in New Hampshire.”

Only advocates of peace are allowed to blog at

Only advocates of peace are allowed to blog at

It’s a shocking statement from the same mayor who gave a speech at an anti-racism candlelight vigil in late August of 2017 after Keene resident Christopher Cantwell made international news for being a leader of the Charlottesville, Virgina white nationalist “Unite the Right” protests.

Lane’s ridiculous statement in Dunn’s documentary can be interpreted in a couple of different ways. He could believe that white people are more peaceful than people of other skin colors or he could believe that people of different races living nearby each other and mixing together leads to more violence. Whatever the interpretation, the beliefs he expressed sound a lot like Chris Cantwell’s white nationalist views that Lane appeared to speak against just two years ago.

Lane is wrong for the same reasons Cantwell is wrong. The racists can drag up their statistics and studies all they want to prove their claims about various groups of people, but to libertarians it is the individual who matters. Individuals from different parts of the country and world come here regardless of skin color, perhaps because they value the freedom they can have here. In particular, the freedom to defend one’s self, family, and community with whatever weapons one chooses.

New Hampshire attracts people who value freedom and the freedom to self-defense without having to beg for a government permission slip first is the reason we have more peace and dramatically less violence than other places. Even though New Hampshire has a state gang, they are less oppressive than other states in the area of gun ownership, and so we have less violent crime as a result.

Lane chose to not run for re-election this year and will end his term in January when he’ll be replaced by mayor-elect George Hansel. Hopefully this video will end any chances of Lane trying to run for other political offices. Meanwhile, Lane should stop listening to Chris Cantwell’s radio show and reconsider his dated, collectivist, racist views.

Merry Christmas!