by Ian | May 2, 2020 |

Hundreds gathered today, May 2nd, in the name of freedom on the steps of the NH state house.
Several hundred protestors descended once again today on the grounds of the state house in Concord, New Hampshire to protest the tyrannical behavior from the New Hampshire criminal gang known as “government” and their governor-king Chris Sununu. The same thing happened two weeks previous, where hundreds gathered despite near-freezing temperatures and rain. Today’s freedom rally was warm and sunny and again hundreds attended, perhaps even more than last time.
Police again ignored the event, preferring – as bullies would do – to target and threaten peaceful parents and children on area playgrounds instead.
As before there were speeches and signs, but this time the crowd started by Main Street and ended the event by amassing in front of and on the state house steps where a myriad of photos were taken, including the one I snapped that you can see on this post. Video is expected tonight from Vincent Moore of Shire Free Media. I’ll post that when I get it. Meanwhile, you can see his video from two weeks ago here.
Today’s rally was a huge success, though it wasn’t perfect. There were a lot of Trump supporters there, apparently still under the deluded belief that Trump somehow supports freedom. That said, the rally was an excellent example of mass civil disobedience and noncooperation and many minds were open to the idea of New Hampshire declaring independence, which is the flyer I passed out to most of the crowd.
My “ASSEMBLY IS A HUMAN RIGHT” / “FREE HUGS” sign netted me six hugs, five from ladies, one from a guy.
Will the protestors take the next rally to the home of “HIS EXCELLENCY”? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest.
by Ian | Apr 16, 2020 |
It’s been a couple of weeks since the first freedom to assemble event at the New Hampshire state house garnered fifteen protestors. This week I received a flyer graphic that has been shared on social media by an organization called “Health Freedom NH” who has announced they will be holding an event to protest the prison-like lockdowns under which the good people of New Hampshire have been suffering for weeks.
According to the flyer and the event on Facebook, the gathering is taking place at the New Hampshire state house in Concord from noon to 2pm this Saturday the 18th of April.
“Nobody”, the lone 2020 republican challenger to incumbent NH governor Chris Sununu is slated to speak at Saturday’s event.
Bring your signs, bring your friends who aren’t scared, and stand up for freedom. It’s your right to take a risk, your right to assemble, and your right to run your business how you want. See you there!
by Ian | Apr 1, 2020 |

Over a Dozen Heroically Attended the Right to Assemble Event Today, April 1st in Concord
Donning masks from “V for Vendetta”, more than a dozen activists gathered at the New Hampshire state house in Concord today in violation of “HIS EXCELLENCY” governor Chris Sununu’s “order” banning assembly of over ten people. Not only did the police who passed by the event today use their discretion and ignore the event, one Concord police officer even waved to the group, suggesting that he also supported the human right to assemble. While responses from passing motorists varied, the majority were positive, including thumbs-ups, honks, and waves. Negative responses included middle fingers, shaking heads, a thumbs-down, and verbal “quarantine shaming”. Of course, any protest for any topic always elicits negative responses and this one was not unusual.
Curiously, the only media who bothered to attend was an independent videographer who interviewed me and NH republican primary challenger to the incumbent governor Sununu, “Nobody“. After standing by Main Street for over an hour holding signs like, “Social Distancing is Fear, Not Love” and “Assembly is a Human Right”, we took a group photo by the statue of General John Stark. Stark is known for creating the saying from which New Hampshire selected its state motto:
Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst Of Evils.
Stark is likely rolling in his grave now with Sununu following obediently along with other tyrannical state governors and issuing approximately two dozen emergency orders in the last few weeks, destroying the freedom to do business and the freedom to assemble. While Sununu has not gone as far as some of his counterparts, he is nonetheless presiding over a tremendous increase in authoritarianism as well as economic destruction.

Protestors hold signs and socialize next to Concord’s Main Street.
Thankfully, Sununu won’t be unchallenged in this year’s election. “Nobody” of Keene has thrown his hat into the ring as Sununu’s thus-far lone republican primary challenger for governor. Here’s a recent Boston Globe story that features Nobody and mentioned today’s event at the state house.
Activists joined Nobody from across New Hampshire and even as far away as Western Massachusetts to hold signs and violate “social distancing” rules that are driving people nationwide to suicide from lack of human contact and job losses. Recent news has shown suicide hotline calls are well above normal levels in many places across the United States.
There may indeed be a nasty virus out there. How much worse it is than the flu, which kills tens of thousands in the United States each year, remains to be seen. Fearmongering media and politicians benefit when they ramp up fear in the population. However, the decision on how to handle possible risks in life should be up to the individual, not lying, power-seeking politicians and bureaucrats. Freedom is better than safety or the illusion of safety, especially when the cost is your liberty. Once the government goons take more freedom, don’t expect to ever get it back.
That said, many motorists in Concord seem to be on the side of freedom, and there were a surprising amount of people on the roads, getting life done. Kudos to the police for ignoring the peaceful event. The next Nobody-led assembly event in Concord is the annual 4:20 cannabis smoke out on 4/20, and for the only time – in 2020. Hope to see you there! Nobody’s campaign website is
by Ian | Oct 30, 2019 |

Laura and Teddy, morning show hosts at WMLL-FM in Manchester, NH
Last week, New Hampshire 2020 gubernatorial candidate Nobody rocked Manchester in his first appearance on “The Teddy Show”, the morning show on 96.5 The Mill (WMLL-FM). Morning jocks Teddy McKay and Laura Remillard really had a good time talking to Nobody – the interview is excellent and you can listen here.
They talked with Nobody about his just-announced first campaign promise to pardon ALL non-violent drug, prostitution, and gambling convictions in New Hampshire’s history, his declaration as the lone challenger to incumbent republican governor Chris Sununu, his permanent ban from Twitter, and more.
Nobody also scored his first mainstream media endorsements for his gubernatorial run. Remillard told Nobody during the interview that Sununu had been in the radio station cluster the same day, but that he wouldn’t interview with The Teddy Show, because they aren’t cool enough. She then said to Nobody, “I think you can take him.”

Nobody tokes at the Concord state house 420 – AP Photo
Immediately after, when speaking of the political class, Nobody declared, “If you’re not a member of George Carlin’s ‘club’, then you’re nobody to them, because they’re the kids who run everything.” McKay then endorsed Nobody, saying, “Alright, you just got my vote for knowing and liking George Carlin”. Nobody then praised Carlin as one of his formative influences.
Moments later, when discussing ending the war on cannabis, McKay said to Nobody, “Jeez, I think I’ve found a candidate here”.
Nobody is great on the radio. Don’t miss his interview here on The Mill’s soundcloud channel. You can also hear Nobody as a regular co-host on nationally syndicated talk radio show, “Free Talk Live“. You can follow his campaign blog at
by Ian | Sep 21, 2019 |

It’s 420 at 4:20pm Saturday 9/28 at Keene’s Central Square!
Ten years ago, in September of 2009, a group of liberty activists and NH natives made history by gathering every day in Keene’s Central Square at 4:20pm to smoke cannabis in an act of mass civil disobedience protesting New Hampshire’s insane drug prohibition. You can watch a bunch of videos of it here. The group grew larger as the days went by to where, at its peak, there were at least 130 people in the tiny little common in the heart of Downtown Keene. The Keene police were unsure of how to handle the situation after a couple of arrests they made at the rallies resulted in a bunch of protestors smoking cannabis inside the police station lobby!
After that, the police simply ignored the ongoing civil disobedience, publicly stating that they investigated and had found no one was smoking – which was a lie. The historic events garnered local and even international headlines and most importantly got a conversation started among the community about ending cannabis prohibition.
Eventually, the weather got too cold for most to bear, but the following spring, the daily rallies returned! Over time, people went back to their regular lives and the rallies continued yearly at the Concord, NH state house steps. We’d won the territory of Central Square and had essentially turned Keene’s little town common into a demilitarized zone where cannabis prohibition was not enforced!
Now, Keene’s mayoral candidate Nobody, the man formerly known as Rich Paul who created and led the original 420 rallies in Keene, has announced a special ten-year anniversary smoke out will occur this Saturday, September 28th at 4:20pm, at Keene’s Central Square. Nobody will address the rally and it will likely feature other speakers. Here’s an excerpt from Nobody’s official announcement as posted on his campaign website,

420 Rally Meets Pumpkinfest 2009
We have made a lot of progress in 10 years, but we have a long way left to go. We have gained medical, we have gained decriminalization, we have, most recently, loosened the cruel and pointless constraints on medical marijuana. Most importantly, we have won the hearts and minds of the people but we are not done. We must serve notice that the people will not be satisfied until the crime against humanity that is the “war on drugs” is over and those responsible brought to justice, or at least to peace.
Cannabis users are not disposable people. Whether we use it for medical, spiritual, or recreational purposes, we retain our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, even if we seek that happiness through unapproved chemical means.
Nobody has invited people to bring cannabis to smoke and share, though in case of a police crackdown, avoid having over three quarters of an ounce, since that is the decrim limit in New Hampshire. As of 2017’s overwhelmingly passed slight decriminalization, possession of under 21 grams of cannabis or five grams of concentrate will only net the first time offender a $100 ticket. Whereas previously it would have been a misdemeanor arrest. So, now the risk to participants at 420 rallies is lower than ever.
However, if the police do show up to attempt to confiscate your cannabis and you end up with a ticket, I highly suggest you don’t take the plea deal! Take the ticket to trial and make them work to get their conviction, and even when you’re found guilty, refuse to pay the fine and instead do community service. Or just sit in jail for a day, since NH allows you to sit off fines at $150 a day. Whatever you do, don’t pay the fine, as that only encourages them to target peaceful cannabis users for fundraising purposes. If the police know they can’t get money out of people for cannabis “violations” and the police’s victims will instead clog up the courts via their right to trial, the cops may just stop ticketing people for cannabis entirely.
I look forward to seeing you out this Saturday, 9/28 at 4:20pm on Keene’s Central Square for the return of the 420 celebration rallies! If it goes well, we might even come back the next day…
by Ian | May 11, 2019 |

Adam Kokesh joins from the Free Talk Live broadcast table at Anarchapulco 2018.
“Free Talk Live“, the world’s only nationally syndicated pro-liberty radio show, was created in Florida on a little FM talk station in Sarasota in 2002. In 2004 we became nationally syndicated with an initial three radio stations by the Genesis Communications Network. Seven years later, we reached 100 affiliates in 2011. Now, approximately eight years after that, we’ve reached 200 stations!
What an amazing run it has been so far and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our various sponsors, especially Credit Adjustments Inc and and the nearly 2,000 people who have helped AMP our show over the years.
In the syndicated radio world, it’s hard to find a show that keeps an accurate affiliate count. I know this because it’s my job to contact radio stations about FTL. Whenever another syndicated show ends, the first thing I do is try to acquire their affiliate list and call their stations to pitch Free Talk Live to the program directors. If I can even find a list, nearly always there are a BUNCH of stations on there that have changed formats, gone off-the-air entirely, or had already dropped the show in question, sometimes years prior. Syndicated radio shows are notorious for keeping inaccurate affiliate lists, but Free Talk Live is different.
I call all our stations multiple times each year to keep in touch, remind them I’m here to help, and if I find out we’ve been dropped, I take them off our list. If we kept our list like the other shows do – keeping every station we’ve ever had on the list forever – we’d be claiming 400 stations! Ours is the most accurate list in the business, of that I am certain. As of now, we have 203. You can see the full list here on our website.
I’ve lovingly dubbed FTL the “radio vulture”. Whenever a syndicated show dies, we’re there to pick at its remains and grab a few new affiliates. This tactic, plus just good old-fashioned persistence, has resulted in Free Talk Live being the longest running syndicated show in our daypart of 7-10pm Eastern.

“Free Talk Live” Moves up to #27 on the TALKERS “Heavy Hundred” for 2018!
We’re like an appliance – turn us on during our live times, and we’re there. FTL is one of the few shows that’s live all seven nights per week. In fact, I think Coast 2 Coast is the only other show that does this in the industry.
We just jumped from 196 affiliates to 203 thanks to the demise of multiple shows on our own network, GCN. Recently they decided to whittle down their inventory of shows to simplify their operations and lower costs. Free Talk Live is their number one show for radio affiliates. We have more than their previous top show, Alex Jones, and we’ve bested Jones for many years now. To Jones’ credit, he kills us in internet popularity, but we win by a longshot in broadcast affiliates.
We’re not crazy conspiracy nuts. We just love freedom and are grateful to be able to talk about it seven nights a week to a national and international audience. If you’ve never listened, you can grab archives and our podcast here at
If you want to help us bring the message of liberty to our next major milestone of 300 affiliates in the U.S., sooner rather than later, please take a moment and join the AMP program for just $5 (or BTC) a month. Right now we have just under 200 AMPlifiers and we could use your help. The $5 you’ll spend will go further today than it did 15 years ago when we had fewer stations, as the more affiliates we have, the easier it is to bring on new ones. Plus, you’ll get access to some cool perks!
Thank you again to all our AMPlifiers, advertisers, affiliates, and listeners, whether you’re supporting us now or have at some point in the past. You helped make this unprecedented success possible.
P.S. Here’s a handy interactive map showing all our transmitter locations across the US and beyond: