Liberty Lobby 2018 – Week 1 Videos

DISCLAIMER: I’m not actually part of Liberty Lobby (though I’ve donated my time to help). I don’t get paid to talk to the legislature. Last year Darryl W Perry launched Liberty Lobby (making him the first crowd-funded lobbyist) and I accompanied him to Concord’s state house and recorded a bunch of videos of our various testimony before the state house committees on a variety of issues. You can see them all on the Free Keene YouTube channel.

While we were both in Concord last week, the first week of the 2018 legislative session, we were actually never in the same committee hearing. He attends the election committee hearings (here’s his week wrapup post), and I’m frequently in criminal justice and judiciary committees. So, here are the videos from the hearings I attended:

HB 1566 – This is the most ridiculous video of all of them from Week 1. Keene’s worst state rep, Delmar Burridge, a lover of big, oppressive government, proposed a bill to restrict open carry in multiple places statewide. I spoke against it and he was literally bouncing in his seat with excitement when I pointed out how it was wrong to try to force societal change from the top down. He disagrees, of course. You can jump straight to my testimony here. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 1778 – State Rep Dick Marple proposes a bill to abolish driver licensing except for commercial purposes. I spoke in favor. This is the full hearing: (more…)

Keene’s Imam Launches Weekday Radio Show; Makes Major Splash in NH Media

Ernest Hancock and Will Coley Broadcasting from Shirefest 2017

Ernest Hancock and Will Coley Broadcasting from Shirefest 2017

In the face of threats from the City of Keene, New Hampshire’s first full-time mosque opened its doors during the holiday season for both Islamic and interfaith gatherings. As a result, mainstream media covered the grand opening, including the Keene Sentinel and Union Leader.

Shortly thereafter, imam Will Coley was interviewed by WKBK‘s morning talk show host, Dan Mitchell. The interview is very good and you can listen to it here:

As of last week, Coley has launched a weekday afternoon drive talk radio show, “Call to Freedom” on Keene-based LRN.FM – the Liberty Radio Network. LRN.FM is a 24/7 streaming audio network heard online and on free-to-air satellite internationally. Coley’s new weekday show along with longtime nighttime show “Free Talk Live“, (on which Coley is a frequent co-host) are also both simulcast in HD video via the brand new LRN.FM Twitch channel.

Join our new Discord at!

Join our new Discord at!

Call to Freedom features a daily Crypto Hour, where all the conversation is focused on the world of cryptocurrency. Also, throughout the full three hour show per day, listeners have a chance to win cryptocurrency giveaways if they hear either a faucet sound effect, or a satellite targeting sound effect. You can listen live to LRN.FM from 4-7pm Eastern, Monday through Friday and call in to win free internet money at 603-283-6160. The show also features plenty of libertarian opinions on the issues with a rotating set of co-hosts including several area libertarian personalities as well as remote hosts including crypto-expert Aria DiMezzo aka, “the Anarchist Shemale” and attorney/wrestling manager Thom Gray.

The rapport between the hosts of the show is excellent and Coley’s sense of humor and energy is outstanding. Be sure to listen live on LRN.FM, or later on via their podcast.

Also, LRN.FM recently launched a Discord where you can text or voice chat with other listeners and hosts, so be sure to join us on the new Discord at Discord.LRN.FM!

Feature Article on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Runs in NH’s Largest Newspaper

Anypay founder Steven Zeiler (left) talks with Darryl W Perry at the grand opening of Portsmouth's Free State Bitcoin Shoppe in September

The grand opening of Portsmouth’s Free State Bitcoin Shoppe in September

This summer, the Keene Sentinel ran an excellent feature story about Bitcoin and the local businesses here that accept it. Now the Union Leader has joined in the cryptocurrency coverage in a lengthy story featured on their website that focuses on three cryptocurrency-accepting businesses statewide.

Journalist Melanie Plenda does a thorough job in her story and gets some really useful and insightful quotes from the business owners she interviewed.

You can check out the story here on the Union Leader’s site.

If you’re a liberty-oriented cryptocurrency fan, ask yourself if this level of positive cryptocurrency news coverage is happening in your area. If not, you really ought to consider moving to the crypto-Mecca of New Hampshire. Here are 101 reasons why you should.

Keene Recognized as Top Bitcoin City by

Isabelle Rose, owner Bon Vivant - Gourmet Street Food

Isabelle Rose, owner Bon Vivant – Gourmet Street Food

In the summer of 2016, Isabelle Rose launched her Keene, NH food truck, “Bon Vivant Gourmet Street Foods”, serving delicious Vietnamese food. From the beginning she was accepting Bitcoin! Though she’s closed for the winter and planning to open a sit-down restaurant next, Food Truck Operator, a food truck industry website, has published a piece featuring Isabelle.

It’s great publicity for her and for Keene, which the article calls, “one of the most pro-bitcoin communities in the U.S., if not the world.”

The article also focuses on Keene-based beverage truck operator Doug Hildreth, who says he’ll be accepting cryptocurrency at his truck, “320Nitro”, when he reopens in 2018. You can read the full story here at

Democrat-turned-Libertarian State Rep Speaks at Keene State College

State Representative Joseph Stallcop made headlines and history earlier this year when he became the second state rep this year to flip parties to the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. He was elected to the Keene seat as a Democrat in 2016.

Earlier this fall, Stallcop was invited to give a presentation at Keene State College during a larger event where multiple speakers were on campus. I was able to attend and record video, which includes his presentation and the questions afterward:

Ron Paul Signs the Shire Society Declaration! Yes, THAT Ron Paul.

Ron Paul Signs the Shire Society Declaration

Ron Paul Signs the Shire Society Declaration

In 2010, dozens of libertarians, voluntaryists, and anarchists attending the Porcupine Freedom Festival put their signatures on the original Shire Society Declaration. The Declaration, since signed thousands of times online and in real life by people from across the globe, is a personal declaration of independence from the horrible idea of “the state”. You can read and sign the Shire Society Declaration here and for more history on its creation, see here.

Since the original two hemp paper Declarations quickly filled up with signatures, the artist who did the calligraphy, the Muslim Agorist aka Davi Barker created a bunch of smaller hemp paper replicas. Former Keene activist El Stone brought one of them to the Nexus conference in Colorado in late September 2017, where libertarian presidential candidate and all-around-hero to liberty Ron Paul was slated to speak.

Derrick Slopey and Ron Paul at the Nexus Conference

Derrick Slopey and Ron Paul at the Nexus Conference

According to witness and photographer Derrick Slopey, it all happened fast as Ron exited the stage. Stone was able to get his attention, unfurled the Declaration and asked if he’d sign it. Ron said, “Sure, I agree with all of this” and added his signature.

The copy of the Declaration was the same Declaration that others at the conference had been signing, including Roger Ver aka “Bitcoin Jesus”. However, you can’t see any other signatures in the photos below besides Ron Paul’s as Stone is super-protective of the privacy of the signers on his declaration.

Kudos to Ron Paul for the amazing endorsement! Also thanks to Stone for being the one to ask him and Derrick for the photos. When we created it, I don’t think anyone imagined Ron Paul would join the Shire Society. What an awesome surprise and amazing validation for the Shire Society Declaration!

Many Shire Society members are moving to New Hampshire to concentrate libertarian action in one spot. You can connect with others already here and those planning to move on the Shire Forum.

Here are pics of Ron’s signature on the document: (more…)

Keene Mosque Now Open, Holds First Prayer of Jummah

More than a dozen attended the initial Prayer of Jummah

More than a dozen attended the initial Prayer of Jummah

Masha’Allah! It’s been months in the making and there have been some interesting bumps in the road, but the initial renovations are complete and New Hampshire’s first full-time mosque is now open!

The doors were finally opened at 659 Marlboro Rd in Keene to the Masjid al Latiff and Interfaith Community Center (MALIC Center) this Friday afternoon for Prayer of Jummah, Islam’s congregational Friday prayer. As the first full-time Masjid in NH, the MALIC Center is open for all five prayers per day including Fajr (dawn), Zuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha (night).

For those unfamiliar with the Quran, in one memorable part Muhammad successfully negotiated with God, at Moses’ insistence, the number of daily prayers from fifty down to five.

Should they wish to pray at the Keene Masjid, Muslims of all denominations are welcome, so long as they remain at peace towards the others.  In addition, non-Muslims are welcome to attend.  All attendees will be required to remove their shoes before entering the Masjid.  Prayer times adjust based on the sun throughout the year and will be updated on the Masjid’s facebook page and also on a poster on-site.

Dr. Ahmad Alabaddi delivers the inaugural khutbah (sermon) at the MALIC Center.

Dr. Ahmad Alabaddi delivers the inaugural khutbah (sermon) at the MALIC Center.

At Friday’s Jummah, the khutbah (sermon) was given by Dr.
Ahmad Alabaddi, a local dentist. Dr. Alabaddi expressed much gratitude for the new location and opportunity:

“I can’t explain how much happiness, in my heart, and for our community. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala (The most glorified, the most high.) sent us brother Will and the people who gave us this very generous gift… This is all qadar. It’s fate from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this facility. I will mention something that might make some of you mad, but I have to say it… Most of the donation for this facility came from a non-Muslim. We respect that. We thank them very much and we will extend our hands, our hearts, our arms out for them if they need any help. And this is what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and Islam told us and indicated to us what to do. I mean, we have to treat everyone in a nice way, Muslims and non-Muslims. (Muhammad) is a big example of that. He never mistreated anyone regardless of his religion, beliefs, color, race, or whatsoever. And this is what Islam is about.”

You can see the full sermon in this cell phone video of the Jummah posted to the MALIC Center facebook page. (more…)