YouTube Bans “White Rose Society” Video; Watch it on Odysee / LBRY!

Recently, I outlined how we are decentralizing as many things as we can with the goal of removing any reliance on Big Tech. One of the things we’ve been doing in recent years is syncing all our Youtube videos over to LBRY, the blockchain-based, decentralized, uncensorable media protocol.

In 2019 LBRY first protected us from the YouTube censors when they took down “Hippie VS NAZI”, a debate between Rich Paul and Christopher Cantwell.

Now, YouTube has struck again and banned a video some amazing editor made about the return of the White Rose Society. I was honored to discover someone from the new White Rose Society had taken some audio from my radio show, “Free Talk Live“, where we were discussing the new White Rose and their amazing counter-propaganda activism. I uploaded it to the FreeKeene YouTube and it was nearly immediately removed for violating their “medical misinformation policy”, which says, “YouTube doesn’t allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of local health authorities’ or World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on social distancing and self isolation that may lead people to act against that guidance.”

Here is the video YouTube didn’t want you to see, thanks to the uncensorable LBRY protocol, which recently launched its own video sharing platform Odysee:

If you’d like to join the White Rose, you’ll need the Telegram app. Then click this link: Check the pinned post for instructions and the latest sticker pack.

Got a YouTube channel and want to protect its content from censorship? Check out LBRY’s YouTube Partner Program here.

Multiple Downtown Keene Businesses Begin Accepting Crypto in the Last Year!

Pho Keene Great Logo

Pho Keene Great is now accepting cryptocurrencies!

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been on a major run up in recent months, but a bunch of Keene-area businesses were ahead of the curve. A variety of locally owned establishments jumped onboard with NH-based crypto payments processor Anypay in 2020 including Keene Barber, YOLO, Pho Keene Great, and the brand-new Mighty Moose Mart. Thus far, in 2021 Rogue Taxi and Lucky 7s Bar and Grille have begun accepting cryptocurrency.

Keene has long been a world-leader in local businesses accepting Bitcoin per capita and it continues to live up to its name of Crypto Mecca. This summer, two downtown businesses located right next door to each other, Keene Barber and YOLO – a local frozen yogurt shop – started accepting crypto. That means Keene has three distinct businesses in a row that are taking cryptocurrency from customers, as YOLO is next to Corner News – which first received Bitcoin in 2013.

Keene’s world-famous Pho Keene Great, which at one time made international headlines for the City of Keene’s attack against the name of their pho noodle restaurant, is now accepting multiple cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), DASH, Bitcoin SV (BSV), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). PKG’s food is fantastic and yet another delicious option of now several food establishments in downtown Keene accepting crypto including indian food, pizza, burgers, and bbq.

Near the end of 2020, Keene added its third crypto-accepting convenience store. Yes, three of the area’s neighborhood stores accept multiple cryptocurrencies. Keene is an amazing place. It started with Corner News all the way back in 2013, then Campus Convenience in 2019 and the all-new Mighty Moose Mart opened its doors accepting crypto in November of 2020. Mighty Moose Mart is offering custom-made sandwiches and other hot, fresh food, as well as beer, wine, tobacco, and the usual convenience store items. They’ll even give you a 5% discount if you pay in cryptocurrency!

Mighty Moose Mart

The brand-new Mighty Moose Mart at 661 Marlboro St.

Early this year, Rogue Taxi became the first taxi company in the area to accept cryptocurrency and recently Lucky 7s Bar & Grille also began accepting multiple cryptos. Lucky 7s is located inside the Keene Casino and run by the same owner of Thirsty Owl, which had taken crypto for years before closing due to the economic difficulties imposed by the destructive government mandates being forced down peoples’ throats.

Here’s a cool interactive map showing businesses that take cryptocurrency, which cryptos, and how active the business is with crypocurrency sales.

If you own a business and want to accept cryptocurrency at your point-of-sale, first you need a wallet to hold your coins, like Edge Wallet. Then, install the Anypay app and copy your wallet addresses from your wallet to the Anypay settings. Within minutes, you’ll be all set to accept multiple cryptocurrencies of your choice, like BTC, DASH, BCH, BSV, LTC, and now DOGE!

To learn more about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, check out our resources here and visit the Bitcoin Embassy at 661 Marlboro St in Keene right next door to Mighty Moose Mart and sign up for Bitcoin 101.

Porcupine Day 2021 Speeches Include Founders of LBRY & Reopen NH, FSP Executive Director, and Porcfest Organizer

Porcupine Day is the day the Free State Project reached its goal of 20,000 signers of their pledge to migrate to New Hampshire as a liberty activist.

The original Porcupine Day was in February 2016, which marked the beginning of the FSP’s five-year-long moving window. February 2021 marks the close of that window. However, the Free State Project will not be shutting down and is instead going to continue recruiting more liberty-minded people to make the move to the Shire.

I attended the event and recorded the various speakers. Four full speeches appear below.

First up, Jeremy Kauffman, the founder of LBRY and current member of the Free State Project’s board of directors made a couple of proposals to those watching.

1. That “Free Stater” should be redefined to mean any libertarians in New Hampshire
2. The FSP should return to being a member-voted board of directors.

Reopen NH founder Andrew Manuse discussed organizing Reopen NH and encouraged more libertarians to follow the tremendously successful example he’s set. Reopen NH – now Rebuild NH – was originally built by a petition and has morphed into an organization that endorses candidates and has organized multiple successful rallies in favor of freedom: (more…)

VIDEO: Keene Parking Bureaucrat Admits She Prefers to Avoid Court With Activists

The Shire Free Church recently received notice from a debt collector claiming we owed the “City of Keene” $60 for an unpaid parking ticket. I knew this could not be the case since I challenge every ticket on behalf of the Church and demand a trial and every time – these days – they drop the charge rather than go to court over a $10 ticket.

So, I headed down to city hall this week to find out why a collections notice had been sent. I was pleased to hear the bureaucrat report that she “likes it that way” when we aren’t in court with them.

It’s a validation of the activist approach of challenging all tickets. Be such a burden to the system that they have to drop your charges. If only more people would do this, then more charges would be dropped! If you’re in New Hampshire and you receive a ticket for anything at all, try demanding your trial and see what happens!

Bitcoin Payment Button – Get Paid Instantly & Give Customers a Professional Checkout Experience with Zero Technical Skills

Save time, look cool, make money.

Anypay now offers the simplest way to get paid. The Anypay Button.

It used to be a horrible experience getting paid with bitcoin and other digital assets. You had to get a QR code, and paste a long code on your website, that would invariably be scoured by bots and recorded by 3rd parties for malicious reasons, then plaster them onto your website, and then somehow monitor them for payments. And even after all that, you still don’t know who sent you the payment, or if it was the right amount. What a sad mess.

Forget all that! Now you can have a slick button that you copy/paste onto your website and boom: You accept Bitcoin. A lightning fast and highly professional experience awaits you.

Add an attractive bitcoin payment button to your web store, to your blog page, to anywhere you want! No technical skills required. Just create a free Anypay account, enter the addresses where you want payments to go, and then create as many “Anypay Buttons” as you want. Stick with one currency or make it multi-coin. Redirect users to a success page, or don’t. Require their email address before payment, or let them pay you anonymously.

All payments go directly from the customer to you — Anypay never steps between you and your money. Not even for a second. You get an email every time you get paid, and you can track all your payments with a simple dashboard. Export your history to a CSV file to make your accountant smile instead of frown.

You won’t believe how easy it is.

Get the payment experience you and your users deserve. It takes only a few minutes to set up a free Anypay account.

VIDEO: Footloose Arrested at Shire Choir Caroling at NH Governor’s House

Shire Choir at Sununu's House

Shire Choir at Sununu’s House

In December, the town gang in Newfields, NH passed an unconstitutional ordinance against “picketing” and then ticketed multiple people for a peaceful protest outside New Hampshire tyrant-king Chris Sununu’s house. They also arrested YouTuber Savage Truth 603 at the same time for “disorderly conduct”.

Subsequent gatherings at Sununu’s during January were left alone by police, but then on Sunday the 31st peaceful protestors were once again targeted by a phalanx of state police and local cops.

When we arrived around 2pm, there were already a bunch of police cruisers and probably at least a dozen visible masked cops around Sununu’s house. After some speaking and sign-holding, we began to sing COVID Carols. During the second song, several more state police cruisers arrived with a bunch of yellow-jacketed goons complete with zip ties.

They started walking towards us in a line as we continued our songs – the lyrics to which you can download at The armed thugs then stopped advancing and went back, perhaps aware that arresting people for singing might not look good on video.

After we finished, Nobody and I started to pack up to leave as Frank “Footloose” Sparks from Absolute Defiance approached the police again, demanding he be given a ticket for “picketing”. The police chief from Newfields indicated that he did indeed have a ticket for Footloose, but no one else. The armed man then threatened Footloose with kidnapping if he raised his voice – something Footloose is known to do as a normal state of talking. Then, they arrested him for asking a masked plainclothes state police agent to identify himself. The charge? Cops’ favorite catch-all for peaceful activists they don’t like: “Disorderly Conduct”. Here’s video of the event, which includes the arrest scene:

Footloose was taken to Newmarket PD and released on personal recognizance. His arraignment on the “disorderly” charge is Feb 25th, 8am at Exeter District Court in Brentwood, NH. Sununu continues to hide and run his gang in secret.

Stay tuned to for the latest.

NH’s Boogaloo Boys are Libertarians – Not White Supremacists or Right Wingers

Libertarian NH Boogaloo Boys

Libertarian NH Boogaloo Boys Demonstrate Outside NH State House

American mainstream news media has been reporting this weekend on the massive buildups of armed government goons at state houses across the United States. Expecting massive armed demonstrations of Boogaloo supporters, some of the state gangs locked down their capitol areas completely while others, like New Hampshire, took it easy and only had state troopers parked around and walking the state house property in pairs. By comparison, the New York Times said Massachusetts’ capitol had hundreds of officers wearing helmets and carrying batons.

However, around the country, barely anyone showed up. Some liberty activists said they wouldn’t attend because they believed the events were federal honeypots designed to gather information about freedom-lovers. Others foolishly believed that exercising their right to bear arms would mean their rights would be more likely taken from them. Luckily, in New Hampshire, five Boogaloo Boys showed up with rifles front slung. They were well-spoken and self-described as Libertarian, with one even talking about the Non Aggression Principle to the large number of reporters that were present.

One Boogalooer even educated the media people on gun safety and basics, with the photographers crazily shooting pictures when the Boogaloo Boy showed a magazine loaded with bullets. The news media was informed on the history of the Boogaloo – the name is based on the Eighties breakdancing movie “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo”, with the members describing their group as a real-life meme. They also explained the origin of their Hawaiian shirt dress code, which came about after social media sites started to crack down on any groups referencing Boogaloo. The social media crackdown on the term forced them to use code words that were similar, like “Big Igloo” or “Big Luau”, which naturally led to the shirts.

The Boys acknowledged there are also female Boogalooers and said they do not tolerate any white supremacists in the Boogaloo. Their signage and message was pro-peace. Despite describing themselves and their movement as mostly Libertarians, the New York Times reporter Ruth Graham still mislabeled them “far right” in her story. Concord Patch reporter Tony Schinella filed a more detailed report including video.

Vincent from Shire Free Media also filed this package showing excerpts of what was a lengthy discussion between the media and the Boogaloo Boys: